The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Asylum Part Two

 The Psychologist 

Alice woke the following day from a nightmare. She was seeing everyone at her school happy that she was gone. Yet they were bullying Matilda which made her upset. However there was nothing that she could do about it. She wished that there was something that she could do. However, as long as she was ill she could never do anything about it. She had to stay here, where she could do no harm.

The doors opened and the warden walked in with a plastic cup. In it were several different tablets. She gave them to her. She put them in her mouth and drank the water. Which helped her swallow them.

"You will be coming with me. There is someone I want you to meet."

"Alright. Thank you miss!" She said as she followed her to see a young man with her black hair with a white shine. With unreadable grey eyes.

"Hello, my name is Doctor McKenzie. You must be the Alice personality." 

"Yes sir."

"Tell me, what is your favourite colour?"



Her eyes lit up.

"Because it's pretty. Also it's what princesses all wear!".

"And you like princesses, do you?"

"Yes. I love them! I wish I was a princess, then get a handsome prince and get married! And then have lots and lots of children and live happily ever after!"

He smiled as she wrote something down.

"And what do you think of Jaden Narcissa?"

"I love her! Although, she has only just met me. I know that she has tried to protect me from all the bad guys of this town. But she couldn't. Yet I know it hurts her. I just hope that after all of this is over she will be alright and doesn't blame herself."

He wrote another thing down.

"And Matilda?"

"I feel sorry for her. After all, she had it worse. She was born here and was hurt and split like me and worse, she was split into two people. Yet she does frighten me. I know that she's different now that she's whole again. But I do love her. She's the only friend that I've ever had. But I can't get it out of my head what she did."

"And Danté?"

"Scary too."

"Right. Now what do you think about Alex?"

"She's scary but she acts too much like a guy. Why does she do that? Doesn't she know that she's a girl? Girls don't do what she does like wearing trousers and getting into fights."

"And Malice?"

"She's the most scary." She admitted as she started to shake.

"She kills and she seems to like it and it frightens me! Doesn't she know that it's bad? That it's wrong? Doesn't she know that it hurts people? If so, why doesn't she care? Even worse, she uses my hands to kill. She uses my voice to pick on them and I'm scared! I don't want to kill! I don't want to kill! I don't want to kill! I don't want to hurt others! I don't want to hurt others! I don't want to hurt others! I DON'T WANT THAT!"

She just broke down sobbing.

"What if she does care but chooses to hurt others to protect the ones that she cares about?"

"Well if that's the case, then I don't want her protection!"

He then scribbled something down.

"What's your favourite mythological creature?"

"A unicorn."


"Because it's pretty!"

"What's your favourite animal?"

"A bunny."


"Because they're cute!"

"Alright. You can go now."

"Thank you Sir."

She left and was led to the cafeteria, where she had breakfast. She then was returned to her cell, where she slept the rest of the morning.

Alex woke up. She felt hungry and well rested. She looked around and quickly realised where she was. She thought about what she should do. She knew that she should not escape, yet she could not shake the feeling that she should. She could almost sense that the people here would try to create a new personality. One that was completely obedient to whatever it was that they wanted her to do. Yet she knew that lying would not be a good idea either. 

So she waited to be collected and she soon was. She was taken to see Doctor McKenzie. She drank a glass of water before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hello. I'm Doctor McKenzie. You must be the Alex personality."

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Tell me, what's your favourite colour?"

"Why would you want to know that?"

"It will tell me a bit about you."

She rolled her eyes and nodded.



"Why does it matter?"

"Just satisfy my curiosity."

"Because it represents power. Not just power in general, but a mysterious and almost unknown power."

Did I give too much away?

"Interesting. And do you like mysterious power?" He asked as he scribbled something down.

"Yes. It's more interesting and alluring."

"What do you think of Jaden?"

"She's weak and needs to get strong. Yet, I can tell that she also needs to get some hope in her. So that she can do more and encourage her to get strong. After all, all of them started in a bid to get strong."

"And Matilda?"

"I like her but she too is weak. This is probably over the guilt she feels because of what she did as the twins. Honestly, she needs to forgive herself and learn to get over it. It was not her fault, after all."

"And Damté?"

"I think that he's doing his best, though he knows that it's not good enough. I can tell that he needs to train more. Although, he has been a good help. Got me out of situations when I needed rescuing. Yet, I guess I hated it too. After all, it would always remind me of my own weakness every time he rescued me. But that is not his fault. I'm weak and I hate it!"

He nodded as he scribbled down some notes. 

"What do you think about Alice?"

She sighed.

"She's far too pure and innocent for this world. Just the type of person to be eaten up by this world and spat out like strawberry gum. Honestly, she's weak and annoying."

"And Malice."

"I hate her. She is strong but she's far too evil for me to like her or want to have anything to do with her. As much as I loathe to admit it, she also scares me. She reminds me of all those that have tried to harm and manipulate since I entered this damn town!" She shouted, bashing her fist into the table causing a dent. 

He let out a deep breath as he gestured to her to sit back down. 

"Honestly if she was allowed to go free it would spell doom on this entire town. She is just too dangerous." She said, clutching her chains in her hand cuffs.

He nodded and wrote everything down. 

"What is your favourite mythological creature?"

"A dragon."


"They're cool, I guess."

"What's your favourite animal?"



"Because they're powerful. Yet the power they have only they can control. They can go anywhere and still be the one on top."

"Alright. You can go now."

"Good. 'Cause I'm hungry!"

She soon ate at the cafeteria and was taken to get some exercise that left her feeling tired. So when she returned to her cell she slept it all off.

Malice woke up. She was soon taken to the room. To her delight everyone seemed to fear her. It gave her a strange pleasure that she could not quite describe.

Then Doctor McKenzie walked in. Her first thought upon seeing him was.

He's quite handsome.

She looked at his hand and spotted that there was no ring.

Not married, that's good. I would very much like to kiss that face of his. No, I would like to do more than just kiss it. Yes, l would like to do a great many things to him. Then after I'm done I would very much like to make him cry and taste his salty tears.

"Hello my name is-"

"Doctor McKenzie. I know." She admitted as she let her eyes drop a little.

Upon looking back she liked his look of discomfort. Yet she wanted him to look even more uncomfortable. No, she wanted him to show her what fear looked like in his handsome face. She wanted to hear that soft, comforting voice beg him to stop while she makes him cry.

"You must be the Malice personality?"

"Yes I am and might I just say, Alice sees you as a pure hearted handsome prince. Alex sees you as a good man to talk to. Although none of them nor their memories do their face any justice." She said, licking her lip.

He guarded his emotions upon seeing this.

"What is your favourite colour?"



"It's the colour of both fire and blood."

You know, I would very much like to paint that face red.

He nodded scribbling something down. 

"And you like that?"

"No." She sighed whimsically. "I love it. Maybe I will show you later."

"Not appropriate."

"Who said I cared about that?"

He started to become pale. 

"What do you think about Jaden?"

"She's weak and that weakness will get her killed one day. After all, if she can't protect me, then how is she capable of saving herself?" 

"And Matilda?"

"Too good for her own good. Yet the thought just occurred to me. Wonder if I could end up like her? After all, Melinda did fall into the same traps that the girl fell into which led her to become the twins!"

"And Danté!" He said deadpan.

The corners of her mouth moved up. 

"Strong. He did the most to protect Melinda but unfortunately, even he had his limits. After all, I wouldn't be here if he was successful."

"Good point."

"What do you think about Alice?" He said as he started to feel the temp of the room slightly.

Her eyebrows met as she gave a frightful smile, almost like she was looking at a cute animal.

"She's adorable, innocent and sweet. I must keep her protected. No other person can. Then keep her isolated then turn her into one of my play things. I might turn you into one too." She joked.

He raised his eyebrow as he let out a laugh.

"And Alex?"

"She can take care of herself. She is strong, but not as strong as me."

"And what is your favourite mythological creature?"

"A werewolf!" She sang.


"Because they are vicious and terrifying. Yet their human form fears them so much that it is amusing." She sighed.

She then let out a chuckle as he started to sweat.

"And your favourite animal?"

"A wolf."

"Because it is unapologetically vicious when they are either hunting for or protecting their pack."

As he scribbled something down Doctor McKenzie felt the room was still getting hotter and hotter. He could feel that he had a coat of sweat. He looked at her again. She smirked knowingly as it continued getting hotter and hotter and hotter. It soon reached boiling point.

"They sure could cool it down." He said out loud as he pulled at his shirt and flapped back and forward to cool himself down.

"They are."


"They are cooling it down." She said, getting to her feet. "It's just useless to do so."


She chuckled as she walked over to him.

"Because my power is stronger. Much stronger."

He frowned. He had no time for games. Yet it became hotter and hotter. His face became red and he started to pant to cool himself down. Then, as he looked back at her, he noticed that she was completely unaffected by the heat.


Then he looked at the table to see that the chains and handcuffs had completely melted!

How? How?

He drew back and then raced to the door. His hand threw out and gripped the metal door handle. He let out a scream as he felt pain flared up and he looked down to her that his hand was burnt! He looked at her in horror.

"Cry for me."


"Cry for me."


She let out a whimsical sigh. Soon the heat and stress got to him. He then made out. Then Malice frowned.

"Oh! You were weak too! Such a shame. I really, really wanted to taste those tears." She moaned childishly.

Then his body succumbed to the heat. Soon the fire was lit and he became a pile of ash. 

She turned to the paper that he was writing on. She was about to reach out and grab it before she felt something in her neck. She pulled it out to see that it was a needle. Then she fell and all went black. 


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