Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Eleven


It was a whole week when they arrived at Dalane Lake. They had, by that point, been out of their supplies for a day before they arrived. They were all exhausted and were at their wits ends. So the moment that they saw the sparkling water they ran to it, their minds blinded by their hunger and thirst.

The moment that they reached the water they saw the lush crop of fish they smiled. The next thing that they noticed was just how clear it was and yet the whole plain was untouched by any scorch marks.

“Hey!” Doormaze called pointing at it all.

“I know.”

“It was the same with the spot that we were staying at. Some of the fire creatures saw that place they moved on, almost slightly scared. But we did not see anything wrong with the place.”

The girls nodded.

“So, time to drink.”

With that they lined up at the bank of the lake and drank in as much as they could. Then they refilled their water skins. After, they threw out a line.

“How many should we get?”

“As many as we can. After all, who knows when we will get to a place like this next?”

“Good point.”

So Coalmine caught the first fish and put it in the bowl. Doormaze caught the second. This was followed by Burn. Soon they were catching fish left, right and centre! Yet during this time Doormaze took the time to enjoy her time and relax and enjoy the peace. It was quite quiet and her mind was also. She found that her breath was soft and she fell into a dreamlike state of mind as she felt her mind organise her thoughts.

You know, this is quite nice. When was the last time I had ever experienced this last?

I don’t think that I have ever have done.

I like this so I think that I should take the time to fully enjoy it.

You know, I would have never thought that I would be here doing all of this, seeing all of this.

Yeah…Who knew that this started with just talking about my dreams with my foster mother, who turned out to be my older sister.

She then glanced at Coalmine with an excited grin.

She’s gonna freak when she finds out I met my uncle and to top that off I was able to do it with my twin sister! I can’t wait to see her face!

I’m gonna ask her do the pick my out thing. Just to see if she can pick me out!

Wouldn’t my eyes and ear give me away?


But I still can’t wait to reunite my entire family and we can live happily ever after! 


At this she could feel her excitement rising as she looked at the lake.

I can’t wait for that! Nor can I wait to feel my nice warm bed. I’m so gonna hug my sheets and my pillows. Yeah and then me, Coalmine and Burn will break it by bouncing on it.

She even started to see it. Her, Coalmine and Burn laughing their socks off as they all jumped up and down. Doing what friends do.

“You know, you two are the first friends I have ever had.” She said out loud.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Back when I grew up in the orphanage I never was the popular one. No, I was the one that would be bullied on a daily basis due to my eye and ear.”

Coalmine looked at her with wide eyes, stunned.



She returned to the water.

“I always thought that you were the popular one.”

“No. That was Kai. The one that-”

Suddenly her mind cast back to the kiss that he planted on her lips. She found herself smiling shyly as she felt hot in her cheeks.

“What is it?”

“I think someone ha-ah-s a crush!”

“Oh come on! I barely knew that he liked me like that. After all, he was the popular boy and it was Natalie, the popular girl, that I thought that he would end up with. And the only time he let me know about this live was when he kissed me before I left.”

“But you do love him.”

“I-I don't know. I mean he is striking but, I guess that I have been too busy to think about it.”

“Still, doesn’t wipe that longing look off your face!”

“What longing look?”

“The one that shows it.”


“You’re redder than a tomato. And that is not the heat!”

At this she looked at them shocked. Yet she looked to the side as her shoulders moved forward. Suddenly the image of him and her at the aisle, looking at each other in their wedding gear, making their vows l, filled her heart with such joy and excitement that she could not explain. She could feel that getting there, to spend the rest of her life with him, just gave her a sense of something good that she did not have the words to describe it.

You know what, the moment that I return, I am going to return the favour.

“Yeah…I guess that I do.”


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