Doormaze Drage The Orange World Final Part
Saying Goodbye
“Thank you.” She spoke long after she had calmed down.
That was when she heard metal coming to them. She looked up, preparing for a fight but when the doors barged open, she saw that it was all the men that she had fought by and women from the spot. Yet the moment they saw the dead sorcerer in the room, they looked at the girls slightly bashful.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, slightly stumped.
“Well, ur, we came to help. But it seems that we did not arrive in time.”
“No. But-”
“Oh come on! Did you really think we would let you fight him all on your own?”
“N-no. But-”
“Well, you did go alone but you did not see us nor did we tell you what we were doing. So you did do what he said.”
“So what now?”
“Burn the body.”
“Why? Do you want me to get it?”
“No. I meant-”
“I know what you meant. I thought that I would just bring some levity. Looks like it didn’t work.”
“I guess not.”
At this they all laughed.
One of the men took the body and they walked down to the bottom and kept the pace. They collected some firewood and Coalmine set it on fire and placed the body on the pyre.
As they looked at it, Doormaze felt odd. She felt a sense of satisfaction but it was one that she was unsure that she liked. After all, she just could not tell if this was good or if this was the start of her journey to become just like him. After all, she found she did like fighting and she did like it when she brought all those bad guys to justice. She did not know if it was good to indulge in these emotions.
She felt that if she kept on this path, she was going to end up on the pyre in another world, not even being able to save herself or her father, her sister nor Kai. She was terrified that she would never see them again nor would she resolve her and Kai.
But still, I don’t have the time to think about this right now. I have to think about that lost piece.
So, after he was ashes, she went through the whole place to find out where it was as the whole island broke out in celebrations with the beating of drums with wind music as everyone danced in their own way and for their own age. But regardless of how hard or where they looked they just could not find it. So they looked down at the ashes. Only to see that there was something silvery there in them. So they reached in and took it out to see that it was the shard.
“So, you found it?”
“Think that we should go down to enjoy the music?”
“Sure, why not?”
“We need to get to the next world or are we forgetting the fact that you’re on a time limit?”
“Oh, yeah, you’re right. Good thinking Coalmine!”
“So say our goodbyes and leave?”
So they went throughout the camp and said their goodbyes and spotted the piece in place, leaving for the next world that would change their dynamic forever…
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