The Nine Dragons The Dragon Of Death Part One
Loc appeared in a dark place. The land was covered in darkness and the sky was covered by a large dark grey cloud that seemed to have no end. She saw nothing but bones of all creatures of the sky and land all around her along with other creatures of the long since dead.
She walked on, her footsteps echoing throughout the emptiness. She quite liked the silence at first, but as she walked on, she found it rather creepy. She walked and walked and walked and still found no one. She wondered why she had not bumped into a single person. Yet, looking at the dry soil she could tell why.
Was all of this the dragon? She wondered as she turned down one path only to be met with more empty houses. She went the opposite way only to find more and more of these empty homes. During this time she saw a small castle-like structure with several small towers. In front of it was a plaque
The Library Of
Philosteira Tenpol
I’m guessing…She walked right up to the door and soon opened it. She walked in to see that inside that none had touched this place in a long time. She knew that this would not take that long so she picked up the nearest book. She looked down and read it.
It had been three years since the dragons arrived and none
seems to brave it. All that have tried to slay them have died.
At this she raised her eyebrow as she read on and on and all of them were roughly the same, only documented cases of those that sent themselves to slay the dragons only to fail. So she read book after book that recorded similar events but all led to the exact same outcome. That was until she came to the last book.
The land here has died since Mort Draco arrived. Our poor young
and infants have all died. The next were the sickly and injured.
Soon the women took their lives and the rest of the aged have all
died too.
She turned the last page of writing.
All the men are dead. Most starved to death. I too am starving and
on the verge of death. If there are no more pages then I am most
definitely dead too. Honestly, I do not even know why I am writing
Loc closed the book. She noticed that she was hungry. She wondered how much time had passed. She looked outside. It seemed impossible to tell the time here in this land. She looked down and noticed that she was thinner than she was when she arrived here. She also noticed that she must have been so engrossed in all the books her mind did not register when she needed to eat.
She walked up to her bag and pulled out a piece of meat. She quickly ate it until her stomach was satisfied. Then she looked at the empty library, knowing that it was time to leave this place.
She travelled on and on. She soon came to a village, all the houses were made of grey stone and all had roofs that had long since fallen. She kept quiet to listen but she heard nothing, not even the sound of a bird in the air or a fly buzzing. She walked as she looked down street after street and after and road after road. She did not see one house that stood intact. She knocked on the long-since rotten door after another long since rotten door but none answered. She walked on one and saw nothing but rotten collapsed wood and clothing. She walked into room after room to see that they were in the exact same condition. She did this until she had covered the whole village and found not one building was occupied, not even with flies.
You know, since I came here, I have not seen one bug or living thing. Not even a wild animal.
Knowing that she was not going to see anyone there she took a nap and the following day she left the dead village. She soon walked on and on and on. She then came to a town, by which point she was extremely tired as she had not eaten all day, she dared not to. So she took a nap. The following day she entered the town. She looked to the left to see that there was a rotten sign post.
Iifertnoii? What type of name is that?
That was when she saw the line between the two Is. Then she understood when she looked down.
P O I U I_ A T I O I I
So one? She thought only to be met with more like the village. In fact there was not a building with their door intact! However, as she went from house to house she looked for any food only to be met with nothing. All the food was either long since dried soil or nothing but bond. So she looked for clothes but there was nothing left that she could use. Yet she still decided to sleep there and left the barren town.
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