Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Fifteen

 Journey To An 

Orange Forest 

They left the men and centre of the island and started to make their way to the spot highlighted on the map. Doormaze looked at the map.

“So, where are we heading?”

“According to this, Orange Forest.”

They nodded as they looked at the margin.

It is the one with orange leaves!

“Orange leaves?! That sounds beautiful.” She gasped as she thought in her mind’s eye she saw the trees with bright earthy orange leaves. Yet she pictured that even the grass was the same colour too. She looked up at the golden sky and the bright pale orange clouds. She added this to her mental image, which made the image look even more beautiful.

So they walked on and on and on. They looked at the map every now and again, just to make sure that they were on the right track. They took a break to eat. Once they were satisfied, they moved on.

They soon came to an orange field, it had green grass that was hidden by the bright orange flowers with a red centre.

They looked down at the map and spotted the next spot. This was across the field. Yet the best spot to get there was to get to a long and winding staircase. So they walked over the flowers. The first thing that they noticed was the scent of oranges. Which made their mouths water a bit. Yet, regardless of how much they wanted to, they could not stop to see if the flowers tasted like them too as they had to get out of this universe. So they walked on and on and on. Yet as they did their mouths became waterier and waterier until they had to spit out their saliva to prevent it from drooling all over the place.

Yet the moment they arrived at the staircase, they noticed that they had far too much to climb in one go. So they ate their food and soon walked on. Yet, as they all climbed the stairs, they noticed that they were all crooked and uneven. Then the lack of a banister soon became the second.

“So will we go this way?”

“Don’t have a choice. I suppose we could let it!”

“‘Leg it’!”

“Run up it.”


“Right, then I think I could-” Coalmine went to fly, only to be slammed down. If Doormaze and Burn were not there, she would have had a serious injury.

“Looks like we can’t fly!”

“No. Looks like we’re going to have to leg it as Doormaze would say.”

So they ran up and up until they came to a sudden and sharp turn. Which led to even more stairs. So they ran up higher and higher. Soon got the first of the stairs and soon the sun started to set and then set up camp. They ate the food and just fell asleep. Soon after they woke up early in the morning to see a cliff face next to them.

“Was that there before?”

“Yes. It was just hidden by the darkness.”

So they climbed up the rest of the stairs. Then they climbed up to the top then they ate breakfast.

“So, up there!” Called a voice inside their heads.

So they walked up and on. They walked and walked for a few days until they came to a lake. Which was wide and helt only one boat. On it it said.

Mozy On Up The River

So they did and soon the river led them up and they soon docked in front of a forest with trees that had maroon bark and bright orange leaves.


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