Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Thirteen

 A Journey To Fire

They rapidly moved on and on. They all kept their eyes on the shore. They all knew that they did not have time to think about what was going to happynor how to get away. No, they all had to focus upon the plan. After all, one second spent on thinking on anything else was one second of delay to what they needed to happen. They all had to get to the place before the tsunami came. Yet as they moved on and on, Doormaze looked on and was the first to see it. The humanoid figure made of fire and she closed her eyes out of dread.

She opened her eyes as she saw it only to see a blast of fire coming at her. She dived out of the way. She was about to open her mouth but it sent another blast at her causing her to dive out of the way again. She saw a third one coming at her. She dodged out of the way. She flicked out her finger to the creature.

The rest were able to see it but it was too late to run away as it was already upon them. She saw another jet stream racing at her. Coalmine shot out a blast of fire, putting it out. Yet as soon as she did they looked on only to see another coming at her. Coalmine blocked it again. Yet, upon the third time the creature shot a second right at her! Coalmine only just dodged out of the way and sent a blast of fire at it.

This caused the creature to dodge out of the way. Yey it let out a stream of it’s own. Coalmine had to dodge out of the way when she only just saw more coming at her. Soon she was constantly dodging out of the way.

Soon Doormaze felt utter horror as her sister dodged and dodged. Yet the horror increased and it seemed that the fire creature was getting faster and faster and faster! She looked at Burn who looked at it and nodded. Soon she tried to use her magic to wet the creature but it did not do a thing. She looked at it in confusion.

I need water! Doormaze thought desperately with all her will.

Soon her hands started to feel moist. At first, she thought that it was sweat. Only for the moisture to increase. Soon her hands were sopping wet! She looked down to see that her hands were coated with water. So she looked at it and pushed the water at it and soon it caused smoke to rise.

It turned back to her as she pushed more and more and more. This caused it to become smaller and smaller and smaller. Soon it became nothing more than a flame which was quickly put out.



“The dragons. I asked them for the power to fight against those things!’



“Anyway, good for you. Can we get on now?”


So they marched on and on. They all kept up a good pace. They knew that they had less time to focus upon what they had just done. After all, they had to go on and on. She wanted to talk about what had just happened but that would be just wasting energy which could be used on going on and on. She made sure that she kept up the pace with the men. She kept her focus upon the castle that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger but this all going far too slow than any of them liked. Yet all of them were working up a sweat. Yet even when her clothes started to cling to her body like the young of sloths clinging to its mother, she kept going. She did not complain once. She pushed herself on and on and on. She knew that none of the other girls wanted to hold up the men. Especially after they all came to help them. This was what Doormaze was grateful for.

That was when shesae another one or two of the fire creatures. Yet as soon as it saw her, she dodged and she focused upon summoning the water. She saw the fire of another to her right. She only just got out of the way. Only for the tips of her hair to be singed. She looked onward and saw the next one, she dodged, she saw another one coming at her, shd dodged. Then she saw the other fire creature to the right.

She summoned her water and blasted it at that one only to see the other one throw a fireball at her. She dodged out of the way and blasted it with water. Yet, as she did that, her shoulder was hit!

Instantly she cried out in pain, clutching the shoulder. She could feel herself crying out but she knew that he had no time for this. Not with that tsunami on its way! So she pushed herself to use pain to make herself angry. So she was able to push it and flung out a powerful blast of water at it. Then at the other one.

Yet she bit her lip to stop herself from crying further.

“Are you alright?”

“Does it matter? W-we need to move on!” She growled, getting on her feet. Soon she took one step after the other. She kept her eyes on the castle.

“We could stop and attend to that.”

“We do that when we are at the castle. That’s the important thing.”

They all looked at her, shocked.

“How old are you?”

“Fifteen. Why?”

“How do you -”

“I’ve been through a lot in the past few months. So are you all coming? Or are you just gonna sit there like dummies?”

At this they laughed.

“Hey! We’re not going to be shown up by a group of girls!”

“Yeah! Me neither!”

“Nor me!”

“Or me!”

“I think none of us will ever let that happen!”

“So what are we waiting for?”

Soon they were moving on and on, even faster than before. Yet it was when they could see the part where the castle walls met the ground, that they could see the tsunami in the far distance of the horrison.

That was the moment that they saw another fire creature. Yet, without a moment’s hesitation, she blasted it with water and soon they reached to the castle.


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