Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Seventeen

 The Fight Of Temptation 

“You were expecting us?”

“Of course!” He sang. “I was expecting you for a year. That man told me. He said ‘three will bring justice to the evil that you have brought upon your home!’ So, I guess, that you’re those three.”

He took a moment to look at Coalmine.

“What man?”

“The Great Being Incarnate. The only one never created but exists nevertheless.”

“Impossible. That’s a myth.”

“But he isn’t. I could tell that, by the moment I looked into his eyes. After all, the moment that I did, my heart became still and, as my mind flooded with fear, I felt my life start to leave my body.”

“So? Spells and enchantments can do that.”

“The only reason that I am here is because I fainted.”

They nodded as he shrugged.

“So, if I was going to die anyway, I might as well take as many down with me as I can. So I set up my incompetent apprentice for the fall and I ordered all my creations of fire to kill all they saw. Then come here, waiting for you to appear.”

“And what about those places that were not touched by your evil?”

“Those were protected by him. I don’t know how he did it l, but he was able to put a ring of protection over them.” He laughed.

“Guess that he wanted to keep them all safe from you.”

“No matter! No matter! After all, once I am done with you three I will be killing the rest too.”


At this he bellowed out a laugh.

“Do you know what it’s like, to experience the dark joy that the darkness brings? Have you never tasted the fruit of enjoying the kill, to hear their dying screams? Do you?”

“No.” Doormaze snapped.

His eyes glanced at her and the other two girls.


At this she frowned.

“No. I’m telling you the truth.”

He let out a laugh like he was empathizing.

“Well one of you knows you have but, I must say, I was where you are. I too tasted it and was disgusted and in denial of how much I loved it. Say, what are your names? I like knowing the names of those I kill.”

“Doormaze Drage.”

“Coalmine Drage.”

“Burn Rosebush.”

“Ormay Yan Amberoth.”

“Doesn’t matter. We will still take you down.”

“Ho! Ho! Ho!”

At this he smiled a wide and wild smile filled with aggression.

“I’d like to see you try!”

At this he dived at them. Doormaze sent out a squirt of water. Yet he quickly stopped that. Yet as soon as he did Coalmine blasted her fire at him. Then Burn used her magic to push against his but this too did not work. He spun and then pushed the fire and water into each other like a tornado combined each other’s attacks. Then, the next moment, he was behind Coalmine he dropped his palm into her back and she flung on. Then he dived to Burn and flicked his hand to her stomach but she jumped back. Then dived on then thrust her fist to his face. Yet he dove his fist into her gut.

Then Doormaze’s just came out of nowhere and landed the first I to his cheek. He looked at her as she landed another and another and another. Keeping it up, she went left, right, left, right, left, right, left as fast as she could, not daring to stop for one moment. That was when she felt slightly tired in her arms so she flicked up to his chin. Then she drove her head into his nose. She then pulled back and flicked her foot into his loins. She drove her fisg up into his upper abdomen.

Then she felt pain run throughout her left eye and face. The next moment the right side of her face hit the floor followed by the rest of her body. Then she felt a pain that was pins and needles on steroids shooting throughout her body stemming from her stomach. She cried out in pain then it stopped. But only for a moment before she was feeling it again. Only for it to stop and flare up again and again and again like waves. By the time he stopped her body felt like her body was back in the inferno. Yet she still only just managed to blast him with water only to see clumsily shoot up and he stopped it before she felt another wave of pain.

She then dived back as her arms and legs started to twitch. Yet Coalmine let out a blast of fire and it hit him. He flung close to Burn. She let out a hand to blast him with her magic only for him toflick out his hand like a strike of a snake and gripped her wrist and drove the blast upwards. This caused the roof to crumble around them.


Yet when the dust cleared they saw Burn in front of Ormay with his hand on her throat! He had his other arm around the rest of her body. They looked at her stunned as his hands became tighter. 

Coalmine opened her mouth.

“Ah, ah, ahh! One wrong move and I could snap her neck!”

At this both girls glared at him with anger in her heart. She wanted to kill him at that moment. She knew that she had to look away, just in the case she killed Burn accidentally.

“Good girl. Keep that look on your face. Tell me, wouldn’t you just love to kill me? Would you not want to do more than just kill me right now?”

This shocked her. Suddenly she realised that he was right. Shd did want to do more than just kill him. She wanted to make him pay for all of what he had done. And pay up with interest. Yet what strick her with utter horror was the fact that she knew that she would like it. This is what she did not want to do. She did not want to know that he was right, that he was making sense. She wanted to pretend that she was not what he said she was or would be.

No, no, no! I don’t want to be just as evil as him!

Ahh! I don’t like all of this! I don’t like this rage, I don’t like him! I want to get rid of this side of me! I want to get rid of all of this evil! I don’t want to feel all of this…this….this dark joy! I don’t want to entertain it, I don’t even want to have to acknowledge it at all!

But I do! I do have it.

Well if I do, at least I can use it to aid this world, and any other of this evil!

“Burn, keep your eyes closed and don’t you dare open them until I say.” 

She did and her eyes moved to him with such a murderous rage that it gave him chills. Then he smirked as he suddenly realised that he wanted this too. He wanted to unleash this side of her into gjr rest of the multiverse, knowing that, through this, he would have the greatest impact on the rest of the worlds out there. He would have an impact on the girl so he would die with victory and she would know it.

Doormaze did not want to give him this satisfaction so she looked at Coalmine and calmed down and she looked back at her. Then at Burn. She glanced at this and seemed to know, instinctively, what she was thinking. She gave them a look, telling them that she was ready. So Coalmine shot fire at him. He let go and Burn used her magic to stop the fire from hurting her. Then she rolled down and out of his arms. Before he could recover she reached Doormaze.

“I will attack him first, Burn, can you use your magic to make the water boil?”

She nodded. She smirked before she wiped it off her face as she turned to her twin.

“Once he dodges, you blast fire at him.”

She nodded.

So she saw him and sent out a blast of water at him, Burn used her magic to boil it, he ducked and Coalmine sent out a blast of fire at him. She sent more water to his stomach. Burn boiled it. It hit and then he dodged to the right and Coalmine hit him. He was dragged back and looked at them as his hair was singed. He put out the fire then glanced at Burn with a smirk. He then sent a blast of fire at her. She caught it with a blast of water. This blocked it and steam flared from the part where it met.

That was when he went to hit her directly and she pushed out a blast of ice cold water at him. Yet that was when the first blast of fire passed her. Burn only just dodged it. Yet Doormaze knew that she did not have the time for relief. She kept all of her focus on the man. Yet that was when Coalmine hit him. Doormaze drew out her blade and dived forward.

He pulled out his own. Their blades met. She looked at him in fury. Yet he looked at tf with a smile of victory. She knew that she did not have the time to care about this at this point. No, she needed to push on. She needed to vanquish this for once and for all. She had to for all that came before. She had to for, she knew, that if she did not, then there would be nothing to stop him from more and more of those fire creatures and all that they did would be for nothing. This just could not happen.

So she drove all her force into his toes and the moment his strength broke, she drove her blade up, slashing his throat and jaw in a vertical line. He staggered back and looked at her in amazement. Yet all he could do was whisper a chuckle as he choked on his blood. After all, there was nothing to stop it now. There was nothing to save this girl from ending up like him. The true beast had been unleashed.

Yet this did nothing but drive Doormaze to anger. She went to drive her blade to his throat, but Burn and Coalmine gripped her wrist. She looked at them.

“The battle is over.”

She frowned as she looked at them. Her eyes wounded as she looked in shock and horror and ice filled her. Her eyes dropped to the smiling dead body.

I did it! I actually did it! I almost became what he wanted me to become! I almost took my first step to become like him!

At this she tensed up and cried and cried until she was weeping and weeping. The girls wrapped their arms around her as she wept on their shoulders.


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