The Nine Dragons The Serpent Dragon Part Three

 The Boa Army

Loc was working hard in the field. It was getting to evening time. She had found that she liked working there as a farmer. There was just something so satisfying in doing hard work and made the food taste better and she slept better too. She could see herself doing this for the rest of her life however long that would be, yet she knew that she could not. Regardless of how much she liked the village and the people there. She had noticed that the people there looked almost like the people in her world just without any pupils and they were weaker too. She also noticed that despite this, they were all hard working and nothing was eaten until they had done their work.

During this time she had completely recovered her whole energy and strength from all of the battles that she had on that day. She had also been able to gather her thoughts and psychology recovered and was able to have her time of mourning her losses from her rebellion. Yet she found that this might have been due to the life there being simple and quiet compared to the lives she had lived in her world and the one that she had come from.

She looked up and she saw another group of serpentine creatures. Yet they had longer and thicker necks and they were bigger than the last group. Their scales looked like they were made of wood. They then charged on and on as they descended on the village. She, instinctively, knew what to do. She saw how many there were and looked back at Kan. She quickly ran to him.

“Is it alright if I get blood on this?”

“What blood will you be putting on it?”

She pointed the scythe to the Boa Army and he nodded.

“As long as you be careful.”

“I will.”

“And don’t let them know where you got that from.”

“I won’t.”

They all ran to their homes as she charged at them. She reached the first one before they could get even close to the village. She slashed at the three in the front like she cut down the crops. Then she went to the two to the right and whipped their heads to her. She spun out of the way and sliced their heads off. 

Then she saw a blade coming at her. She ducked and sliced and flicked the scythe in the opposite direction of the blade, slicing the head off. The blade flew in the air and she quickly dodged out of the way and it hit the one that had come behind her and was about to stab her. She then pulled it out and she quickly met the blade of the next one to the right. She pushed the head of her scythe to the head and it was soon off.

Then she felt a bite. She looked to the right as she felt the neck of one of them around hers. As he tightened the grip she stabbed the one that bit her. Yet it tightened and tightened. She was about to stab him too until she was pulled in the air and she felt it becoming tighter and tighter. Soon she could not breathe. She dropped her weapons. She hit the throat again and again and again,  it did nothing. She could feel her head pounding. Almost like there was a giant heart in her head that wanted to break out of her skull. Then she dug her nails into the neck as she scratched and scratched. He let go when she took chunks out of the neck. He held his bloody throat. She picked up her scythe and severed the head.

She then looked on to see some of then running towards the village. She raced to the village. She raced to the nearest one to her and slashed the head off before she ran on. She saw one in front of her. She ran on and the head was soon rolling as she passed by. She ran on and on and on. Then another rose near her. She flicked to the left. Then the next one to the right. She ran on and soon reached the ones that were about to reach the village.

She jumped and slashed down before the nearest one could reach the village. She looked to her left to see the army still charging at the village. She ran to the nearest one. She soon slashed and slashed and slashed. Then as she took her scythe and, as the spark rose as her and his weapons skimmed. She lit it and this time drove the fire forward. Soon the fire moved into his face.

So using fire in this world is easier to use than the last one.

She tried this again but it failed.

So I need a spark in this world.

She then slashed to the left and then to the right. She felt a blade plunged into her side. She drove the scythe up into the one that stabbed her. She then drove it up to the right and to the felt again. She winced as she felt the itching in her side as it started to heal. Yet she pushed on and thee to four heads. Then five more.

Then she looked up and on to see that the army was now dead.

Was that it? She thought as she felt slightly disappointed.


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