Scar The Mythos Puros Part Three

 The Hunt 

Scar threw her bag in her back. It had been a week since she obtained her detective licence yet her life had hardly died down. She has seen her face in the news and the papers seemed to have sensationalised it into having her still having to deal with the heartbreak and how she was still struggling to get by. Yet only part of that was true, yet even that was not as bad as the papers made it out to be. In fact, she had covered a good amount of cases, not as hard as her official first, so that helped take her mind off things. Although, despite her disappointment, they were nothing compared to that. Yet all she found both challenging and fun. Mainly because they were all about finding missing pets, finding the origin of some pets from the shelters and others were just, pety easy to solve thefts. One of her cases involved finding a missing cat that she had found in the cat owner’s home, just to have her litter.

She walked to her house. Yet she was stopped before she made it halfway home by a man that she recognized as the one that gave her her hat.

“Hay! It’s you!” She exclaimed as she pinched her hat.

He smiled.

“See you remember me?”

“How could I forget? You saved me from those witches!”

He chuckled.

“I see that you certainly have the reputation, Scarborough!” He remarked, showing her the papar. “‘The young and heartbroken Detective Scar has taken down the remanence of the organisation Evil Organisation with nothing but her wits and vengeance after her mother (adopted) Charlotte Cox was murdered by them. Who knows if she will ever be okay!’”

She let out a sigh as she cringed.

“Blowing it out of proportion.” She moaned. “So why’re you here? Is it about becoming a Night Hunter?”

She could feel her heartbeat with excitement. She was now a detective and now she was going to become a Night Hunter and maybe she would have someone in her life that would look after her. Then she would no longer have to worry about the danger of falling into the foster system and getting adopted by someone who would use and abuse her.

“In a manner of speaking.” He said as he took out a gun, his eyes looking at her with nothing but ice. “If I had known what a Mythos Puros was then I would have taken you in a long time ago.”

She felt a hand on her throat as her heart started to sink. Her eyes closed in dread and to stop herself from starting to cry.

I knew that would bite me some time.

“Are-are you here to kill me?” She asked sullenly.

“With that or take you in.”

She nodded as she realised that it hardly mattered what she chose, she would die either way. After all, it would only be a matter of time until they ‘would come to the conclusion’ that she was ‘too dangerous’ to be alive. 

Why did this have to happen now? Can’t I have a break?

She quickly turned around and ran. She heard a gun fire behind her. She felt the pain in her back. She let out a scream as she looked back for a moment. Yet she knew that she could not stop for one second. She then heard the gun fire behind her again. It hit the back of her arm. This caused her to start to run in zig zags, diving at random moments. She looked back as she started to feel the tears starting to fall. She saw that he was almost on her tail. She threw off her bag and threw it at him before he could fire at her again. 

She hit his hand and, upon realising that was where her keys were, she ran back up to him and got it. She, as fast as she could, kicked him in the face before he could respond. She flicked out her hand and took the gun and ran. She quickly threw it in the nearest bin she could see.

She then ran down an alley and turned left as the tears streamed down her face. She quickly turned right before she could be seen. She soon heard him chasing her. She looked down to see a can of beer on the ground. She picked it up and threw it at him. She then quickly ran on and took a shortcut through a fence. She could feel her heart, lungs and legs screaming at her to stop but she knew that she could not afford to. She soon spotted a row of trees and climbed one, hoping that she could drop in on him and knock him out. 

Then she felt a hand around her ankle. She went to kick him in the face again. He caught her foot. She brought her fusts down right on the head. He let go and she collapsed as she was able to strike him in the head causing him to follow as both landed on the ground. She quickly kicked him in the throat, causing him to cough. She got up and went to run but she fell. She hit her head. She quickly got up again only to feel a punch in the jawline. She flew into the bark of the tree. Then rolled down. She picked up a log nearby. She saw him above her and whacked him on the head as hard as she could.

She then hit him again and again and again. He slumped over, she could tell that hebwas still alive but knocked out. She took a moment as she cried and panted. She saw him move for a moment. She shook as she forced herself to get up and she ran and ran weeping. 

Then, in her blur of tears, sje saw more people coming at her; they all raised their guns at her. Quickly she hid behind a tree that was nearby. 

I wish that I kept that gun! She thought as her lungs gasped for breath that it could not get enough of as her mind became painfully alert. She felt herself shaking and she could no longer feel her face.

Why? Why won’t they just leave me alone? Why is this even happening?

Then she felt another bullet hit her in the side of the leg. She looked back to see that there were several holes in the trunk! She quickly looked up and dived to another tree. She looked down to see a bit of rubble in front of her from the building that was being dismantled. She quickly whipped it up. She looked behind to see the nearest one coming at her and threw it at him. She dived at another and ran as she threw it at another. She quickly dived at the nearest tree.

She felt her mind becoming dizzy as her energy levels were dropping rapidly. However, she knew that she could not stop. Not if she wanted to live. She had to push on as hard as she could. She forced herself to climb the tree that she was hiding behind. She got up as fast as she could. When she did, the tree fell. She went to jump onto the next one but that too fell.

She hit the ground as she saw the guns in her face. She felt her heart dink as all went black 


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