Scar The Mythos Puros Part Five

 Mother And Father 

Scar was woken by a swinging of the door opening. She looked up, hoping that all of this was a dream only to see Morana and Alex standing over her. She drew herself in. She found that she was so cold that she could not feel her arms and her head felt light as she had lost a great deal of blood. Alex pulled out a knife and slit the rope. Her arms slumped and her hunger was beginning to become painful.

“Get up.” Morana snapped, coldly.

She, weakly, got to feet. Even though she could feel herself shaking all over. She felt like she was already dead. However, she fell for a moment. Yet Morana had to pull up and suddenly thrust her fist into her gut. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, freking a great deal of nausea.

“Get up.”

She nodded slowly. She pushed through the pain as she got to her feet. She could feel her jaw clench but she said nothing. She knew better than to say anything.

“Come.” She said as she walked out of her cell.

Silently, she followed. She bowed her head as she felt her body shake. Yet the cold did nothing to help. She soon walked to the door. Morana opened the door and gestured for her to go out. She silently followed her to her desk and she opened the door for her. She walked in and was greeted by a heat that was slightly painful.


She nodded as she walked up to a chair that had padding but no cushion. She saw that there were two, one at either end and opposite each other. She sat in one and she looked down at the pale blue carpet and her eyes flicked to a photograph of Morana and a man, who were smiling and in their arms were two babies that were smiling.

“I am sure that you are both wondering why I have brought you two here.” She said as she placed the photograph face down.

Scar nodded but said nothing.

“Well, I am trying to think of the right words that I should say.”

She waited as she looked aside. She could hear her own heat in her head. She clenched her stomach as she tried not to draw too much attention to herself. This was a tactic she developed during the time with the Scarborough Witches.

“Morana, what is it?”

She put her hand out.

“Tell me, what have you been told about your parents?”

“The witches told me that they were dead and they handed me over to them. Though it was probably a lie.” She said, dryly.

She nodded.

“It was.”

She felt her eyes light up even though she forced herself to keep up her guard.

“Thought so. So where- where are they?” She whispered.

Her eyes looked at her and then Alex.

“I admit that I told a lie once.”

Alex’s eyes widened with fury. He then looked at Scar and he too was on the verge of tears.

“You mean…the child…. Why?”

“The chf lived, yes. And, yes, she is the child.”

Her eyes widened as she felt tears coming. Yet she closed her eyes and looked away.

They’re my parents.

“What! Why didn’t you tell me?! I could have rescued her and we could have been-”

“No. And, yes, we are the ones that conceived of you. Yes I am the one that gave birth to you.”

She felt her tears fall. Despite herself, she felt a burst of joy in her yet she tried not to show it. She could feel a flicker of a smile on her lips and her eyes could not mask her hope as she thought of a life with her. Yet she knew that there was a catch.

“What! Morana, why did you not tell me?! I could have-”

“Because she will only be a reminder of our darkest period of our lives. A living reminder of that time when we were the prisoners of those witches and I didn’t want that.” She said as she took out a gun. “Now, I will get rid of all reminders of that today.”

Her heart sank.

She wants to kill me.

She saw the gun pointing at her. She felt the shock and sorrow choke her almost like it was trying to strangle her to death. She looked down as she felt a scream rise in her head. One that was useless to let out.

“No! W-”

No, I already know. She realised as she felt her jaw tense as she bit her lip.

“I see that you have our intelligence. So, you know what this means?”

“Please don’t!” She snapped with a high pitched voice.

The hammer was drawn back and she shook her head. She felt herself shaking all over. She just could not stop herself from breaking down and weeping. It took all that she had within her to look up and at the trigger.

“Don’t worry, it will be over soon.”

She fell out of the chair as the gun fired. She ran to the door. Only to see that it was locked. She then jumped as there was another bang. She looked back.

I’m gonna die here!

She saw her fire another shot. I hit her side, the bullet dug deep into it. Her legs collapsed underneath her.

Alex then pulled out a hand and pulled her away as his arms hit. He then dashed to her and took hold of her wrist. She took hold of the barrel and hit him.

“Get out of my way, Alex!”

“I’m not going to allow you to kill our daughter!”

She clenched her teeth as she pointed the gun at him. She was shaking as she pulled. Yet Alex pushed her arm out of the way. She then uppercut him in the throat. He staggered back slightly. Yet he was able to stay on his feet. She then fired at Scar. It seemed as if time slowed down and she moved out of the way.

She then ran at her and pulled out a knife. Yet there were tears in her eyes too. She dodged out of the way yet she felt the knife cut her arm. She saw the gun and dodged out of the way. But she was cut.

She knew that she needed to do something, yet she did not know how to respond. She quickly pushed the gun up. She slashed her lower chest. She let out a scream as she was whacked away.

She saw that her vision became blurry and her head became lighter. She moved back as she fell into Alex’s hands. He picked her up and kicked Morana in the stomach. She flew back and the door opened. Both of them ran out and were grabbed by the creepy one. He threw them at a car and threw the keys to it.

“Here! You two go now!”

They frowned.

“Just don't disappoint me!” He sang as he blew them a kiss.

They looked at him with a mixture of confusion and disgust. Yet both knew that neither had the time to focus upon that. So they ran to the car and sat in the front seats. They both buckled in and they were soon off.

As they drove on, Morana came out.

“Stop-” She shouted before he knocked her out.

“Are you-”

His face relaxed as his eyes narrowed.

“Of course not.”

She looked away

“That was the second time you saved me. Thank you.”

He smiled weakly.

“It’s alright.”

She returned the weak smile. Though she wiped it off. 


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