The Nine Dragons The Serpent Dragon Part Eight

 The Serpent Dragon 

Loc finally reached the doors. She let out a deep breath as she readied herself for the fight that was about to take place. She opened the doors. She saw the enemy before her. It was long and silver with a serpent body. It had long and thin wings. Its four legs and feet were short and thin. Its face was like the head of a bullet with large green eyes with a slit.

“Sssooo, you're the one that is killing my armies?” She said her voice was like that of a whispering and hissing woman.

She saw the teeth were arches back and she had a forked tongue.

“Surpenti, I assume?”

“Yes! That is right.”

“Well, I’m sorry to say that all your armies are gone.”

She shrugged.

“That is alright. I can build more.”

“No. I burnt that room.”

“You do realise that those pools were made from a combination of venom from me and Paradtopia?”


“So, are you going to attack me?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Because, after all that you have done, I would very much like to make you my new tool. Yessss, I can tell that you would make a great asset to one of my  new armies!”

She let out a sigh as she ran to her. She pulled out her sword and Surpenti dove at her. She dived back and jumped up on her head. She flicked her to the side. She flew and propelled herself off the wall and back at her. She went to strike, flicked her away with the back of her hand. She spun in the air. She threw out her leg and pounced off the wall and shoth back at her. She spun as she flicked out her sword. Only to be flicked away again. This made her spin faster into the wall. She whacked the wall and she spun the other way as she fell. She hit the floor and spun herself up. She then let out a groan.

She shook her head to get rid of the dizziness. Then she was ready to focus.

“Wow! You have a good spring in your step! I think that I shall call you Springer when you join my army!”

“A bit presumptive aren’t you?”

Did I just say ‘presumptive’?


Just roll with it.

“What can I say? At the rate you’re going, I do not think that I have anything to worry about. You have neither made me move nor landed a scratch on me!”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m only just getting warmed up!”

She then ran to her. She put her sword to the ground, causing some sparks. Then scraped up and willed the fire to rise up in front of her like a curtain. She dived back. She dived to the right and lept up from the wall and was able to strike the lips then fell back on the ground.

“There! How’s that Surpenti?”

She let out a laugh.

“Better! Much better!”

She licked the blood.

“But you have a long way to go before you’re a threat to me!” She shouted as she dived to her and hit her in the air.

Loc looked down to see Surpenti spread out hwe wings and shot up. She looked up and blasted the woman with green fire. Loc willed the fire to be shot back as she thrust out her hand and was able to grip the lower jaw. She stabbed up and cut her again in the mouth.

Then she arched her head back and threw her off her. Chunks of her flesh and fingertips were ripped off as she crashed into.the stone wall. She flicked out her feet and bent her legs. Then she propelled herself towards the dragon then flicked out her blade. As her boade connected with the lower jaw, venom hit her right eye. She closed it as she fell. She looked up as she felt like there was a whip on her back. This caused her to fall faster. She was whipped again and again and again, making her fall faster and faster. Then she collided with the ground and pain and her blood was everywhere.

She tried to get up but the foot of the dragon kept her down.

“Now, let me see you try to get up.”

She looked to the side to see the head of the dragon right next to her. She thrust her sword into her tongue. She then pulled it out. Then stabbed it back in again. She did this again and again and again until she felt the foot lift. She quickly spun to the sideband stabbed up and right into the stomach. Before the dragon had another chance to try to react she dived up and slit her throat. She got to her feet.

“So, you were able to defeat me?”


“May fortune be with you in finding the portal to the next island.”

“How many armies are there in total?”



“Eight.” Was the last thing she said with her last breath.


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