Scar The Mythos Puros Part Four


Alex picked her up 

“Why are you here?”

“Morana thought that you could use help with this one.” Said one as he pulled out two ropes.

“Is that necessary?”

“Yeah. She doesn’t want us taking any chances.” He said as he bound her hands and feet.

“Right. Time to take her in!”

They picked her up and wrapped her body up in a long trench coat. As they walked Alex’s lip curled.


“I don’t know…something doesn’t feel right.” He admitted.

Two of them rolled their eyes.

“Look, try not to think of her as a child and think of her as a walking talking magical weapon.” Said one as they left the road.

“But she’s still a kid nevertheless and she was taken prisoner by the Scarborough Witches like Morana and me. Why would she act like this?”

The two shrugged.

“How should I know? You're the one that knows her best. So what do you think?”

“I honestly can not say. I feel like she has been a stranger ever since her miscarriage.” He admitted.

Yet as he said this, he could not help but look at the unconscious girl. He could not get over just how much she looked like her and him. The other two also looked at both her and him. They looked at each other. They too noticed just how much she looked like both him and Morana, mainly Morana yet they knew better than to comment.

“Anyway, the sooner we get this over and one with the better.”

“Yeah…best do!”

They were about to reach the black van when Scar woke up. She looked around completely alert and shocked. She started to wriggle and pushed away causing Alex to drop her. 


She rolled up to get to her feet and had to jump away from them. Yet as she looked down, she realised that it was in vane. However there was a part of her that just did not want to give up. She continued to jump away from them as fast as she could. She soon felt the strain in her calves and thighs, yet she just could not stop. That was when she felt a hand grip her from behind and a painful slap on her cheek. 

She was about to fall to the ground. Then shebwas stopped and lifted off the ground. So then dug her legs to the guy’s side. As soon as he let go and hit the ground she rolled and rolled away. She tried to ignore and push through the pain as she forced herself to speed up. Then she pulled her feet in and got to her feet.

“Help!” She shouted. “Please, help! Someone!”

Yet there was none that came. She looked around and noticed that they were on a long and secluded road. Which meant that none could hear her voice. Her heart sank further. Then it rose as sge saw a car in the distance. She went to jump at it and a hand pulled her from the road. She looked back to see that it was none other than Alex. She forced herself to look away. She knew that she was definitely going to die. She did not want to them to see her cry and put on a brace face and she started to bite her lower lip. Then the others of the group arrived.

“You got her?”


“You got a good grip this time?”



Then one of them walked up to her. He was one that was at the front. He wore a purple hoodie and green jeans. He had amber eyes. He placed a hand on the cheek that was slapped. He stroked her cheek and she looked at him, trying not to cry and keeping a brave face on.

“Good girl. Keep putting on that brave face.’ He purred.

“You’re gonna kill me, aren’t you?” She spat bitterly.

“Depends, are you going to try to escape?”

“What's the point?” She snapped as she could not stop the tears falling.

“Good girl.” He purred as he kissed her forehead.

She closed her eyes.

“Plus, it’s not up to us. It’s up to our boss and what she wants to do with you.”

“She’ll probably wanna kill me.” She deduced, trying to control herself.

“How would you know?”

“I’m not stupid!”

Alex rolled his eyes as he took out a lollipop and pulled off its wrapper and stuck it in his mouth.

“Look. You will only die if that is the best but if it isn’t, then I promise you, I will not let you die.” He told her.

She narrowed her eyes at him and nodded towards the places where he shot her as they climbed into the van. Alex sat in the driver’s seat and started driving. Sat next to her was the man that kissed her forehead. It was all too clear that as they drove that they were all looking at her. Almost like they were studying her facial features. This made her feel exposed and vulnerable almost like she was naked. Yet they whispered to each other as they did.

“Alex, have you noticed just how-”

“Yes I have.”

“What’re you thinking?”

“I don’t know…”


She frowned.

“What are you all talking about?” She snapped.

They looked at her, their eyes looking at her in shock which was quickly covered up.

“You look a lot like Alex over here and our boss, from what I have seen you even act similar to them too.”

She frowned deeper.

Why is that? Could it be that those witches lied to me? Why would they do that?  And if they did, then why did my parents not try to rescue me from them?

“You’re having me on, aren't you?”

“No! You really do look and act like them!”

“In fact what you’re doing now is clear Morana behaviour.”

“Yet that fighting and determination is far too much like Alex.”

She looked down with a deep frown.

If that is the case then I think that if what they’re implying is correct, then that must mean that l should not have that be a guarantee that I will be spared.

Which means that regardless of what he says I am dead. After all, if this boss of theirs didn’t try to rescue me then that must mean that she would not want any of…that for me.

Yet they may not mean that they are my real parents and the witches were telling me the truth, for once.

That was when one of them looked at her almost as if she had confirmed something.

“Alex, I’ll take over. It’s late and the girl needs sleep.”

“Why! I can do that too.”

“Nah! She knows him and I think that is the best for us all.” Another said. “Also you’re a creep.”

The one in the purple hoodie smirked.

“Alright! Then I’ll drive. After all-”

“Don’t make this weird!”

He gave him a salute. They parked as Alex and they switched places, yet the rest gripped her hard, causing the bullets in her to cause more pain. She thought about escaping again until she felt the knife under her chin.

“If we are right, then I hardly need to tell you what I will do if you try that.” The one that shot her whispered in her ear. 

She nodded as she crunched the lollipop and swallowed, making her run out of it. She spat out the stick as the lids of her eyes closed. Alex sat beside her and put an arm around her. He then hummed a tune to her, it was a slow and warm tune. Then the creepy one hummed too and their separate tubes melted together and became hauntingly beautiful. Which soothed her to sleep. Yet even after she was fast asleep, they both kept humming for a long time as she relaxed.

“My! She must be a troubled soul.” He sang, tapping the wheel. “Only a troubled soul would fall asleep to that, that fast!”

Alex looked down at her as he stroked her head with the other hand. There was a deep frown as she let out a groan. This reminded him so much of Morana as he returned to humming.

They all arrived early in the morning. He tapped her head to wake her up. She woke up and sleepily climbed out. Though Scar was hungry she did not say anything. She carried the look of someone that was about to die on her face. She was too tired and depressed to hide her misery.

That was when a woman that looked almost identical to her walked up to the group. The only thing that was different was her ice cold crimson eyes and her chin which matched Alex’s. She, instinctively, took a step back. She could hear her heart in her ears pounding loudly.

“What is that doing here?” She snapped coldly.

She looked down as her shoulders moved forward with her wounds aching.

“I decided to bring her in.”

She let out a huff as she shook her head.

“You should have killed it.” She snapped.

Scar closed her eyes confirming her deductions. She fought for control of her shaky breath as she could feel her sorrow begin to shorten her breath.

“Morana ‘she’. Why do you call her ‘it’?

“‘It’ may be a girl but ‘it’ is still a powerful magical weapon.” 

“Speaking of which, why does she look like me and you? And I know that you lied last time I asked, so don’t you dare this time!”

“We will talk later.” She said as her eyes dropped to Scar. “As for the Mythos Puros, take her!”

“Don’t call me that!” Scar snapped, feeling her emotions rising within her.

She raised an eyebrow.

“Oh? And why is that?”

“That’s what the witches called me. I’m called Scar. So please call me that!” She shouted as she tried and failed to use her anger to stop herself from crying.

Her eyes rolled.

“Anyway, take her to a cell.” She said with a cruel smirk. “I’m certain that you must be hungry.”

She nodded as she could feel her tears starting to fall. She was soon taken to a small cell with a small mouldy mattress on the floor with a sink and loo beside it. She was pushed in and when she hit the floor the door closed behind her. She crawled up to the mattress as she slid onto it. She buried her face in her arms as she closed her eyes. She found the building dread of having to wait for her death far too depressing.


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