Lasta Coop Fairy Tales Final Part

 Casting Doubt 

Lasta had finished a full day's work when she met with Salynara, who led her to her room. She tucked the girl in, yet there was something off about the air tonight as she smiled at her.

"Are you alright after all that you have been through?" Lasta asked.

That was when her smile became wider and more cruel.

"Oh? Did you think that all those tales were true?" She cooed.

She frowned in confusion.

"Yes, why?"

"Did you not wonder why my son did not appear in any of my stories again?"

"Yes." She admitted.

"Well the simple answer is that he does not nor did he ever exist. I never had him or any other children, for that matter."

"Then why did you tell me?"

"I did promise a bedtime story. Did you honestly not wonder that it seemed far too incredible that I just so happened to meet the future king of the Seelie Court without knowing?"

"No. Why would I?"

"And what about the man that I told you about? The man that I claimed to have tamed my appetite? Do you think that he was real?"


"Then where is he?"

"You told me that he died!"

She laughed and moved her hand down.

"An easy lie. After all, how can you prove it if your witness is dead?"

She could not think of a point to argue against that.

"And did you not clean this whole castle over the course of your time here?"


"Have you ever come across any proof of those children's existence?"

"I don't know!"

"I know, because you have done the same."

She frowned as she felt nothing but outrage.


"Yes, you have done the same. After all, how was it that an old woman, who had lived centuries in a secret cellar was discovered?" 

She looked down.

But that was what mummy said. But if that is true then who is my real daddy? How did she carry me and my brother for all those years? 

"I don't know."

"How is it that she gave to twins despite the fact that she had not been touched by a man for hundreds of years?"

"I don't know."

"Then how is it that a child of the age no older than five could rescue a fairy tale creature known as the Easter Bunny?"

"I don't know."

"Or survive a fight with a boy in her mid teens at the age of six?"

"I don't know."

"What about helping Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy or Sandman before she was a teenager?"

"I don't know."

"Still, do you not get it? Then where is the proof that she has done all these things?"

"I don't think she has any."

"No she does not. After all, she had supposedly saved so many and yet who is here, trying to rescue you?"

"No one."

"Here, look at yourself! Do you look human?"

She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the monster looking back at her.


"And what does all this mean?"

She lowered her head in defeat.

"I'm a liar."

"Yes, yes you are. After all, you have always been here. You have been nothing more than a nameless slave. My nameless slave! You invented Lasta Coop. You made up stories about your childhood. Just to make yourself seem important. You made them all up and repeated them to a point that they overridden your real memories. Now that you have been found out to be a liar, what should happen to you?"

"I should be punished."

"Then get out of this bed and get your rag back on."

She did this without question. She was led back to her cell and there she slept without question or complaint. 


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