The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Asylum Part Six

 A Mind Of A Conqueror

Doctor Stephiene and Doctor Rensack looked at her as she opened her eyes. They did not know how to respond or approach this girl. She looked at them with determination and clarity in her eyes.

"I would like to go home." She said, her voice thick with an assertive authority of a leader.

"No." Said Doctor Rensack.

She looked at him and raised her eyebrow. There was something new in her eye. It was almost as if the girl was challenging them.

"I-I mean, you need to make sure that you're truly alright." He said, almost as if part of him was back peddling.

"Liar." She said, calmly and coldly.



"What do you mean by that?"

"You lied. You have no intention of making sure that I'm alright. In fact, you want the exact opposite. You want to break my mind in order to make me your puppet." She said, looking directly into his eyes.

He started to feel a drop of sweat falling, looking at her. It was as if her eyes were cutting through all pretence and seeing the truth for what it was. Yet, still not willing to give in and wishing to keep his pride intact. He pretended to be confused.

"And why would we want to do that?" 

"You want me to kill someone. Judy like her cousins did. I think last year by now. It is the first of January isn't it?"

"Yes. But I still need to see if you're subconsciously alright."

"Let me guess, in order for you to do that you're gonna have to hypnotise me? Well that requires that I give my mind over to you and I will never give that to you. I can also see that talking to you is meaningless."

"Now see here!"

"Why should I, Zazoo?"

He could have killed the girl right here and now. 

"Because that's the only way that you're leaving here, girl! There's no way I will let you leave here without-" 

Suddenly he felt heat engulf him and he let out a scream as he was eclipsed by flames. He went to lunge at her. If he was going to die, then he would bring her down with him. Yet he hardly was able to get anywhere near her as his body turned to ash.

Then her eyes slid to Doctor Stephiene.

"Needless to say that you will be more cooperative?"


Then she looked into the girl's eyes. Even though she felt scared, she felt her heart be put at rest. She could see that this girl was better than anything they had planned. She could tell that she was not looking at Alice, Alex nor Malice. No, her eyes were looking at something, a new creature. One that would tolerate injustice no longer. She found herself kneeling as she felt a tear fall from her eye. 

"Yes, I will."

"Good. Do you want to leave this town?"


"Then take me home."

She rose to her feet.

"I will."

"Oh and I would like to ask, that person that you wanted me to kill, should he return," she said, writing down a number and giving it to her. "tell me, along with the reason why he should die. Should it satisfy me, then you will not need to worry."

She nodded as she took it. Then the girl pulled her in.

"But try to make me into a weapon or you may end up like Zazoo over there."

"Rash Ransack."

"His name."

She nodded.

"Did he have a family?"

"No. They were all killed by his brother who accidentally crashed the bus that they were riding. He got all the compensation money, even though he went to the funerals he did not shed a tear."

"Chances are he hypnotised him into doing it."

She nodded as they started to walk out of the door. They then walked down the corridor. Doctor Stephiene looked at her now out and of mere curiosity as all malice fell away. Now she wanted to get to know this new girl. Not out of anything but that. All desire to manipulate the girl had long since been driven from her heart. All that she had was the desire to get to know this girl, just for the sake of getting to know her.

"What should I call you?"

"My official name should be MAA Melinda, but Melinda or Mel will do."

"Are you alright?"

"Only time will answer that."

"Here, these are your clothes."

"Is there anything that stops me from keeping these ones?"


"Then I shall be keeping them. Those I don't."


"I don't want the clothes of a murderer. I am no murderer. She died in that room."

She nodded as she put them away.

She signed the dotted line. Then they walked out. Melinda sniffed in the cold fresh air.

Time to go home.


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