Lasta Coop Fairy Tales Part Two

 The Second Story

Lasta soon in the corner as Salynara strapped a man in a chair. He looked at the fairy with nothing but terror in his wild black eyes. She picked up a whip and struck him again and again until he drew blood. Yet he did not cry out. This caused her to whip him again and again until he let out a whimper. Yet she kept whipping him again and again until chunks fell from his muscular chest. Shr put it down. She then pulled out a small bowl of salt. She took out a pinch of salt and flicked it at him. He cried out for a moment and once he did, she pulled out a knife and dipped it in the salt and dipped it in the wound and twisted. He let out a scream as she continued to twist and twist. This caused him to scream and scream. She pulled the blade away.

She climbed on him and sat on both of his laps. She then cut his face slowly. She then cut the other cheek. She then leaned in and kissed him. It was a slow and long kiss. This caused the blood to flow faster. She cut the arms and he cried out. His voice was muffled by Salynara's lips.

She licked the wounds, wiping the blood and tears that he had shed. She moved into the next one and the next. When she was done Otb walked in and dragged his corpse off. Lasta took out a mop and mopped up the blood. She then cleaned the chair and tools.

She followed her to her room. She had done nothing but she still felt her heart sink nevertheless. She could not explain or understand why, but what she saw upset her. She wondered why that was but she did not want to ask. She would just get hurt again.

She cleaned herself up and changed into her nightgown and Salynara tucked her in. 

"Did that upset you?" She cooed.

She nodded.

"Would you like me to tell you a bedtime story to help you feel better?"

She nodded.

"Yes please."

"Alright, when I was thirteen I met a lovely man. He was a human. Andrue, as I remember. He was so handsome. His short red hair was smooth and his eyes were a dreamy shade of blue. In fact, when I saw him, I noticed that he was so handsome that I thought that he was a fairy in disguise!

"I looked at him day after day. I watched his every move he made. Yet I could not talk to him. I learnt all that I could about him however he did not even know that I existed!

"So, I started to send him letters, just to let him know that I existed. I sent letter after letter however he did not even respond! So I knew that I had to pluck up the courage and talk to him.

"After a year, when I was fourteen, I did. When I did, I told him who I was. He looked at me and he was stunned. He told me that he had never seen such a beautiful girl! He asked me to marry him right there and then!

"So when we were a couple we… well, you are far too young to hear about that. Then he, seemingly out of the blue, married someone else! He took everything and I gave his heart to another! So I wanted revenge. So I snuck in one night and took that woman's life and that gave me my second increase of power. Then I shape shifted into her and… by the time he realised that I was the one that he shared a night with and killed his wife it was already too late. After all, I would be the one that would bear his child that she should have borne the night after the consummation. However after all of that he tried to kill me!

"Then everything changed when he found out that I was having his child, he started to behave. When the baby arrived, I forced him to raise the child as I turned him into my slave before the child was of age he killed himself."

Lasta looked at her with wide eyes with a sorrowful look in them.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes I am." She said as she wrapped her arms around the girl. "Oh, you are, so, so sweet."

"Yes. Now good night."

"Good night." 


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