The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Asylum Part Three

 The Therapist

Doctor Stephiene looked at the file Doctor McKenzie had before he died. She had a short silver bob. Her face was pale and her grey eyes were filled with anger and determination. She then read the file that her cousins wrote in the hospital before their deaths at the hands of Danté. She then put the files down. 

"Can you do this and not get killed?" Doctor Ossin asked.

He had blacky brown hair and green eyes and a healthy shade of peach skin. 

"Yes, I should do. Just make sure that you sedate her before she burns me to death."

"We will try. Although, we were caught off guard last time. So no promises."

She let out a chuckle.



She raised her eyebrow.

"You were not caught off guard. You sacrificed him to get a better idea of what I am dealing with. Nice thought!"

"Well, we do look after you!"

"Yes, you do." She said as she opened the door.

She walked in and the moment Alice saw her she screamed. She pulled herself away only to be stopped by the new set of handcuffs. Yet she pulled and pulled. Her eyes were wild with fear and panic. Upon being incapable of getting free she broke down in tears. 

"P-p-please! D-d-don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!" She begged.

Doctor Stephiene smiled out of pity. It seemed that her cousins made a good impact on the girl. Yet she steadied herself and turned the smile into that of a kind and comforting one. She then walked to the girl, trying not to show just how much she was enjoying this display. She then walked up to her and reached out to her. She then flinched as she placed a hand on the girl's head. She could feel the girl shaking as she wept. She then stroked her.

"Why would I hurt you?"

"Because y-you l-look like the doctor and nurse that hurt me. Y-you're going to hurt-"

"I know. They're my cousins. I'm sorry about what they did. I heard and read all about that and it was not alright. Why don't you tell me?"


"They liked to hurt people, yet I like to fix them all and put them all back together." She said, raising her eyebrows. "I think it's only fair that I'm the one that does that."

She looked up, her eyes in disbelief.

"You-you mean you're not going to hurt me?"

"No. I'm not and I want to know, what did they do to you?"

"They-they drugged m-me and injected s-something into Mr. I-i-it hurt me. I-i-it was to kill someone but I don't know who. Then when it didn't work they-they wanted me to kill him instead but I don't wanna kill. Please don't make me kill!"

"Don't worry. I will never do that to you. Just tell me more."

"O-okay. Well that was when I ended up with a strange power but I don't wanna use it. Please don't make me use it!"

She frowned as she bit her lip to suppress a laugh. 

"It is perfectly fine. You don't have to use it. Although I have to ask, why don't you? I mean you could make it beautiful!" 

She looked up at her completely stumped.

"How can fire be beautiful?"

She took out a lighter. Then flicked, bringing out a flame. She looked at it as she trembled slightly.

"There. Isn't that beautiful?"

The girl looked at it and all the fear seemed to leave her as she looked at it, mesmerised. 

"Yes, it is." 

"Do you want to tell me more?" She asked, sitting beside her and putting her arm around her. 


"Shhh. Tell me about what happened after you escaped that nasty place."

"The vampires came to drink my blood!"

She continued to stroke her to keep her calm.

"Tell me more."

"The first one, Vyteuatas, worked with your cousins. He hypnotised me so I won't remember most of what happened to me. Yet I was able to. Then he drank from me but he let me go so that I would tell Danté about him being here. Then Danté was able to rescue me from that place. He rescued me from the twins too before that! But after that he rescued me from the vampires too."

She hugged her.

"Oh, you poor thing! You have had such a terrible ordeal."

"I know!" She cried as she cried again. "I couldn't stop it! I couldn't stop Mohan from taking Jaden! I couldn't stop the twins from killing that woman! I couldn't stop that doctor and nurse from putting that stuff in me that hurt me! I couldn't stop the vampires from hurting Jaden or-or me!" She sobbed.

"Shhh, shhh, let it out. Just let it out."

Soon Alice cried herself to sleep. Doctor Stephiene carried her to her cell and then returned to her office, where she wrote everything down. She then looked at the writing as she started to think of how she had Alice dancing in the palm of her hand, weeping the entire time. She let out a slight smile. Then she remembered how she begged her hot to be hurt. She let out a chuckle. Then she thought about how she begged her not to make her kill. This made her laugh and laugh.

That girl is far too easy to manipulate. Yet the harder ones will come.

She rose to her feet and got herself an egg and cress sandwich for lunch. After she reread the file on Alex. She knew that this was found to be tougher than she would like to think. So she calmed herself down after she walked to the room where Alex was and sat down.

"Hello. I'm-"

"I hope you're not like the other two." She said, completely guarded.

"No. I'm nothing like my cousins. I'm Doctor Stephiene. The other two must have done something really bad to you didn't they?"

She looked aside as her lip curled.

"Look. Please don't judge me for what they did. I just want you to know, what they did was wrong. Could you at least say that?"

She rolled her eyes. She felt a slight tug of annoyance that she had to suppress. She reached out her hands.

"Please, you're not doing yourself any favours. Just tell me your name."


"Right, Alex. Now, tell me about yourself."

"What's there to say?"

"Well, you can tell me how and why did you come here?"

"Simple, I'm here 'cause I've got more than one personality and the last one is basically evil."

"No. I mean how and why did you come to this town?"

"Parents died and all parental rights fell to my sister, Jaden."

"And what did they die of?"

"Who knows?"

She frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, they were healthy in the morning that I left for school. Yet, when I returned, the police picked me up and told me that they were both dead. Although they tried to sugarcoat it but that just ticked me off! Yet that wasn't the strangest part."

"And what was that?"

"There was a man that was tailing me for an entire year. He looked just like me 'n' Mat, but he was taller and honestly, he gave me the creeps."

"Oh. And what did the police say?"

"Didn't tell 'em. Wasn't their business, yet they told me that even though my mom 'n' dad had a drinking problem sometime abouts the time before and during the time mom was pregnant with me and shortly after I was born they stopped. Whatever damage that there was, had nothing to do with how they died. In fact even they couldn't make heads or tails of it!"

"And are you alright after that?"

"In a way but after what happened with Mohan took my mind off that a bit."

"And what happened?"

"Well, shortly after I arrived in this town he approached me, well he controlled the headmaster of the town's school to 'invite' me to his next performance. Where he took Jaden and told me to meet up with him at a specific time. When I left Danté took me in. Although he did feed upon me he helped me. Then I played the Magician's game and I won."

Her eyes widened and she fell off her chair.

"You-you did?"


She smiled as she returned to her seat.

So, that is what I have to work with. Fascinating. 

"Good job!"

"Urm… Thank you? I guess"

"Quick, you have to tell me more, this is utterly fascinating."


"Because you beat Mohan the Magician, which is no small feat!"

She let out a sigh.

"Not really. Feel more like I opened Pandora's box."

"Maybe you should do it again?"

"Why? All that came of it was anything but good."

"But you forget one thing, the lady thing that happened when Pandora opened the box again. Do you?"


"Exactly! So I encourage you to open it and get that hope out!"

She rolled her eyes.

"So could you go on? You must tell me more!"


"Please, don't tease me like that."

"Fine." She moaned like a parent giving in to their child's demands. "I then got involved with the twins. As sad as it is to admit it, they were my first friends. Then they locked me up and tortured me and killed people. Some of which I saw using the Magician's power."

Her pupils dilated.

So she has the Magician's power? Does she really know what that means? Or how to truly control it?

"Although, I don't fully get it, and I don't like it either. In fact I hate it. Seeing through other people's eyes! It makes me feel like I'm spying on them!"

"And what happened to them, the twins? And how did you escape?"

"Got out by leaving a bit of my blood outside so that Danté would come and rescue me. Yet he did use my hands to do it. He was able to kill the twins. Which caused them to become one again. But the damage that they did led me to go to the hospital. Where I became nothing but a lab rat of your cousins. Then I had to be rescued by Danté, again! 'Though I got a sick power, it wasn't worth the pain. You know they wanted to kill me at first?"


"Yeah. So he killed them before they moved on to their other plan, which was turning me into a weapon to kill my dad even though he is already dead."


"I got home and shortly after I became the prisoner of Danté's brother Vyteuatas. Which fed upon me. Then after he rescued me I soon became the prisoner of their mother, Valli I felt so helpless that it frustrated me. So I turned to the clown to give me the power to defend myself, but that led me to this place."

"Right. Well I can't say I blame you! Alright I will be off now. I hope that we will have a better chat tomorrow. Where you will get the help that you need." She said as she left.

She then drove home and when she got there, she could not hold it on any longer and let out a laugh. She could not believe it, she just could not believe it! The girl had beaten the Magician and now held his power. She actually had his power!

Just imagine what I could do once I gain control of both the girl and her powers. Oh, this is marvellous! This is just utterly marvellous! And all I need to do is get the Alice personality so I can have her to do my will, then I will have access to that power.

But I kind of like the Alex personality. She's so rebellious and cool!

But hold your horses! You still need to survive tonight. After all, I don't want to end up like McKenzie, do I? 

So I will have to be careful.

I think I will have to take a nap. I will need my mind clear for tonight.

She woke up at twelve in the morning. Now was the time to talk to Malice. She got her clothes on and has to force all her fears out of her mind. She had to abandon all thoughts of her going to her death. Yet she knew that she could not ignore it either. She had to be careful tonight. 

She had to keep in mind as she locked her home that if things did not go well, this would be the last time that she would do this. She climbed in her car and drove back to the asylum. She put on her deodorant and rose perfume. She did her makeup and got out of her car and locked it. She quickly ate her ham and tomato sandwich. She walked in and once she was in the room she put the box in the bin.

She sat down and looked at Malice in the eyes. She saw the evil potential in the girl's features. She instantly knew what she was dealing with. A wolf, ready and waiting to kill at any moment's notice and the right excuse. She liked the look in her eyes.

"I guess that you're Malice?"

"Yes. You're Doctor Stephiene. I saw you. I heard what you said to Alice and Alex. Good girl!" 

"Well, it is part of my job to help people."

"So, we're just another paycheck?"

"Although I do get paid to do this, that's not the reason why I do it."

She smirked.

"No. You do it because you like it." She sang. 

"Well it's enjoyable helping people."

"No!" She sang.

She frowned.


"No. That's not what I am on about. It's not the help the helping that you like."

She raised her eyebrow.

"Oh? And what do I like about it?" 

She leaned in, almost like a wolf looking up at her prey.

"You like hearing people's deepest and darkest secrets. You like to see how they break down in front of you and you like it even more when they do it in your arms. I like that. You'll do."

How did this little brat know?

"What do you mean by 'you'll do'?"

"You will help me to get out of here."

She let out a sigh, yet she felt a strange excitement as Malice started to remind her of a younger version of herself.

"Could you tell me more about yourself?"

"I am the darkness that has been growing within Melinda incarnate. All her evil, all her anger, all that she fears about herself. That is all that I am."

"So, you're Melinda's shadow?"

She smiled wickedly.

"Yeah… I like the sound of that. You can call me that!"

A flicker of a smile was let slip on her face.

She gets me.

"So, is there anything else that you wish to tell me about yourself?"

"Can I get a coffee? Also cookies, or biscuits, as you British would say." She said with a mock British accent.


She left the room and brought in a coffee with chocolate creams. She placed them in front of the girl.

"Sugar. One."

She put it in.

"Get a coffee for yourself."

She did.

"Alright." She said as she took a sip.

"I can tell you I am protective of my other sides. However, I know Alex can take care of herself, however Alice can't. I like defending and tormenting her so keep her happy. Tell me, who do you hate the most?"

"A man called Tal Len."

She stopped herself.

Why did I just say that?

"Do you want me to kill him?"


Why am I saying all of this? Sally Stephiene shut up!

"Then get me out of here."

She took a sip and drank the coffee deeply.

"I can't. I want to make you whole again."

Her eyes narrowed.

"In what way?"

"I want all parts of you, Alice, Alex and even you Malice to become one person."

"And how is that possible?"

"Well, you need to have a breakdown. Up here."

She smirked as she raised her cup and tapped the other cup. They both soon downed the coffee and both ate the biscuits.

"Good night Doctor Stephiene. I believe that the session is over."

Knowing that the girl was right, she left the asylum glad to be alive. 


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