The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Five


Loc did not know how long she had been there. Was it days, wood or even a month? She knew that she could not have been there for a year, even though it felt like it. She had several white rings around her arms, legs, toes and fingers. She flinched every time the door opened. She felt dear stroke her every time she saw Father Of Knowledge cone in. He looked at her and smiled. She did not budge as he walked over to her. She climbed to her feet, knowing that there was no other way around it. She followed him to wherever he was leading her like an obedient dog. 

They turned a corner that they had not turned before. She did not ask why. She just kept her mouth shut and followed. He opened a door. He held it out for her. She walked in and she walked for him. He led her down a black and dark corridor. She kept an eye on him to know where to go.

"Tell me, how long have you been here?"

"Can't tell."

He nodded.

"Have a guess."

"Can't be more than a month."

"Good guess!"

He opened another door.

"It has been one month, exactly. Now I think it's time you ought to meet your inmates."


"Now you will no longer be eating your meals on your own in your cell anymore. You will be having it here."

He led her to a silent cafeteria. There she saw some mopping, others coming and others waking up. She didn't look to see the colour of their skin or what colour her eyes glowed.

"Looks good."

"The food is better too."

Then he looked back at her.

"I think it's time I introduced you to everyone!" He said lightheartedly.

She flinched as he put an arm around her and guided her to the other end of the room. He opens the closest door.

"Lorra, this is Life and To Open. Life, To Open, this is Lorra Cerberus."

They looked at her. One had orange skin and yellow boring eyes with silvery blue horns. The other had light yellow skin with white flowering eyes with orange horns.

Father Of Knowledge closed the doors. He walked to the other side of the room and opened another door.

"This is To Break, and War, I keep today together as a joke."

One had been skin with red glowing eyes and silver horns. The other had red skin with lightning blue eyes with yellow horns. They barely acknowledged her.

"Boys, this is Lorra Cerberus." He then moved to the next.

"Loved, My Father Delights. This is Lorra Cerberus."

Inside were two women with silvery skin and yellow glowing eyes with gold horns.

He moved onto the next.

"Snow, Fragrance. Lorra Cerberus."

One was silver worth white horns and eyes. The other had pink skin with bright purple eyes and horns.

"Now, this is where you will be staying from now on." He stayed as he opened the door with the code P-584 on.

P-? There are more levels. More prisoners. More prisoners, more of a chance of getting out of here.

She then spotted a silver skinned woman with purple holding eyes and green horns.

"Silver Winter, this is Lorra Cerberus she's-"

"From another world." She said as she got to her feet.

She walked up to her. She looked at her, almost wondering if what she was seeing was real. She placed a hand on her shoulder and drew her in close. She sniffed her hair. She then looked at Father Of Knowledge and then backed away. She then led her to the bed beside hers.

"Tell me, how did you come here? To this world?" She asked as the door closed.

She let out a sigh and told her everything that has happened to her. She did not know why she was telling her everything but she did. When it was time for lunch they all graduated in the cafeteria. There, she was approved by others and she told them all that had happened to get in a series of hushed whispers. Then To Break leaned in close to her and Silver Winter and To Open.

"We have got to get her to the resistance."

"How? After all, we are all in no state to get her anywhere! Let alone the resistance."

"We could cause a riot."Loc suggested.

They looked at her confused.

"Look, I'm guessing that there are many levels to this place, so there must be other prisoners here. I admit that I hardly know anything about this world, but there must be a way to get word out to the other levels and to those prisoners and tell them to start a riot too."

They looked at each other completely shocked.

"Well, we try to keep it secret but the experiments that we have been subjected to did give us some…powers."

"Then why don't you use them?"

"Because it will not do anything."

"How do you know?"

Their faces dropped.

"Have you even tried?"

"Why would we? It won't work."

"That settles it, you're completely from a different world."

They soon finished their meals.

"Lorra Cerberus, lunch is over." Father Of Knowledge said.

Her face dropped. Hours later she was dragged to her new bed. She could feel Silver Winter looking at her. Once the door was closed, she placed a hand on her. Suddenly she felt better after that.

"I tried out our powers and I got through."

I could hardly believe it!

Me too!

So, is the riot on?

Not yet.

We need to reach the minds of all the others.

We also need someone who knows the way out of this place.

Good point.

We could see if we could take one of them.

So that's your plan?

Seems so.

With this they were able to sleep. Loc woke early in the morning from a nightmare. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head. She felt tears fall from her eyes. She had no idea why, but she knew that it was about her sisters and friends. If she still had the right to call them that.

Are they really dead? If not, then how did they survive? If they survived them, then what were they doing now? Will they try to find me or would they wish to spend their time doing other things?

Maybe Morgan wouldn't. She would do all to look for me.

But I shouldn't expect them to rescue me. I have to get all of these people out of here, but I should go with them. They wouldn't leave me behind. But what if they knew who I was, would they still come for me?

That hardly matters. What matters is that good is done. What matters is that everyone escapes this Demon Realm.

"Lorra, it's fine to get up." Said Silver Winter.

"I know. So you know what to do?"

She nodded as she looked at her reflection in the glass.

"And I think that we should wipe that hopeful look on your face."


"Father Of Knowledge would know that he hasn't broken you yet."

Loc looked aside and nodded. She covered her arms where the rings were. She didn't have any wish to obtain anymore than she already had.

"Thank you."

Silver Winter looked at her arms. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at them.

"How did you get those?"

"He cut my arms and legs off and they grew back."

"How? Why?"

She looked aside.

"I'm immortal. I have been before I got this." She said pointing to the star in between her eyes.

She looked at it, frowning in confusion.

"How come the star and the rose shine different colours?"

Loc's eyebrows raised, frustrated at the fact that she had momentarily forgotten that she was not from this world. But she was mildly frustrated by this. After all, she knew that there was no way of knowing that she didn't see what they saw.

"They do?"

"Yeah, the star's yellow and the rose's purple. It looks creepy."

Her eyes relaxed.

"Well, all I see are just black marks."

"How strange."

Loc nodded.


They then left. They soon talked with the others in a way that Silver Winter knew would not draw attention. They would be picked for experimentation, Loc mainly. In fact she had spent so much time with him that she was getting used to him by now. He had even started to open up to her. He told her about things about her that interested him. She learnt a few things about her biology that even she did not know about. Like her weight was half of what it should be, or that the white crop of her white hair was brought about by trauma.

He once gave her, what he called, a microscope. She was told to look in it. There, she was red disks instead of her blood.

"What-where's my blood?"

"Lorra, that is your blood."

"Then what are those red disks?"

"Blood cells. They are the things that carry the oxygen and what you get from your food all over your body to keep it working."

Her eyes widened. She told Silver Winter this but she raised her eyes.

You mean you didn't know that?


Well, how primitive could your will be l

I don't know. I guess once I get out of here I'll find out.

She learnt things about science that she did not know. Soon she had become thirsty about this knowledge. In the meantime they planned their riot.

Then the day came. Yet as they did, To Break found out that they could plant thoughts into people's heads.

"Wouldn't it be easier if we all had one place where the prisoners could eat. It would mean that we wouldn't have to hire so many guards." He suggested to Father Of Elevation. 

Within moments he was soon talking to Father Of Knowledge.

"Yeah…yeah it would!"

Within the weeks all of them were in the same room. They waited another week to let their capturers let their guards down and now the day has come to start the riot. It was tea time and To Break threw a spoon at one of the guards. He looked at him and he looked back mockingly. This provoked the guard to walk closer up to him. He did not like his challenge to his authority.

He walked over to him to save him the trouble then he punched him in his gut. That was when the other guards ran to him only for the other prisoners to hit one across the heat work his tray and another to be punched and another to be hit with food. Then another picked up a chair and hit another guard. Soon they were all fighting and some tried to pull out their guns only for them to be stolen and some soon fell. Then more guards ran in and they did, they too were being mowed down.

Then Loc spotted Father Of Knowledge run in and she ran to him. She slammed her shin into the back of his legs parallel to his knees. She grabbed him by his horns and dragged him over to To Break. She looked around, trying to keep it off everyone's way as she sat a metal tray she ducked and it hit the one that was behind her. She saw a guard in front of her and she picked up the chair nearby and threw it at him. She then had to turn and soon reached him.

"Can you read his mind in this state?"

To Break crouched and looked at him and nodded.

"I know where to go."

"Then lead the way."

Once the last guard fell they ran out of the room and followed him as he led them to freedom.


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