The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part One


Loc, when she woke, knew that she was in another world. She knew that she was far from where she had landed and that someone had taken her in. She looked around the crimson room. Its walls and ceiling were all shiny, like it was made of ruby. Yet she saw one single maroon door.

She could smell cinnamon and perfume. She had an odd taste in her mouth, like spicy Turkish delight. As she heard the cracking of burning twigs and saw the simple fire in the fireplace. She thought that it looked homely but at the same time there was a barrenness about it.

Hey eyes stung and watered. A single tear fell from the corner of her eyes as they filled with too much water. She had to blink away the blurry sight. She felt pounds and needles all over her body and she pulled herself up into a storming position. She, because she was lighter than she used to, lifted herself up higher than she intended, making the pain in her stomach hurt worse. She let out a groan as she placed her hand over her stomach to ease the tension. She then coughed several times as her lungs felt thick, like rubber. She had to breathe in and out several times before they were usually working.

She looked down to the crimson duvet. She looked behind her to the red foam mattress and pillow.


She then slowly slid out of the bed and slowly walked a few steps. Then she fell at the third. She looked down to realise that her legs felt like jelly. She then spun on her back and stretched her legs for a while. Then she climbed back onto her feet. She started to walk around again and this time she was able to walk better.

She could feel herself returning.

Now, where am I? She wondered, already knowing she would not know the answer.

She looked outside to see a bright pale red sky. She looked down at the strange creatures with skins of all different colours. Instead of hair they had horns that were also many different colours and eyes that glowed like twin stars. She saw carriages without horses and yet they were also silent. She saw that they kept their heads down and they were thin. 

Then Loc saw a soldier walk up to a family. He hit one of them and then other soldiers ran up to the family and took the children away and shoved them in a van. Then she was pulled back.

"Get away from the window!"


"Because you are not from this world. It is dangerous here for people who are not from this world." He said drawing the curtains.


"The Evil Emperor is a traitor and I know what will happen to you. This is something that I want to put to an end to him and his reign."

"Well, I think that you should make an exception for me."


"Because I'm evil." She admitted.

"No, you are not. I can see it."

"How?" She asked, stepping further away from the window.

He pointed to her eyes.

"They can see through you."

"Really? How do you know they can be trusted or that I can be trusted?"

"Experience. I have made many mistakes by not trusting them. And they tell me that I would not just trust you, but we will win by recruiting you." He explained.

"Well I can't say that I can't do anything to help you there."

He gave her an awkward look.

"By the way of your name Sorrowful Demon Of The Pit?"

"No. It's Lorra Cerberus. But just call me Loc."

"Do you know what that means?"


"Then that might have been the meaning."

Hey eyes widened. He smiled and she sighed.

"Who are you anyway?"

"To Break Son Of Peter."


"In this world, our names are the meaning behind names."

Interesting…Hold on!

"How do I get home?" She asked as the memories flooded her mind.

He frowned and she rushed to join and pinned noon against the wall.

"Tell me now. There must be a way so please tell me!"

"I'm sorry. I don't know."

"But I have to get back! I need to get back!"

"Why? You have been sleeping for almost a month!"

A ripple of shock ran throughout her. She let go of him and let him drop. This meant that her friends were dead. Ringer, Morgan were dead, just like her parents. They were all dead. She felt tears fall down her face. She soon cried and cried and was blinded by tears. She felt her throat tighten as her breath became rapid in them off her aching heart. 

She fell. Nothing mattered anymore.


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