The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Final Part

Where To Next

They arrived at noon the following day. Loc was hungry and was ready for something to eat, even if it tasted like paper. No, even if it was paper. Yet she wished that she had something to record all that she had learnt on, so that she could remember it for later. She soon left the bus and everyone gathered in some hall. She was about to follow her group until Life and Light Bringer separated hey from the group. They led her to a small room.

"Loc, we're about to start your initiation ceremony. So, do you wish to do this privately or publicly?" He asked.

Loc thought about it for a moment. Part of her did not want any attention brought to her, but also she knew that publicly would make it official and declare to everyone that she was here, a girl from another world. Yet they're was another reason why she wanted to do this publicly, she knew that this would have been what To Break Son Of Peter would have wanted her to do.

"Public. I want to make a public declaration."

"Then follow me." He said as he led the way and she, despite screaming inside, followed him down the long corridor.

"By the way, you don't suffer from motion sickness do you?"

"No, why?"

"We'll be leaving after all of this is done. We will be going on a ship. The Captain's been a member of the rebellion for years and he knows and has prepared the way for us."

She nodded.

"So we should expect a safe journey and docking?"

"Should be!" He sighed. "Although, it never is. By the way, are you good at building?"

"I don't know. I've never had to build anything before."

He nodded.

They walked down the corridor. Soon they were on the stage. She felt the screaming inside increase yet she did all that she could to remain calm. She followed Light Bringer to the stage. Life gestured to a chair, feeling her heart in her ears and scared she then joined her on the front row. She saw Silver Winter behind her. Her eyes covered the rest of the audience. She could feel her heartbeat so fast as her chest became tight. She focused upon her breathing to keep herself calm but she could feel her breath become more rapid. She closed her eyes and brought up things that would make her calm. She kept this up until she was finally calm.

Light Bringer took his position at the front centre of the stage.


They did and strong this, she stood too. He gestured for her to sit. So she, along with everyone else, sat.

"I have good news. All of our goals here have been met. So we will be moving on to the next place and we have a bigger challenge ahead of us. But I will not lie, not all of us are going to see that day that we are all free. In fact none of us might see that day! Yet we should not give up!"

"Yeah!" They all cheered as they clapped their hands.

After a while, he gestured for them all to become quiet.

"So I would like for us to have a moment of silence for the lost over the course of this whole, long year."

The room went completely silent. She closed her eyes and thought about To Break Son Of Peter. He, without any obligation or reward, took her in. He did not know who she was or what she was like nor did he care. In fact she had never known such kindness before, not without there being an evil plot or something, well apart from her group in the academy. He told her that it would have been a good idea to join the resistance, yet he never forced her. Now was the time to see if he was right. 

I will be this land. Even if I don't see it I will free it in your memory and thank you.

Soon the silence was over.

"Let us hope that their sacrifice will not be in vain."

They nodded and placed their hands over their hearts.

"Right. Now." He gestured to Loc.

She stood, despite shaking like a leaf. He gestured for her to approach. She walked up to him, her legs were shaking slightly, but she forced herself on. She knew that they were on the verge of turning into jelly.

Come on! Get a hold on yourself! Just focus on Light Bringer. Drive everything else out everything else.

Soon he caught her once she had reached him.

"Are you alright? Are you sure-"


He nodded.

"I would like you to be introduced to Loc. Who, if you have not realised by her looks, is from another world."

She suddenly hearts the whispering again. She knew that it was to be expected. She knew that she would have to get used to this. After all, she was the only proof that other worlds even existed.

"Which, as you can tell by her name, in her world people are not referred to by the name's meaning, no but by their name itself. If she was born here then she would have been called Sorrowful Demon Of The Pit. However we will all call her Loc, her preferred name."

She let out a long sigh.

Well was it in a nutshell! 

"Now come."

She let him guide her to the front.

"Now, put your hand over your heart."

She did.

"Now make your pledge."

"I pledge to aid your rebellion. I pledge to bring nothing but my best and I even pledge all that I am to the freedom of this world." She said, trying not to make it obvious that she was making it up on the spot.

"Good. That is all we ask. You shall be free from this pledge once the evil in this world is finally taken down. Now place the palm of your hand on my chest."

She did.

"Do you wish to give all you have to this cause?"


He nodded and she was finally able to take her seat. Afterwards, she was able to celebrate with the others. But once night fell again they were all packing their things and made their way to the docks. Then, when they were in the ship she just crashed into a deep sleep.


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