The Blue Rock And I Avengers In The Red Rock Arc Part Six

 The Forest

We had for no less than an hour when we came to a forest.

"Stay on the path if you want to get to this Alexander that you came to get. If you remember our deal, I hope to live up to it. You will do well to kill the witch here. If you do then follow the whispers that will lead you to her."

I let out a sigh.

"Uncle Haru, Cho, I would like you to stay on the road. If you see me going anywhere, don't follow me. Inanis and me made a deal."

"And what deal is that?"

Can I tell them?

"You can, however if you do, then I will make it harder for you to get Alexander."

At this I knew that I should keep my mouth shut. However, I knew that the others would not forgive me if I did not at least give them something to discuss. That way it would be up to the team to decide, not just me.

"I could tell you but Inanis's price of that it would be harder to get Alexander."

"Then tell it!"

"But that would mean that we will be spending far too long here and who knows what year it would be once we leave here!"

Uncle Haru placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It would be hard either way. At least this way we would be able to help the girl if she needs it. And would mean that whatever deal that she made, we would help meet it faster. That way we will not have to wait, hell knows how long until she's done!"

She paused for a moment.

"You have a point."

"So what is it?"

"Well you know how Stellam had a spell out on him?"

"I do now."

"Well, the same witch put the same spell on Inanis too. So the deal was once the spells have been lifted then I will kill the witch, in return Inanis let us come here."

"So I'm that case we will be meeting one of those manifestations of that spell on this forest?"

"Seems so."

"Cho, I would like it if you stayed on the path. I will help the girl."

She nodded.

"Alright. But both of you, I know that it isn't the Aoshiné thing to do, but be careful!"

Uncle Haru rolled his eyes.

"Can't promise anything but thank you!" We both said.

"We really should stop that!"

We looked at each other and just laughed.

"I'm serious."


We soon walked into the forest and we walked upon the path. As we did, I heard the whispering. I walked on the path and on to see where it was coming from. I walked further and further, which made the whispering louder and louder. I followed it and soon it became more distinct.

"Well, this is where we part."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Are you ready Uncle?"

"Are you?"

I took out her blades. He smiled.

"So. See you after you have done whatever it is you are going to do, and get back to me safely."

I gave her a two fingered salute.

"Remember, just follow the path."

"And stay vigilant. I don't think I trust Inanis enough to believe that he would not have something for you."

She let out a nervous laugh as she rubbed her eyes.

"Believe me, I know! I just wished I knew sooner."

"Here, you're going to need it." I said, giving her one of my blades.

"Thank you."

I then turned and my uncle and me followed the whispering. Soon the whispering sounds became words. It was still indistinguishable but I could hear the faint sounds of the words. Soon I could make out what it was saying.

"Come, come here, little child. Come, come and meet me. Come, come killer of my brothers and sisters from another world." The words repeated again and again.

I soon did as the words continued and soon we came to a large tree. I heard the voices coming from a large and high tree. I looked up to hear that it was coming from the top. I then could see the hut at the top. It was made of wood in the shape of a miniature mansion. It looked like it had two floors.


"Right. I will go first."

He then started to climb the tree. Yet he was still interrupted as the tree spun and the branches moved up and down. Soon I was looking at a spiral staircase, made by the branches. Then the root rose up and interwoven in the end of the branches and they were all pulled up making a bannister.


"Looks like we're expected."


We then climbed the stairs and we were soon at the small door at the top. It was in the middle of the building and there was a wooden balcony. Uncle Haru walked up and walked in first. I soon followed. 

The first thing I saw was the shelf of mixed spices. Then I saw the witch. She looked like the others but her hair and eyes were crimson. She was in a green evening dress with a layer of silk lace.

"Hello Stellam Shard."


"You. Aqua." She said pointing at me.

Then I heard the door shut behind me. I did not even need to look back before I lowered into my fighting stance.

"Oh. So we will be getting right to the point?"

"Sure. I want to get to the point and get this over and done with before the day is over."

She nodded.

"I see."

She outstretched her hand and the branches of the trees bashed in. I quickly spotted them and jumped up. However, I was not fast enough and I was caught by one of them. I then slammed into the wooden floor. I then would have got up but I felt the other branches gripped my wrists.

"Did you really think that it would be that easy to take me down?"

I looked up at her. She smiled a smile that could only have come from a mad predator. She came closer to me, yet I did not want her to. Every fibre of my being wanted her to stay as far away from me as she could. Yet she came closer and closer to me and struggled as I did, I could not get these branches off me.

"It seems you really are the killer of my brothers and sisters in another world. I have to say, I am anything but impressed. Yet since when have appearances meant anything?" She said crouching and reached out a hand and gripped my chin.

"Why don't you let me go so you can find out for yourself!?"

She chuckled.

"You would like that, would you not?"

I tried to pull my wrists free but I still could not. Yet then I felt the tips tank me up. Soon I was hanging from them. I looked at the witch, eye to eye. That was when I saw something reflecting light into my eyes. I looked down to see the shiny knife in her hand! 

For a moment I found myself back in Wolfram's base. I saw all the tools on the table and my body tensed up. For a moment I no longer saw the witch but those doctors that had experimented with me and Stellam.


Then I felt the blade dig into my arm. I looked up to see that the blade was in my arm! I let out a scream. She smiled as she leaned in and I pulled my arm to try to free myself from the branches. Her lips then pressed against my cut! I let out another scream as I felt the stinging sensation as I could feel her sticking my blood. I let out scream after scream as I tried to pull and get her mouth away from my arm. She gripped my arm to hold it steady. 

Then she pulled away. She licked the corner of her mouth and put on a victorious smile.

"Now it hardly matters what happens." She said as the roots let me go.

I flopped down and panted, clutching my arm.

"Get up. Prepare for a fight."

I took my blade and then rushed to her. She then blocked it with her knife. I felt a kick in the gut and was pushed back. I kept my grip on my blade. I thrust it forward and she blacked that too. I spun and kicked her in the hip. This caught her off guard. I took full advantage of this and thrust my blade down. Yet she dodged and went to slash me. I blocked this and she slashed and slashed and I blocked one after the other. One came to the left, I blocked and another to the right I blocked again. I then flicked my blade down. As she went to slash I blocked it and pushed the blade up and then slashed down. She then fell.

Then Uncle Haru was freed. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Good work."

"Thank you."

"What did you think that she meant earlier?"

I shook my head.

"I don't know."

"As long as it does not get in the way of our mission."

"It won't."

"Good. Make sure that it does not?"

This was another moment that I was reminded that, regardless of how much he was like my father and how much fun we have had on this mission, he was not another him and he would never care for me. Yet despite how much it hurt, I knew that I could not afford to show it. I knew he would ridicule me for it.

We soon collected all our things and climbed down the tree. I looked up. It was clearly getting late in the afternoon. We continued until we came back to the path. We followed it until we found Cho, who had fallen asleep. Feeling completely exhausted, we both collapsed.

I then found myself walking in a forest of woods. It was not the one that we were in. No this one would have been monochrome had it not been for the lavender leaves on the trees. I came to a woman. She looked like all the others but I could not quite tell what her hair or eye colour were. However there was something different about this witch then all the others I had seen before. In fact, something told me that this one was the original witch.

She looked at me and let out a lyrical chuckle.

"I see. So, through you I can return to life."

I frowned.


"You shall see, in all good time dear child."

That was when all the trees started to melt. Yet as I looked closer and spotted that nothing was melting but everything was turning into tiny bugs! This was followed by many arachnids. They soon raced to me. Then I soon felt like they were all over me! Yet the worst was to come. I then felt them all biting me. To my horror, I could feel the pain!

I woke up screaming. My heart raced and my chest felt like ice. I was covered in sweat and my hair was drenched in it! I was shaking like a leaf. I could not even speak as I found it difficult to process what I had just been through. All I knew was that this was the first true experience of the definitive proof of magic and its existence. 


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