The Blue Rock And I Adventures In The Red Rock Arc Part Four

 The Village

We crossed a great scarlet field without anything in our way. As I looked at the blades of grass I found it quite interesting. Yet I also found it odd that there were no beds of flowers in between the blades of grass. I knew that all girls would have some flowers dotted around the grass, even football and rugby fields had them.

We soon spotted a small village up ahead. All the crooked buildings were made of red stones and had commodes that twisted. The upper floors were larger than the lower floors beneath it. Even the cobbles were twisted and turned in strange ways.

"Well, at least we have a place to stay tonight!"



I curled my lip.

"There's something wrong with this place." I said, spitting the green smoke rising from the chimneys.

He looked at them and nodded.

"You are right. Keep close."

I took his hand and he looked at me frowning.

"What? This will be a good and secure way to make sure that we are not separated."

"Yeah. That would make sense."

They soon ensured the village. I spotted the sign post of the village.


"Strange name! We both commented.

"Good evening visitors!"

They were met by a woman with silver hair and deep green eyes. Her skin was pale and she had an hourglass figure with a blue and red corset around her waist. She had a long brown dress with a laced cream and scarlet cardigan. I noticed that she was very beautiful and had a cold but innocent look to her. I wondered if I would have that figure when I grew up. Yet there was something familiar about her, something that I just could not place.

"Hello." Uncle Haru said

I noticed that he had a strange look. It was a happy look, but they're was something different about the look. I could not tell if it was excitement or malicious or both.

"My name's Vellinna."

"Haru." He said, almost as if he was caught off guard.

Her eyes dropped to me.

"Who is this?" She asked, kneeling slightly to meet my eyes.

"That's my niece, Aqua."

I outstretched my hand and she shook it.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Vellinna."

She let out a light-hearted chuckle.

"What a polite child! You must be very proud to have a good niece like her."

"Yes. She can be. Though she has been known to be slightly shy."

I then leaned close to him. He let out a light chuckle.

"See? She likes to be very close to me."

What are you playing at?

We followed the woman to a small tavern.

"This is the local tavern. And this is where I work too."

"Nice, tell me who else works here?"

"Just me and my mother."

He nodded.

"She's the cook."

I then tugged his sleeve. He then gestured for me to stay put. Yet I did it again.

"What is it?"

"We must remember that she is nothing more than an extension of Inanis." I whispered.

He nodded.

"I know. Just play your role and I will investigate Vellinna. You check for anything around here."

I nodded.

So that's it! My uncle's a genius!

He frowned.


"What is it now?"

"Nothing." I lied, not wanting to compliment him out loud.

He rolled his eyes.

"Alright, as long as what is in your mind does not get in the way of the mission."


It might be too risky saying it won't. After all, I don't want to jinx it.

With that we walked in the tavern. I then was shown to my room. I looked out of the window. I was about to go to the door until I heard a click. I felt a sinking feeling as I walked up to the door and tried to open it. Yet the door did not open. I tried to open in again but it just did not budge.

Looks like she's locked it alright! Right then, how can I get out of here?

I then crouched and spotted that it was an ordinary key hole. 

Right, I can work with this.

No I can't! I don't even know how to pick a lock!

I slapped my face.

I should have read up on how to do that!

I then looked back at the window. I ran to it and then tried to open the window. I smiled when it opened. I looked down and around. Seeing that there was not a soul in sight, I climbed out of the window. I looked around, just in case someone heard me. Yet there seemed to be none that did! That was when it hit me. The very thing that I found off about the place, there were many buildings in the village but they're was not a sight of anyone other than Vellinna! So my sinking feeling sank deeper as I slid completely out of the window. 

I jumped down and looked back to see Uncle Haru talking to Vellinna. Hey break was in my direction so she did not see me. So I ran slowly from the tavern. I knocked on the door of the first house that I came to. I waited but there was no answer. I tried again, but again there was no answer. I then opened the door and walked in. I spotted that there was not a single person in all the rooms that I checked! 


I searched house after house but still there was none to be seen! I continued searching all of them but not one was occupied!

I then came to what looked like a shop. I walked up to the shop and opened the door. I frowned as it opened and looked all around to find that the ship too was empty. I looked all around at the dusty pots and jars. I looked down aisle after aisle. 

I walked to some and opened the jar and spotted that there were bones in them! I looked in the press only to find that there were more and more bones. Some of them were not filled with them, but they were filled with hearts, eyes, lungs and other organs. The more I opened, the more girl things I saw, some never had fresh blood inside.

I then remembered Vellinna. Soon after, my mind flicked to the witches and warlocks I beat in Stellam. Then it hit me. I had to slap myself for not seeing it earlier! The witches and Vellinna all looked identical! 

This must mean that Vellinna is a witch!

"A-Aqua?" I heard a voice mumble.

I looked back to see Cho Sango!

"What are you-"

"We separated. Mara's dead! That woman killed her."

"What? What-"

"She takes their body parts. She drains power from them."

"Come, we have to rescue Uncle Haru!"

"Where are you?"

I frowned at that. I was right in front of her, yet she died but see me. I then walked up to her and brought her into the light. Then I looked at the eyes only, to my horror, to see nothing but her eye sockets! Upon seeing this I let out a scream. Even though I had been through all that I had been through, I had never seen such horror in my life!

I could even feel myself shaking. I wondered where this came from? After all, I knew I knew that all this must have stemmed from one of us. This was a trap for all of us, yet they all just have come from one of us.

"Aqua. Where is Haru?"

"With Vellinna."

I gripped her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to leave you and run. So keep hold."

She nodded.

"You're his niece alright!" She said with a weak smile.

"You do realise I could leave you here." I said, not wanting to be compared to him.


I nodded and I ran as fast as I could to the tavern and the moment that I saw the door, I kicked it in. I looked down to see my uncle on the floor unconscious. There was not a drop of blood on him. I ran to him and slapped him. This did nothing to wake him. I did it again and he still remained asleep. I did it again and still nothing!

"You will not wake him." Vellinna said.

I looked back at her with nothing but anger in my eyes.

"What did you do to him?"

"I put a spell on him. If you want him to wake you are to come over here. Then do as I say and let me do to you whatever I want to."

I felt my gut drop as I walked over to her. I could feel my heart in my ears as I looked at Cho, who was on the floor.

She's going to do that to me! If not worse.

I could see it right now, an image of myself without eyes. I could feel her hands already gripping my heart, ripping it out. I could feel my body shake all over. With each step my knees became more and more wobbly. I was shaking so much that I fell and she caught me. She then gently let me down on a chair. She then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you scared?" She asked as she pulled out a knife.

I then felt myself letting urine out of my body as she brushed her blade to my cheek. I flinched and closed my eyes.

"Stay still. It will be easier for you."

"P-please don't!" I squicked before I could stop myself.

Yet I tried to stop myself from shaking but I could not. I could feel my mind racing at a dizzying rate to a point my head felt light.

Then I felt the pain in my cheek then let out a scream as I fainted. 

I woke up in a room. I could feel my heart in my ears. I frowned as I looked around. I recognized the room. Yet I did but remember where I had seen it before. I looked to my left and saw a cream, black and white photograph of mum and dad.

"What is it?" My mum asked as she threw her arms around me.


She looked at me. She looked surprised.


"Whenever did you pick up my accent?"

I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

She placed the back of her fingers to my forehead.

"You don't seem to be running a temperature. Come on. Daddy will help you!"

"But dad's dead!"

She then slapped her.

"How can you say that?"

"Say what?"

"Why would you think that your father is dead?"

"You told me-"

No. There is something wrong here.

This is not real.

At this my mother started to melt. Everything did and I woke up.

"Sooo, you were able to see through the facade. You're able to do it faster than all the others that survived me."

I looked up at her.


"I can only cut those who accept the temptations of the dream." 

She sighed.

"No matter, I can still hurt you."

With that my eyes flicked at Uncle Haru. I could see him crying.

"I'm sorry Natsu! I am so sorry!" He cried.

At this I felt a shockwave run throughout my body. My eyes widened as I looked at him.

Why is he…why is he saying that? What…what is-

He's sorry for what he did…why is he saying that now? Why is he regretting that now? Is it because of me? Why? He's not like that! He's not supposed to be like that! He hates me! He hurt me. He let me be hurt. So why now? Why is he having this now?

Did he love him? If so, then why did he kill him?

That was when I felt myself fly across the room and to the wall. I then looked at her. She had fire in her hand. I then felt blades in my hands. I pushed myself off the wall and ran to her. I kicked the chair at her. She threw the fire at the chair, turning it to dust. I then got closer and I was able to strike her. Yet I knew that it was far too shallow for it to matter.

She then threw a fireball at me. I dodged and she threw another at me. I dodged that and she was able to throw me another fireball when I kicked another chair at her and it hit my arm. I patted it out and then, as I spotted another, dived under a table. I then bashed under the table and it took all my strength to throw it at her.

I panted as I flipped to my feet and then kicked another at her. It then came close to her and then she jumped up, and I threw a sword at her head as she tried in the air. Her body flung back and the sword pinned her head to the wall behind.

Then Uncle Haru woke up and Cho's eyes were restored.

I looked down at them.

"Will you be alright?"

"I don't know."

"Good. We need to go."

"Yes. We do."

I took a quick wash and cleaned my clothes before we left the tavern. Then I looked at the orb. I then saw where we needed to go next. I spotted a small building at the end of the village.

"Rest there."

With that I looked back at the others.

"Inanis had given us somewhere to get a good night's sleep."

"He has?"


With that we walked to the place and slept. After we left the messed up village.


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