The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Four


Loc woke the following day. Father Of Knowledge came in. He looked at her and stroked her forehead as he looked at the marks upon them. He looked at the rose and its stem and the star between her eyes with intrigue. He then smiled at her.

"That really suits you."

He then took the crop of white hair to her side.

"How did that happen? Is that normal for people in your world?"

Loc looked at him, but tried to avoid his eyes.

"Why would I tell you?"

How eyes lit up as they widened.

"You can talk?" He expanded. "You should do so more often, you have a beautiful voice!"

She looked aside with anger in her eyes. She could not help but feel the humiliation as he looked at her like nothing but a pet.

"What's going to happen to me?"

He gripped her chin delicately and turned her head back to him. He looked at her in the eyes intently. It was all too clear that he was interested in her un-glowing eyes.

"You have such beautiful eyes. I wonder why they don't glow?"

"Don't know, in my world there are none that glow. Well apart from certain occasions but they're not the normal."

He smiled as he took out a knife.

"Might as well find out." He said as his grip on her jaw became stronger. She tried to get it out of his fingers but the grip was just too strong. She closed her eyes so intently that she could see dots in the darkness. Even though she knew that she knew that it was useless. Soon the blade was in her and under her eyeball. She screamed and screamed as the pain soon became unbearable. Soon the eye was out and she was hanging there, panting.

He looked at it with satisfaction.

"There you go. All I wanted was one. So, you can keep the other one." He said as he looked at the socket he plucked the eye from.

She frowned as she felt an itch coming from it. She wanted to scratch it but she could not. She felt the itching become worse and worse. She wanted to desperately scratch it, just to relieve the internet itching. It was like there was someone tickling her eyesight in a tourturesome way that made the experience worse. Yet she had no relief. The itching became so unbearable that all she could focus upon was the itching and nothing else. She wanted for it to stop. She wanted to scratch it to stop it. Then once it did stop, she should set through the eye that was plucked.

"So, they grow back…interesting."

Loc would have felt relieved by this but she was far too in shock by what had just happened.

I can grow back limbs? Oh don't! Why is he looking at me like that? Oh he's going to cut something else out isn't he?

He placed the eye in a glass jar and looked at her new eye.

"I wonder…"

"No! Don't!"

Then he chopped one of her fingers off before she had time to register. He looked at it.

"Stop it! Just stop it!"

He placed the finger in another jar as he chopped off another. He did it so fast that, again, she had no time to register. Then she felt the painful itching and she felt the pain become so bad that she ended up screaming. She felt the bones regrow and reform and the muscles and veins regrew. The muscle and tissue exposure to the air made the itching become sore. When the pain ended that was then they were back to the way they were.

She looked to the side to see the white line where the old fingers were cut off with the pale new fingers marking what was cut off. She felt the tears start to fall, however, she knew that her 'session' was far from over.

It did not end until it was lunch time. Then her torture ended. He took out a bowl of something green. Then he opened her mouth and put a spoon in it and went to feed her like a baby, but she was in far too much shock to have any type of appetite. However, he was able to force the plastic trading food down her throat. He pinched her nose and covered her mouth which forced her to swallow. This just made her want to throw up.

After lunch, she was back to being tortured under the guise of dissection born from his sadistic intrigue. She was given shocks of what looked like lightning, just to keep her awake! She then fell and was caught by Father Of Knowledge once he was done.

"I must admit that it is intriguing that the cells in your body know how to regenerate the way they do. However it is even more intriguing to see how your soul and spirit seem to be in a state where they are locked to your body. Now I will be studying your spare parts and then tell you of my findings."

He placed a hand on her and she flinched.

"You know, you really are an interesting one. I just can't wait to find out more about you and that body of yours."

Loc looked at him with tired anger. She looked down as he led her out of the room and into the hallway. She was carried down the white hallway. After what seemed to be like two days in the dark, the light hurt her eyes.

"You will be fine. You can sleep now."

She looked down. She did not want to go to sleep but she was just far too tired. Hey eyes closed to help them adjust to the light. That was when she heard it, the sound of other people. They were shooting. Others, screaming. She even heard cries for help.

They filled her heart with hope. If there were others here, then that meant that, of the number or weighed everyone in this building, then that would mean that there was a chance to escape.

"Where is that coming from?"

"Oh the others? You need not concern yourself with them. Although you will meet them. Well, some of them." He said as he called her to a cell.

There in the cell she just wanted to sleep, but she knew that she could not. She had to keep awake. She knew that she had to think of a plan to get out of here. No more than that, she had to get the others out of here too. After all, she was pretty certain that none of them desired to go through what they were. However, she had to meet them first.


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