The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Three


Loc some up. She looked around. She felt the pain in the back of her head. She could see nothing. She knew that she was lying down on something. She could not feel what she was on. She could feel gravity pushing down on her shoulders. This told her that she was lying down diagonally. She heard someone come in.

She soon was looking at a pair of electric blue lights next to a pair of line green lights. Yet she knew that they were not lights at all but they were eyes.

"Well. That seals it! She's not from this world. It's as clear as day! Although, I must admit, that her eyes are pretty strange how they don't light up like that. I did not know that even in other worlds that none-glowing eyes could exist!" 

"I know! I heard people who saw her called her-"

"Father Of Elevation, please do not speak of such things here. This is a place of science, not childish prophecy!"

"Oh, thank you Father Of Knowledge. I forgot that you do not like such things."

"You better. Now, back to her." He said clicking on the light

This revealed the man with electric blue eyes had silver skin and thin white horns. Meanwhile the man next to him had shiny purple skin with electric blue horns. They both were looking white coats that looked like trench coats but the material that they were made of was too thin. Underneath she noticed that their trousers and shirt were also white.

She could hardly move as one touched her face. Their touch was cold as ice, yet it felt like flesh, but cold flesh and rough too.

"Do you think that she understands us?" Asked the purple one.

The silver one looked at her in her eyes.

"Yes…it seems that she does!"


"I can safely say that I can not work with this. She looks like she's already broken!"


He let out a sigh as he looked at her.

"Tell me, what is your name, child?" He asked, almost fatherly.

"Lorra Cerberus, please just call me Loc." She replied, her voice sounded distant and far off. As if it was no longer her's.

She could not take her eyes off this man. She could see something more in those electric blue eyes. Like there was something inside them. She felt herself moving forward with her sight, she felt a primal, inductive side of her, will her to get closer. Then she sat a man in the shadows with bright scarlet glowing eyes. She could tell nothing more of him than that.

Then her world became black. When her eyes opened she felt nothing but fear in her heart. She felt breathless and she knew that she had to get out of here. She did not know how, but she knew that she must get out of this place as soon as she could.

She looked around and forced herself forward. She pushed further and further forward until she snapped free for whatever was holding her. She ran around the room. She soon felt a door and opened it. She did not take that long and ran down the light white corridor. She found corner after corner. She just could not even see a way out, nor could she see any windows or die leading out.

She just could not see a way out. She could not see a way to stop and gather her thoughts. Her mind was filled with the image of that man. She just could not even get him and the fear out of her mind.

Then she saw the silver man turn a corner. She was just about to run past him then she felt something in her back and she fell.

When she woke up, she was back where she started…


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