The Sorrowful Rebel The Birth Of A Rebel Part Six

 First Dawn

When they escaped, the first thing that they noticed was that it was night. However, they knew that they could not stop. No, if they did that then they would be caught and any hope of the taste of freedom would be completely crushed. No, they had to continue. As they did, it seemed that Life knew where they were going. Whatever it was, that they were being led to, they knew that they would have to trust her.

They soon came to a street and she turned to the left. She saw a flash of the house that she stayed in and the rebel that died there. In that moment she made a silent vow to herself that no matter what, she would honour his death and the fact that he totaled it all, just to look after her. Yes, she too would become a rebel, the rebel that he knew that she would become. She owed him that much.

The moment passed quickly as they turned corner after corner and then ran down the last street. They soon came to an open road, where a bus was parked. Life ran into the door and she opened it.

"Get in!"

Knowing better than to say anything they did.

"To Break and To Open, you're on rewiring duty."

They nodded. Soon they pulled out tubes with metal strena inside. They both twisted the metal and they were ready.

"Take your seats!"

Loc carried Father Of Knowledge to the break and placed him beside her. They soon set off. Knowing that it had been a long night and it was going to be longer, she pressed her head against the window. She could see the colours blur into each other as the scenery passed before her very eyes faster than they could take in.

The green made her think of the Forest Of Illusions and Max.

What's he doing at the moment? Is he thinking of me? Or is he dead too? Was he killed by those sunburners? Or an assassin or, I hope not, my sisters?

She suddenly felt homesick. She wanted to go home. She wished that she could fall into her parents arms. She wished so much that this would turn out to be some bad, messed up dream. Oh how she wished that they were still alive, all of them. Oh how she wished that her sisters didn't kill them. Oh how she wished she could bring them back from the dead. Oh how she missed them.

She could feel that she had a headache that she knew stemmed from being in this world too long. Not that she could do anything about it. She could not even leave this world. Not in the state that she was in, nor did she have a way to leave. So she would have to endure it. She closed her eyes to ease it. Her eyes burnt slightly. Soon that subsided and so did the test of this strange world as she drifted into slumber.

She woke up as they pulled as they pulled up to a small hut. It seemed like it had been abandoned decades ago, leaving it to be devoured by the elements. She wondered if she would end up like that. Devoured by the elements.

"Alright you lot! Time to get out!" Silver Winter shouted.

She looked beside her. Father Of Knowledge was still next to her. She stretched as his eyes opened. He looked around completely apartment as his eyes and head darted stupid frantically. He then relaxed for a moment and smiled.

"Get up!" Silver Winter snapped.

He smiled and shrugged. He stood and put his hands into his coat pockets. Loc followed them out of the bus. 

"What is that?" She asked, pointing to the bus.

"A bus. Don't they have any where you're from?"


"Enough, now follow me!" She snapped.

"Yes ma'am!" He sang.

They both followed her into the hut. In front of them was a trap door. She then walked up to Father Of Knowledge.

"You do realise that they can track that?" He said, nodding back to the bus.

Loc frowned wondering how that could be tracked. But realising that it must have a scientific explanation, she also realised that it did not matter.

"Oh, To Break and To Open are all over that." Life said. "Now, you're going first."

"Alright! Blimey you can be rough!"

She pushed him on. He smirked.

"Easy darling!"

He descended. They all went down the ladder. They then walked down a metal pathway. They, street what seemed like an hour, stopped in front of two doors.

"This is Life. I have someone I would like you to meet."

They all looked at Loc. The door opened and they walked in.

"Loc, come with me." Life called.

She looked and nodded. She walked next to her.

"Silver Winter, To Break, you stay by him." 

They grabbed Father Of Knowledge by both his arms. They led him away with Life following behind.

"I'm going to introduce you to our leader, Light Bringer. He is alright and stern." 

They even walked for an hour and the door opened. There she saw a man with crimson skin and yellow eyes and orange horns. He wore a black shirt and trousers. He then yawned.

"This is too early!" He muttered.

Then his eyes rested upon Loc. He smirked as his eyes widened and suddenly he was wide awake.

"Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? I'm not having a strange dream about those stories my father told me about as a child, am I?"

Life smiled and nodded.

"Wow! Are you really from another world?"

"Yes, why?"

"Bless me! I can hardly believe it! My father was right!"

"Yes and another thing you're not going to believe. Father Of Knowledge experimented on some of us and we have powers now."

"Are you mad?"

"Are you?"

His jaw dropped lower and God rides widened as his eyebrows were raised so much that they were almost touching the horn line on his head.

"Well I say, things really are changing around here."

"Now what do we do?" Asked Loc, feeling lost.

"Sleep, then I'll sign you to your mission. Mainly to see what you're made of."

She nodded.

"Now Life, find her a room." He said.

She nodded.

"Come on." She said as she led her out of the door.

"What is this magic known as technology? I heard Father Of Knowledge talk about it. Sure we have technology where I'm from but that all works on magic."

She laughed.

"Well we don't. We use science."


"I'll explain when we have the time to." She said as she yawned.

She soon led her to the room. The room was dark and metal. The bed had a black thin mattress made of a substance that she did not recognize.

"Here, I have no room mate so that bed's yours."

She took the one on the right. She lay down and her eyes closed before she knew it. Then, before she knew it, she was being woken up. She was then shown the shower and how to use it. She soon took one. After she felt cleaner than she ever had been before! Even when she was being cleaned with that golden liquid when she was with the sunburners! She even smelt better than she had ever smelt before!

"Ready?" She asked as she passed her a new set of clothes.

They were black underwear, trousers, a black shirt and a grey jacket. She looked at the black bra in confusion.

"That's a bra. I mean it's no corset but it's better." She said before showing her how to put it on.

She soon felt that she could breathe better with it on.

When she put on her other clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror for the first time before she came here. She touched the scar on her throat. She then turned around and followed Life out of the room and soon they were at Light Bringer's room.

"Morning." He said as he took his poison at the front. "Well as we know where the Evil Emperor's science division is, I think that it's about time we took it out, once and for all."

She noticed that To Open, Silver Winter and To Break were there too.

"Now, time to address the elegia in the room. Like the old prophecy of the other worlder states, I must tell you that there is someone from another world in the room.

Suddenly Loc hearts whispering in the room. She could feel her discomfort start to stir. Yet she spotted some of them smile and some looked at him as if he was crazy.

"That's nonsense! There are no other worlds." To Break laughed. "Whoever they are, they are clearly a liar!"

Loc felt her legs move before she had even time to register. She then looked him in the eye.

"Do I look like I'm from this world?"

They looked at her and became silent.

"Can we try back to planning shall we?"

Loc nodded as she sat back down.

"Now Loc you would be taking up with this group and you will blow it up."


He raised a box.

"This is a bomb. I don't know how things are in your world, but in this one, these things blow things up. To Break will be able to teach you how."

She nodded.

"Now, all of you need to do is get back in there tonight, plant the bomb and get out. However, I do realise that things can go wrong so don't hold it against yourself. Now you all need to get weapons of your own. So all of you, hey some sleep early this afternoon. Life, I would like for you to find out what Loc is capable of."

"Right, but I will have to suggest that she had a shadow blade."

He looked at her and nodded.

"I will trust your judgement."

"Loc, come on."

She got out of her chair and walked up to a rectangular machine. She pushed a few buttons and soon she heard something hit the bottom of the machine. She then passed her a silver bar. She looked at it not knowing what she was to do with it. She looked up at Life as she broke the silver off it and she did the same. This revealed a shiny blue rectangle underneath. She saw her bow into it and she did the same. Suddenly she could taste sweet blueberries and roses. She soon ate it.

They then walked to the weapons room. There, she gave her a long blade that, despite its size, felt lighter than a small pole! It was turquoise with the guard covered with lilac leather.

"Wow! It's lighter than it looks!"

"I know! Shaw iron is the strongest and lightest metal that was ever found. It's so light that even a toddler could hold an arm full. Thought it would do all with someone like you."

"You're right. Not to mention it's beautiful!"

She chuckled.

"Right, now I think that it's gone to see what you're made of!"

So for the next hour they spent training. As the session went on it became all too clear that Life was right. It took her only fifteen minutes to get used to the blade, but that was all that was needed. So when they returned she knew that she was ready to carry out her mission. So she closed her eyes and drifted off.

She woke up only what seemed like a moment later. She quickly took her shower and got her clothes on. She then took her shaw blade and before she knew it, they were off. They were back in the bus, where she got a little more sleep before she woke up. 

They had arrived. She looked at the building that Father Of Knowledge had tortured both her and many others under the guise of science. There she had learnt about parts of her that she never even knew about.

Time to be a rebel. She thought as the last light went out.

They drove to a secluded area of the building. Life, To Open, To Break and Loc walked out. To Open looked at the door and crouched. There, she spent time picking the lock. Then they were soon in. They flattened themselves against the walls and looked down the corridor. Seeing that it was clear they moved lightly down it. Loc found it strange to hear her footsteps quieter than they used to be. They soon came to a door. To Break checked the door and picked it. Soon that was open to.

They walked in and climbed a ladder to the bottom. She started to hear a low humming and running water.

"Where are we going?"



"We're right under the centre of the building."

She nodded as they continued. They walked slowly and steady and soon they stopped. To Break took out the bomb. She looked up and at To Break. He handed her the bomb. She looked at it wondering what to do. She put it on a metal tub.

"Good place!" He commented. 

"Now what do I do?"

"You see those numbers?"


"Press five, zero, zero."

She did and as quickly as possible.

"Now press the green arrow."

She did.

"Now we have done minutes to get out of here."

They nodded and ran as fast as they could. Loc, found that she was able to run faster and better than before, yet they soon came to the ladder and she almost ran up them. Yet she could feel herself getting slightly tired. These past couple of months had left her out of practice. She knew that she needed to pick off the rust. Yet she ran back down all of the corridors and they were all on the bus.

She looked back as they drove off to see the explosive flames burst out of the building.

"That's what the bomb did?"



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