Scar Attempts Of The Witches Part Five

 The Fifth Attempt 

Scar woke up and she felt sore all over. She slowly slipped out of bed and walked down the stairs.

“Should you be out of bed?”

Scar jumped and punched behind her. The Watcher caught it and licked his lip.

“My, that was a strong punch!”

“What are you doing with my daughter you creep?”

“Making sure she’s-”


“Fine! I was using the loo and I came out to see that she was up and about.”

“I’m fine. Now get off my wrist!”

“Make me!”

She kneed him in between the legs. He smirked and let go.

“Good girl.”

Scar shook her head as she walked to the kitchen.

“Tell me, what do you want?” The Watcher asked, almost fatherly.


Scar was stumped. She just could not think of what she wanted. Yet there was one thing that she did want but will never have. Another thing that just hit her in that moment was this was the first time since her adopted mother, Charlotte died that she was being asked such a question.

What do I want?

Then the Watcher leaned in closer to her.

“Tell me, do you want me to teach you how to cook a full English breakfast?”

“But that’s an adult breakfast!”

“And are you a child?”


What is he getting at?

“Then who looks after you?”

“I do.” She spoke with a tightening throat.

“Then why aren’t you going to a children’s home?”

“Because if I did that then I would be in those witches hands faster!”

He nodded with a guarded look in his eyes.

“And where do you go to school?”

“I went to school in town.”


“Morana’s other girls go there. They were my best friends since my mum died but she doesn’t want me to go anywhere near them.”

“And will you be going to another?”

“No. I was thinking about ditching school entirely.”

“Oh! And why is that?”

“I don’t need it. I have a job and I already know all that my teachers had taught me anyway so why bother?”


“Anything I don’t know I could research on the net.”



“So, do you want me to teach you how to cook a full English breakfast?”


She soon was in the kitchen and she was learning how to cook a full English breakfast. After, Scar looked at the food. She ate the beans and then the eggs. Which she found that she did not like but still ate nevertheless. She then ate the toast and sausages, which she found were her favourite. Then she drank her apple juice.

She looked up at the two men. Then she looked at Alex. Then she looked at the window. She noticed that she looked very much like her mother and yet she could tell that there were slight differences, such as her ears were like her father. The top of her nose was like her mother but the bottom was like her father.

“Urm…” She spoke as she touched the hat she gave them when she wanted to be a hunter like her father, but as her mother was his boss and she was a Mythos Puros, whatever that was, she could tell that was never going to happen. Yet there was another reason that she wanted to speak was just to speak to him. “Do you want your hat back?”

“Hold on, you kept my hat?”

“Yes. I try to keep it on my head as much as possible.”

“Oh!” He said, surprised as he looked at the hat. “Does it fit yet?”

“It is starting to.”

“It is?”


“Wow! Keep it. It’s yours.”

“Thank you!” Scar exclaimed with a smile.

“By the way, how did those witches come back from the dead?”

She told him. He nodded, he looked at her with concern and fear in his eyes.

“So that’s why Morana told me to keep an eye on you!” 

This sent a ripole throughout her heart. She felt a warmth run down her arms and heart. Her eyes started to become watery. Yet she bit her lip as she looked to the side.

“Sh-she did?”

“Yes. After all, she is still your mum. Regardless of her past actions.”

She nodded as her heartbeat increased.

“Urm… what did she say?”

“She was happy that you saved Beatrice and Britannia. Then, when she saw what happened on Blackpool seashore, she knew that she had to do something, so she told me to look after you.”

She nodded. She could feel her heart sinking.


She closed her eyes. Then opened them again. She looked outside and she saw a mother and a child throwing a ball to each other. She looked away as she felt a tug in her heart.

She got to her feet to collect the plates to wash them up. However, Alex got to his feet first and collected them for her.

“I’ll do this.”

She nodded as she looked aside. She then walked out of the room. She looked back at the two who were busy doing the washing up. She closed the door and locked it. She walked on. Her heart sank with every step. He had lied to her. Morana did no such thing. She wanted to believe the lie but she was far too smart to be even able to. She knew that the only reason that she would send him was to keep what was happening on the down low.

She turned a corner. She walked on and on. Almost aimlessly. She found a car park block. All the cars were stacked on each floor. She looked up to the rooftop. It did not take long for her to be looking down where she was looking up. She saw the sea of people beneath her. She thought that she saw Beatrice and Britannia but she ignored this. No, they were just another reminder of all she lost. What she will never have.

She could feel the tears suffocate her. She did not want a woman that spent every day trying to kill her. A man that lied to her. Yet she did not want to go to the witches back to Scarborough, just to be robbed if the rest of her normality and in it’s place was nothing but torture. She wanted to be safe. She wanted to be in her mother’s arms and there she would be wanted.

She was about to take a step forward when she was pulled back. She hit the ground hard.

“No. We can’t have you die now!” Sneered Charnette.

She soon was pinned down. She bit into the hand. She soon scrambled onto her feet and saw that the only way on was, back. So she picked up a stone and threw it at them. She then ran down the ramp.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound bombarded her ears. She looked on to see that all the cars were flashing and flashing on and off again. Then they all went off. Yet she had to run on, trying not to let the noise get to her. She ran on then she saw the car come at her. She jumped on the hood. She saw another dive to her. She had to jump onto another hood to dodge. She saw another come at her. Shr had to jump from hood to hood, dodging each and every one of them. Then, when she left the floor, she was hit in the back and hit the ground below. Shr rolled as she landed then looked up to see the fire.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Wee woo! Wee woo! More cars drove to her. She ran to the left. The doors opened to reveal Damia!

“I have been looking forward to this!”

She outstretched her hand and she flew back. She felt pain spread all over her body almost like she was in a furnace.

“How dare you fight against us? We are the ones that made you. Yes, us! Not that Morana girl! Though it is true that you did form in her womb and she did give birth to you, you were always ours. It was our potions that made you into what you are now. It is because of us that you are the Mythos Puros. So you belong to us. You owe us everything!”

“She owes you nothing!” Alex said as he shot her.

The bullets fell. Scar got up.

“Scar, run.”


“We will talk about this later. Now run.”

She nodded as she turned around and started to run. She flew off the ground and a hand caught her by the throat. She felt a blade in her leg. She went to scream out in pain but nothing came out of her mouth. She looked down to see Ephoh. 

“There, now you cannot run!”

Soon she hit the ground as she was covered in a plastic bag. She tore it open and she went to punch her but her fist stopped in the air. She then tried to retract it but it was stuck. She slapped the back of her hand. Then she gripped her by her throat. She pulled her down and kicked her in the side. She picked her up by the throat and pulled her down to the next floor. She rolled and rolled as she landed. She hit a car which set off it’s alarm.

She looked up to see the witch coming to her. The next thing she spotted was how dizzy she was. The ground beneath felt like it was rocking like a ship in a storm.she painfully got to her feet. Only to fall the moment she lost balance.

She looked up as she felt a hand pull her up by the hair. She hit behind her. She felt the side of her fist collide with something. Then the hand squeezed and pain flared up on the top half of her head. She looked to see that it was Charnette. She hit back again and again and again and again and it did nothing. Then her head was thrust into the ground. This caused her dizziness to become worse. She was pulled higher and higher. The witch was about to hit her until something stuck her and Scar fell, barely clinging onto consciousness.

She saw The Watcher hit Charnette with a ball of light. Black. She saw him hit her in the face. Black. She saw her throw a ball of fire at him. He dodged. She threw another and it looked like it struck only to be flung back. Black. She saw Ephoh pick her up. Bang! A bullet hit the witch’s arm. Black. Alex hit the witch again and again and again and again. Black. She felt someone pick her up. All went black.

The next moment she woke up in her bed, covered in bandages.

“Why did you do that?” Alex asked.

“Because I can’t take it anymore!”


“Don’t ever give me that false hope ever again!”


“That woman never sent you! So don’t pretend that she did. She would rather me dead. So don’t you ever tell me otherwise. And don’t ever give me the ‘she’s changed’ bulloney because -because-because wh-when I c-came home from-from-”

Then the image of Morana with Beatrice and Britannia came to mind and she just broke down into tears. Alex placed a hand on her head and drew her in until she cried herself to sleep.


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