Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Two
The Dead Village
They walked on and on and came to a place where they could see buildings. Yet there were new ones too! She looked down as none of them could hear anything. They could see no movement in the orange fog. They noticed that not even a single sound could be heard, not even the sound of a far off bird. The only thing that they could hear was the sound of their own footsteps. They looked at each other, feeling creeped out by this and they could feel something was wrong about the atmosphere.
That was when Doormaze tripped again. She looked down to see the body of a man. His eyes were open and he had a gaping black hole in his chest! At this she let out a scream. That was when Coalmine wrapped her hand around her mouth. She looked at it with a greying face. They looked at each other
That was when Burn took a step to the side and tripped too. She looked down to see a woman who was killed in the exact same way! She went to climb back up until she felt something under her hand. She looked back to see what it was. To her utter horror it was a child! He too had been killed the exact same way! She covered her mouth to stifle the scream.
“What happened here?” She cried.
“I don’t know, but both of you need to keep your voices down.”
“Alright, then what do we do?”
They all looked around the silent village and saw more and more corpses. All were killed in the exact same way. Doormaze could not help but feel disheartened by this display. She may not have been responsible but she could not help but feel guilt over the fact that she was too late to stop it. After all, judging by the freshness of the decomposition, she could have come earlier and saved everyone from whatever happened.
“Hey, I found something!” Called Burn.
“I said keep your voices down!” Coalmine snapped as they ran to her. She was in a house where she had a book in her hands.
She looked down.
“So this is all English?”
“What’s ‘English’?”
“Our home country.”
“Yeah and read the first page.”
So she looked down.
I used the spell my master taught me. I think I did it too well.
They just destroyed the village. Yet the fire creatures seem to be
Kindlewiggle Coremor
“‘The fire creatures seem to be healthy ‘? Hur?” Coalmine repeated with a high-pitched tone.
“Hold on, did that say fire creatures?”
“Yeah, why?”
“We’re going to die!”
“What, no!”
“Yes we are! We are not ready for a fire creature, we can’t even deal with one, let alone multiple of them!”
“Yes we are and we will!”
“By using the Basilisk’s eye!”
“It’s alive isn’t it?”
“Oh? Oh!”
“Now, come on!”
So they left the village.
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