Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Seven


The girls felt cold despite being in such a hot place. Their tongues and dry mouths were so dry that they cut their tongue every time they moved it. Their skin was dry, red and flaky. They could feel their lips were cracked. They would have spoken or complained about this if they did not know any better. So they traveled on and on, shaking the entire time. They became tired quicker too, however they knew that they could not stop until they came across some more safe water. Their eyes felt raw and every time their eyelids dropped they burnt.

How long can we keep this up? How long can we?

She fell forward and soon Burn followed. She would have spoken up if she had the ability. She could tell that she had a dry and sore throat. Yet she could tell that she was barely hanging onto consciousness. Yet Coalmine picked up their wrists and dragged them on and on and on. Even though this burnt, it was their only way forward. So they put up with their pain yet nor could they even complain about it so this helped Coalmine go on and on and on.

Yet she too could feel ill. She felt like she was going to throw up. Yet she could tell that both her and Burn were shaking uncontrollably. They could no longer sweat which made their skin burn even more.

How long can we hold on here?

I want to go home! I just want to go back home and sleep in my own bex and sleep all of this off.

Yeah…that would be nice…

But I need water! If only we all could just find some water! Then we should be able to get back on our feet. Then it wouldn’t be on Coalmine to get all of this done for us.

Yeah…She seems to be the one carrying all of this. We’re just holding her back.

She looked up at the tarain and spotted that she too had glowing eyes. It would only be a matter of time until she too could no longer tolerate this harsh atmosphere. She could tell all of this was nothing more than just waiting for death. Yet Coalmine kept traveling on and on and on. Nothing but determination was keeping her going. Yet even she had started shaking and became clumsier and clumsier. But she pushed herself on and on and on. Then her foot hit a rock and she fell. She hit the ground hard and she did not move a muscle. Both Doormaze and Burn pushed past through it all to get a look at Coalmine. Doormaze flapped her hand in front of her and pressed it to her mouth to see that she was alive.

Good. She thought before all went black.


When the girls woke they saw a big puddle. All commando crawled to it and drank. This gave them all a new boost of strength. So they were able to get up and could tell that it would not hurt them to speak.

“Now. Food.”



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