Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Four
Fields Of Fire
When Burn woke up she had a slit too. Doormaze did not dare look at everyone, just in case the change had strengthened her Basilisk’s eye. So they suddenly felt more hydrated and stronger too.
“Right, should we continue this way?”
“Yeah. After all, we might be able to find the exit point of this place. Also, if we go and turn every corner that doesn’t work out we will never get out of here.”
Burn nodded.
“Then let’s go! More chat and we will lose time.”
Sothey walked on and on. Soon they saw little fires all around. Yet, as they continued, they noticed that the fires increased. Yet as they walked on and on the fires became larger and larger. Yet all felt the ground beneath them getting hotter and hotter.
They looked down to see that they were walking on hot coals! Yet as they looked back they noticed that they had been for a long time. They looked at their shoes to see that they were blackened by soot. Yet then they saw the wall of fire behind them. Thenthey looked at each other.
“Looks like we can’t go back that way!”
“No. We can’t!”
“I think that we need to run!”
“Yeah! I think so too!”
So they ran and ran as the fire followed them on and on. Yet as they ran and ran they all could feel the heat underneath them becoming hotter and hotter. Yet they all could do nothing about it. So they forced themselves on and on and on. As they did, Doormaze took a glance down to see that they were no longer running on coals but on small flames! Yet as they ran on and on she could see that the flames became larger and larger. Soon they were running on nothing but an endless mass of flames! She could feel the flames lick her causing her to cry out in pain. Yet as she pushed on and on her calves and shins became eclipsed by pain!
I can’t do this! I can't do this! I can't do this! I just can’t do this! This is just far too hard! This is all far too hard!
As she ran on and on, she could do nothing but run on and on as her vision became blurry. She felt her tears burning her cheeks. Yet it took all what was left of her willpower to push on and on and on. She could feel the fire getting bigger and bigger and the pain it brought became higher and higher. She looked back to see a blur of amber and orange. Yet they all ran on and on and on.
Please, please let there be an end to this! Please let there be an end somewhere to this! I don’t care where it is, just that it is close! I don’t know how long I can take all of this!
Soon her crying turned to weeping as she could not see it. Yet all they could do was run and run. Then unbelievably the flames rose above their heads! Ywt as they ran and ran on and on they noticed that the flames started to get smaller and smaller.
This was enough to fill the girls with hope that they needed to run on and on. As they ran on and on the flames became smaller and smaller l. Yet as they did they could feel that the shoes and clothes were all burning. So as they ran, they patted out the fire. Once they moved on coals again they could tell that they were all but fully destroyed.
I hope that Dark Curse and Dark Destiny have something to help with all of this.
Then they left the field of fire behind. Then they collapsed as the girls wept themselves to sleep.
That was when she saw them both. She could see that Natalie was unconscious. She looked at Dark Curse.
“I can feel you there girl!”
“I know. Me, Burn and Coalmine are terribly burnt. Is there anything that you can do?”
“There is.” He purred.
“Then please, do it!”
“Only if you tell me why did you kill Dark Genocide!”
“The only way that we can pass on from world to world is by taking out the evil stronghold of that world. He just so happened to be it.”
He nodded.
“And why should I help you?”
“Because there is a reason that you chose me to go on this quest and I will not be able to fulfill this quest if none of us can even walk or fight whatever it is that is here!”
He nodded and smiled.
“Then I will. However, all of you are facing something of the fire element, so I shall help you even further by giving you the power of water, which includes summoning it.”
He placed his hand on her.
“When you wake, do as I do.”
She nodded. Then he placed his hand in front of her face and dragged it down. Soon the pain in her body vanished!
“Thank you!”
Then before he could reply her eyes opened and she repeated the action and they all healed. She fell back to sleep after being flooded with relief.
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