Scar Attempts Of The Witches Part Two

 The Second Attempt 

It had barely been three days since the last attempt had taken place when Scar, just to take her mind off things, took a walk. She walked out of her house and walked to the seashore. She took a moment to breathe in and out. Driving her mind to the present so that she could enjoy the cold, fresh and free air. 

I am free. I can go wherever I want. I am not in a cage. I am not a prisoner. I don’t have to wake up in the morning with my guard up. She thought, more to herself.

So, she walked down the stone stairs with a bucket and spade on Blackpool beach and started to find a spot where she started to dig. She put some sand in the bucket and started to build a castle. She tried not to focus too much on the families around her. No. She wanted to focus upon her castle and her castle alone. Once she was done, she thought that something was missing. So she started to build small Tudor-like houses in front of the castle. Yet as soon as she had finished that, she started digging all around it and connected the trench with the sea. Once the sea flooded the trench, suddenly her work of art was complete.

Think I should call it Fire Art. I wish I could show mum this. She would have loved it. Bill and Bliss too.

Then she looked up to see Morana with Beatrice and Britannia coming to the beach. Suddenly she remembered how she, Charlotte, Bill and Blisswere like. She remembered building several sandcastles and burying each other in sand with them. She remembered how at the end of the trips to the beach they would always destroy those very sandcastles after laughing too much.

She looked away, despite her heart aching for those days she walked away from the sandcastle. She longed to go up to Beatrice and Britannia and restore that very same laughter and joy. She wanted to just spend time with them. But no, they had to be her children. Why did they have to be her children?

Why do they have that and not me? Why do they get that side and not me?

Don’t be jealous of them. It’s not their fault.

So she walked to the stairs farthest from them, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. Then walked down to the McDonald’s near the Pleasure Beach. Yet as she did, her mind was flooded by what she had just seen. They were smiling and she held their hand and laughed.

Why couldn’t she hold my hand that way? Why couldn’t she laugh and smile like that with me?

Why do I get stuck with the monster? Why is it every time she sees me she has to hurt me? Why is it when she smiles at me, it is out of malice?

She could feel her tears coming. Whether she liked them or not they were. Soon her breathing started to become laboured as she fought for some self control as the tears fell. She soon fell to her knees as she found herself breaking down. She punched the ground as she felt herself losing to sorrow.

“What’s wrong?”

“She hates me! She actually hates me! She doesn’t even know me and she wants me dead!”

“Oh? So you don’t have anyone to say goodbye to. Looks like that makes things easier!”

Her eyes widened with terror as she looked up to see the witches above her.

“It’s been a long time since we saw those pretty little tears of yours.”

“Yeah! She must have hurt you read bad to be doing that.”

“Or has your time playing normal made you soft?”

Then Charnette stopped them and their laughter by a gesture. 

“You know, we could make her love you. Just the way you want her to.”

She looked up, feeling stunned as she looked at them as she crouched in front of them. She placed a hand on her cheek.

“Yes. We could. We could make it so that you and her can live a happy family life.”

She felt her heart start to ache, she saw her holding her hand, like Beatrice and Britannia. Smiling at her like she smiled at them. Laughing and building sandcastles with Alex and Beatrice and Britannia. She found the more that she thought about it the more she wanted it and soon longed for it.


She moved her hand to her shoulder.

“You heard.”

“Y-you can do that?”

“Can and will do but we need to use two difficult things.”

Her eyes looked down with hunger in her eyes. She could be on the verge of getting that love back. The love that she was starving to love.

“Of course, that is if we were interested in your happiness, Mythos Puros.”

Suddenly she felt her hope collapse like a castle of cards.

“Which, you are not.”


Anger and rage flared up within her like a furnace. She threw a punch at her, but pain flared up within her. She was back on the ground. She felt the other two at her ankles and wrists. She kicked and kicked. She hit one in the face and the other in the throat. Then she felt the pain again, but she kept kicking and kicking. She then felt heat to the left. She looked to see a couple screaming as flames consumed them. Then she stopped and she felt rope around her wrists. Upon seeing none else she bit into the hand as hard as she could until the rope dropped. Then more and more fire flared up. She heard more and more screams.

She looked up as Charnette hit one on looker after the other. In desperation, she focused all her will to stop her. Then Charnette was hit by a gust of wind. She looked at her, feeling drained. She then felt the rope return to her wrist. She hit the one that had her by the ankle again and again and again until she let go. However, her wrists were already bound. She pushed against the ground. Then she broke out into a run. She felt something hit her shoulder. Pain flared. She still ran. She kept running and running and running. She felt another thing hit her and another and another and another. Then she was hit in the back of the leg. Then she hit the ground.

She got back up and looked back to see a police car coming. She saw the witches being surrounded. Not wanting to stay, she ran and ran and ran. She focused her whole being into running. Then she heard an explosion. She looked back to see the police cars were all on fire and the officers had their guns trained on them.

She saw them fire fireball after fireball after fireball at them. Yet they all ducked.

They have this!

They don’t have this.

She then spotted the police officers fire a bullet at one and another and another. Yet all they did was raise their palms and they all turned to butterflies.

Run. It’s me they want. So they’ll come after me.

So she ran and ran and ran. She found an alleyway. They soon appeared behind her.

“Like mother, like daughter! Hiding behind those silly soldiers calling themselves a funny word like police.”

She went to dive to a can but a fireball hit the cannand it burst into flames. So she spun and quickly kicked it into Ephoh’s face. She then ran on and on. She soon came to the other end then she felt something whip her ankles then she hit the ground.

She looked down to see that there was a rope around her ankles. She crawled and crawled but she was pulled up and hit in the stomach.

“Now. Time forbus to get back home. After all, that cell has been looking very lonely without you.”

This is not happening! This is not happening! This is not happening.

She looked down. She closed her eyes as they carried her. 

Help! Someone help! Why won’t someone help me? She thought with every step she was losing her freedom.

Then one was shot.

“Not so fast!” Purred a man in a purple hood with pink diamond pattern at the bottom with red baggy trousers with green flames at the bottom.

“Who are you?”

At this he chuckled for a moment.

“A man that has an interest in her future! Now, I’m going to have to ask you to, politely, put her down or you might come to regret it!”

He must be that creepy man that Mr Hunt works with.

One summoned a ball of fire and threw it at him.

“Oops!” He sang as he spun dodging it. “That wasn’t very nice!”

“Nether is shooting a lady from behind.”

He chuckled.

“Ooh! You’re a lady are you?” He sang, raising his gun. “Then I’m a gentleman!”

He fired and to her shock, if his! She looked down at the blood. She had utter shock in her face.

“Ahh! Missed the heart, did I? Oh well!”

He fired again and she fell. Quickly before she picked her up again he dived at her. Before they could do anything he shot at all of them. So they dived back. A car drove by and the two were gone!

“Who in the hell was that!” Cried Charnette.


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