The Sorrowful Rebel The Forging Of A Rebel Part Four

 The Team

She woke up early in the morning. She felt slightly hollow and pulled herself inwards as she thought about the events of the day before. She saw the guard being killed by his own work colleagues as clear as day. She felt the gun in her hands and felt herself shaking as she remembered her killing all those guards. She felt herself crying again and buried her head into the covers as she just had to take her time crying.

Once she was ready, she changed into a purple shirt and black combat trousers. She walked to the café and ate one of the cubes that tasted like a spicy cabbage. She then walked to the library. There she buried her head in a book to take her mind off the events of the day before. She soon finished that book. It gave her a small history of furniture.

She turned around to see Wolf Raven and Light Bringer. 

"Come with us." Light Bringer said, taking her hand.

She was led to his desk. There she was greeted by To Break, To Open and Life.

"Are you alright?" To Break asked.

She nodded.

"Yeah you?"

"Well this past week has been busy. The ones that you helped save are getting the counselling that they need. So it's been the same as usual."

"I'm here!" Distant Battle said as he came in. 

"Then we're all here!" Sang Light Bringer.

"Yes, now Loc. I believe you know who these people are?" Wolf Raven asked.


"Well Light Bringer and I have been talking and we thought that these would be the best team for you. Any objections?"

"None." She replied, slightly relieved.

He smiled.

"Good. Now I think the five of you ought to stay here for the next hour. After all, you need to get to know your team. See you all in an hour." 

She nodded, leaving Loc feeling slightly lost and shy.

"So Loc, why do people of your world just people's names and not their meaning?" Distant Battle asked.

"I don't know. Why do you go by the meaning of the name instead of the name?"

"We believe that it's because when someone tells people their name of figures out their name that one gains power over the person."

Her eyes widened.

"Like name craft?"

"'Name craft'?"

"It's what we call magic involving names."

"Wait, magic exists in your world?"


"I don't believe it!"

"It's true. But I guess things like that must work differently here."

"Maybe. I thought it was just superstition that we couldn't be bothered to get rid of."

She rolled her eyes.

"Well, you did not believe in powers and other worlds." 

He opened his mouth and closed it again.

"So what's your favourite colour?"

"Amethyst people. Yours?"

"The colour of my eyes. In fact, I don't know if it's the same as in your world, but I'm this one, our eyes turn okie favourite colour. Our skin becomes our least favourite colour. Then our horns become the colour that matches our personality." Distant Battle explained.

"And is there anything about your features that are inherited?"

"Our body and bone structure."

She nodded.

"What about you?"

"Everything, such as eye colour, skin, bones and hair colour. However certain events can have an effect on our features."

"So what's your story?"

She then opened her mouth and told them all about her life and world and all she did there. She told them about what she was, the story of her birth, her time in the Forest Of Illusions, her time in the academy, the Sunburners, how she got the Books of Grasharlo, including the finding of the silver and gold key rings and the revelation that it looked to and how she ended up in this world. It helped her sort through the whole thing. By the time she was done her head felt clearer than it had been in a long time.

"That explains a lot."

"Life, what about you?"

"Well it's nothing special. I was born in the favourable houses and all of my brothers went out to serve in the army. They were tasked to guard a powerstation that was soon bombed. Then my brothers were killed and we were told that they were fighting the rebels but I soon found out that wasn't the case. See, they were killed by their own squadron members. I was then kidnapped by one of the rebels and they exposed me to other atrocities that the empire had committed."

She took a glass of water and drank.

"Then I was committed to the task. I was sent on a few missions and I was able to recruit a fair few people from the favourable houses. That was when I was betrayed by one of my friends. Then I fell into the hands of Father Of Knowledge. Then he killed my whole family! And…well…you know the rest."

Loc them waited for everyone to process what had just been said. She turned to To Open.

"Will you go next?"

She nodded.

"Alright. I want to start by saying that my mother was taken as a virgin to one of the favourable houses. There she was forced to serve her evil master there. It didn't matter in what way out how, including with her body. She knew that it was her beauty they put her in the situation that she was in. She made sure that she served her role better than everybody. One slip up would have cost her her family. A family member every time she did not please him. It was during this time that she became pregnant with me. She told her master of this and he got her locked up. When I was born he took me from my mother and made sure that I was his child. Once it was confirmed, he hid me away. I was closely watched to ensure that I never showed any resemblance to my father. While growing, I grew close to my mother. The moment that I showed a resemblance to my father she grew away from me. Then she instilled a hatred for both me and him. This caused me to hate him too. When the others noticed this they took me away and killed her. Then when the rebels attacked, I joined it. It was my first taste of freedom. Yet because I needed education they gave it and then soon I was on my first missions I didn't do well but after a high risk mission I was soon captured and ended up being acquired by Father Of Knowledge who was a close friend of my father."

They took their tone to process that.

"To Break?"

"Similar to To Open but I was able to escape and I spent my time in the streets and my mother rejected me from day one. So I spent my time scavenging. I was taken in when I was thirteen by a strange man, who turned me into his slave. During this time I stole from him and educated myself. I soon found out that my mother was dead. Then, when I got what I needed from him I ran away. Started a gang that mugged as many people as we could. Soon I rose to the top. Then all came to an end when I was found by my father and he killed my friends and captured me. Only for him to stop me to Father Of Knowledge and you know the rest."

They waited again. Then she turned to Distant Battle.

"I'm Distant Battle. When I was a boy my family was wiped out by Evil Emperor himself. Although he always wore a mask and had a voice filter that disguised his voice. Me and my brothers and sisters were the only survivors. Mainly because they wanted to sell us all to Father Of Knowledge. After all, he needed guinea pigs and as children of traitors, we were with less than worms. So he performed many, many experiments on us. One caused my sisters to die and it was soon when the others ended up dead too. One of which damaged my voice and he replaced it with this robotic one. Then the rebellion took hold of the lab I was in. See, they were after Father Of Knowledge and they had found out that he was located in the lab, they came. Yet he got away but I soon joined the rebellion."

They all soon fell silent. All had to take time to think about what had been said. For a while they thought about all that they had said and processed it.

"We all have had a great deal of strife in our lives and for you, the Evil Emperor is the common denominator."

"And now you know why it must fall." Wolf Raven spoke.

They looked back.

"I was listening the whole time, and I must admit I feel nothing but sorrow for you. Which is why I think that the name 'Team Sorrow' would be a fitting name for you."

"Yeah. I do, so to Team Sorrow!"

"'Team Sorrow'."


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