The Sorrowful Rebel The Forging Of A Rebel Final Part

 The Next Faze

They all followed the map to a great hall and they found their seats painted amethyst purple. Painted at the top was a tear on fire. She took her seat in the centre. The rest of her team sat next to her. She knew that they would be best friends from now on. Maybe she could consider them her family in time. Yet she knew that they would be a family that she would be forced to see grow old and turn to dust before her very eyes, as she was frozen in time.

This made her realise that she could not get too close to anyone or she would be too attached, knowing that every time she did she would destroy herself every time they would die. She also knew that she would have to translate this attitude to how she would conduct herself as a leader. Yet she could not quite tell if she was truly ready for the role.

She still felt unsettled, yet she no longer felt as lost as she was. In fact she felt like, with these people, she could be happy. She felt like she had been found after being in a desert for years, by people that would help her axcel in what she needed to in order to thrive. She could not yet know what the future held but she knew that she would face it head on. If she did not find a way back to her world then this world would become her home now and she was determined to fight for it.

Light Bringer walked onto the stage with Wolf Raven beside him. They all stood and put their hands on their hearts. Loc read that this was a sign that they would put their hearts into the rebellion and their fight for their freedom. The reason for the singing was to boost morale.

"To fight,

This night,

And the dark,

Stop it and hark!

"We will be the light,

In this world not right,

As we sing,

We will bring,

Our freedom and good,

Under our secret hood!

"In the hearts soever crushed,

When days deaths were so rushed,

We embrace in honour and blood,

Lives lied down for the greater good!

"In their lost name,

We play the game,

Bringing the light,

It's why we fight!"

The words took on more meaning as Loc remembered To Break Son Of Peter, Silver Winter and that one guard that was killed by his work colleagues. She also remembered everything that she had been through in this world. Yes those words meant more to her now. This world was so dark, so they had to bring some light, any light to it. 

She then caught a glimpse of the people who she recognized as prisoners that they had all helped free. She was glad that they had decided to come and join them. She felt rested and asked as she knew that they would all be grouped up with people that would both benefit them and their skills.

"Right! Now that we have all that over and done with, we all have to be proud of the amazing progress that we all have made! In fact all have done better than expected. We have destroyed the main weapons factory and we have taken the prison that was filled with people, who's only cringe was that they wanted to be free! I can't tell you just how much of a monumental moment this is. We are coming to the final phases and soon all of us will know what it feels like not to have to hide or be oppressed!"

They all clapped and cheered.

"However, it will take a lot longer until we are free! We may have struck a major blow to the empire, but it will take a lot more to take the power of the white empire down. We may be in the final phases but still have a daunting task ahead of us but, I know, together we can do this!"

He took a moment to let everyone let that sink in.

"We have yet to discover the identity of the Evil Emperor himself, but rest assured we will and this fiend that has brought so much evil into our lives will be put to the sword!"


"We will dedicate a team on finding the Ancient Library, where it is said his past is known. However before we do that, we need to obtain a great many things first. All will have a team dedicated to every single one of them! We will need to find other areas where weapons are made. Then make weapons for ourselves!"


"We will soon be finished with this island. Once we have, we will leave behind a team to mention this location. Once we do, we will soon be in the lion's den."

Are we really that far? Loc thought as she looked amazed.

"Remember, we have ended one phase, but as I said, we must stay vigilant. The future is always unpredictable!"

Makes sense. After all, if he has done this over a long time, he would know that.

Her eyes slid to Wolf Raven, yet she noticed that he was strangely attractive.


Later, Light Bringer met with Wolf Raven in his office. He tapped the sides of the pages on the table.

"That was an excellent speech!" He exclaimed as he put the pages in a file.

Light Bringer rubbed his throat.

"Thank you."

"Are you alright?" He cooed, concerned.

"Yeah, speeches always make my throat hurt." He confessed.

He chuckled warmly as he poured a yellow liquid into a cup.

"Then take a good rest. Here, have this." 

He drank the syrup.

"So what do you think about our dear Loc? And thank you for the drink."

"Just doing my duty. As for Loc, she seems promising."

"Do you think that she can do it?"

His eyes narrowed slightly as he took a moment as he thought.

"No. Although, I think she will be the one that will go the furthest."

"How far do you think she'll get?"

Wolf Raven played around with his pendant. He rubbed the piece with jagged edges.

"I think that she will get as far as the Evil Emperor himself!"

Light Bringer's eyes widened in shock.

"You think so?"

Wolf Raven smiled.


"You're not putting too much faith in her?"

"No. The others did not have the same conviction as the others. Although the one that came before her…well unless it had anything that could take down his witch then he had zero interest."

"Why do you think that she had more conviction?"

"The others were only for the piece. She is here because of an accident."

He nodded.

"And will you tell her how to leave?"

He looked down at the piece.

"No. Not yet." 


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