The Sorrowful Rebel The Forging Of A Rebel Part Three

 The Prophecy

When Loc woke she was strapped to a chair. Her mind was foggy, her head was stiff and achy. She hurt all over and there was dried blood under her eye and hair. She tried to move but there were cuffs all over her, keeping her there,pinned to the chair. She could also feel the cuffs around her ankles were especially tight to a point that the fabric was digging into them.

She tried to pull them but suddenly she felt an electric shock run throughout her body! It felt like nails were digging into every point of the body and inside too. She had to let out a cry of pain as she pulled and pulled. This caused more and more electricity to run through her. Suddenly the cry turned into a scream like the screech of a bird. Then it stopped.

What was that? How did that happen!? She thought, panting.

She then looked around as she was trying to figure out where she was. She saw that the room was black and there was no window. She only saw a door in the room right in front of her. She looked up to see if there were any cameras in the room. After all, it was logical for them to be watching her. She soon found one. It was at a good angle which meant that they could see everything that she did. This meant that they knew that she was awake. She then looked at the door and waited for them to open.

She, in the meantime, tried to summon her fire. She could not see it but she could feel it. She closed her eyes and willed all the heat that she could into her hand. Then she opened her eyes and spotted that, again, even though she still could feel it, there was no flame. She suddenly wondered if she was doing something wrong. 

Remember, different world, different rules. Maybe willing the heat to a specific point isn't good enough. Maybe I need something to make the fire? Or the light of the fire?

She then willed the fire into her hand and willed it to be brighter and brighter. Yet the moment that she opened her eyes she saw nothing. She then let out a roar of frustration.

Then the guy walked in.

"Wow! That did not take long." He commented.

She kept her mouth shut as she looked at him. He had coal black skin with blood red horns and twin white eyes.

"Hello. I'm Ash Tree Grove. You're not from around here are you, you little beauty?"

She looked aside as she knew better than to give him a reply.

"Well, tell me, do you know who you work for?"

He pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards and rested his arms on the back. He let out a sigh.

"I mean in general. Like did you know that there have been over one hundred rebellions have risen up over that the Emperor has been in power. Yet here's the strange part, somehow, for some reason, the guy that led them all looks identical! Bar none!"

She looked at him shocked.

No, no I did not. She thought, although she knew than to speak it out loud.

"No. I guess not. It seems that you're useless to us. As I have given you some food for thought, I will wheel you to your room now."

She looked at him with a frown. He chuckled as he got up and then walked behind her. She felt a tremor as he kicked. She rocked back and she felt herself moving. He wheeled her forward. Suddenly her body rested back and she felt the electricity run throughout her body. Her mind was completely blinded by the pain as  he wheeled her down the corridor. She then wanted for the pain to end. Then finally her body fell forward. She panted as her body sweat and twitched.

Then she felt the cuffs come off and she was thrown into the cell. She was far too sore and exhausted to get up. All she could do was lie there and breathe heavily and wait for the twitching to stop. Her eyes closed although she was neither asleep or awake.

She, later that day, got up. She knew that she was nowhere near the factory as if she was then the whole building would have blown up by now. Yet then came the question, if she was not there then where was she? Would Light Bringer and the others be able to find it? When she thought about him she remembered what Ash Tree Grove said.

Was he really the one that led all those rebellions? Maybe he was part of a family of rebel leaders? Maybe…

Or maybe that guy was just trying to create a seed of doubt?

Why? What purpose would he have to lie like that?

To do those seeds of doubt so that I would cause a deviation of loyalty. So that the Evil Emperor would be able to turn their greatest hope into the one responsible for their greatest defeat.

Maybe I'll ask Wolf Raven about all of this once I have gotten out of here. Whatever here is.

She then felt the hunger sink in. She sat on the floor of the cell. As the hunger became painful she pulled her legs in. She realised that she was alone in this.

Why should I expect to be rescued? After all, would they really rescue me because of some prophecy?

She then heard the door of the cell open. Ash Tree Grove came in. He gave a big to the other guards and nodded. They then left without question.

"Tell me, do you think that you are special?"

She rolled her eyes as he closed the door behind him. He let out a sigh as he took out a box and a wooden plate.

"Alright, if you answer I'll give you a square! Now answer. Do you think that you are special?"

She remained firm and still.

I don't know.

"Alright, are you from another world?"


He smiled.

"Tell me, has your leader told you the prophecy about a person from another world?"

"Only the stereotypical stuff. They someone from another world will kill this Evil Emperor they has kept everyone oppressed." She said as he fed her two squares.

"Alright. Did he review the prophecy exactly?"

Just play ball.

"No." She lied.

"Alright. I'll tell you!"


He cleared his throat.

"'One day completely like any other,

Comes over person from works another,

From her mouth something is restored,

Cuts with the evil and his dark cord,

She will summon her banner of fire,

Her smoke come and rose higher,

Hey flash will be the only thing

That will stay and remain,

Her legend will roar and sing,

She goes on and leaves again!"

He smirked as he saw the hunger in her eyes.

So, I will find a way out of this world! Which means that I will end up in another world, maybe mine…

"Do you know why I told you that?"

Oh no.

He came close to her.

"Because that is what someone that comes to this world is always told. Every single one of them. Including that weirdo Reho Risecastle who was far too wrapped up in his weird mission to kill a witch to care." He told her.

He pulled back as he smiled, knowing that he had done what he set out to.

"Enjoy your-"

That was when they heard a bang. This was followed by gunfire. He looked back and his eyes widened. He then ran out and had forgotten to close the door behind him. So she got up and walked out as sirens went off. She knew that they had come to rescue her. She then saw the other cells and the other guards running around the place. She needed to get them out of here and she needed a gun.

She ran at one of the guards and, before he could react, punched him in the face. She got his gun and kicked him in the stomach. She then raised his gun to him. She looked at his eyes, which had hardened eyes. She ran what she had seen at the factory in her mind and she closed her eyes and squeezed then another shot came. She looked at him as there were two shots in his head, one in the front and the other in the side.

She looked up to see a guard that had shot at him. She then felt anger rise within her and she raised the gun and fired at him. She then did not allow her time to process what she had just done. She then immediately went on to another and shot at him. She ran on as she could feel her hands shaking.

She, with shaky hands, took the keys and unlocked one cell after the other. She then gave them all a weapon. They soon went on to fire at each and every one of the guards. She felt her heart beat in her mind as it felt light in her chest.

She then looked up to see another guard coming at her. She fired at him and she ran on and forced herself onto firing at another guard and another and another. She forced herself not to focus upon the fact that she was taking lives. She forced herself to remind herself of what would happen if she was not the one to kill them.

She soon got to a door. She then looked at the bottom and turned to one of the guards. She knew that he was clearly an empty well. She then looked for one of the air vents. She then heard a loud bang and felt blood fall from her neck and she felt like she was choking on her own blood. She crouched down and looked at the guard. She soon saw that he had bitten down on something. In the next moment he then shook violently. Foam came out of his mouth and his eyes bulged.

Did he just take his own life? Why? Did he really think that we would hurt him? Did he really think that it was better to die than to live?

What would you expect?

She knew that she had to get out of her mind. She had to focus on getting her and the other prisoners out of here. She then looked at the door and raised her gun and it opened it.

"Loc!" Exclaimed Silver Winter.

"N-no t-time. W-we n-need to-to get th-them out of here." 

She looked back at them and smiled.

"Good work. Come along!" She said and they soon ran after her out of the prison.

They were led to the buses. She was shaking as she clapped on the steps. Silver Winter grabbed her and pushed her on and then she too fell. She looked down at the front beside her. They're was a bullet hole in her back. She let out a scream as she knew that she was no longer alive. She rushed to her and could feel that the body was becoming colder and colder. She felt her tears fall and fall like rain. 

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Wolf Raven.

"What happened there?"

She stuttered and wept as she told him. He crouched down and hugged her. He pulled her up and guided her to the back and put her seatbelt on. They were soon off and the prison exploded.

"So he told you the full prophecy, did he?" He asked, after Loc had calmed down.

"Yeah. Do you think there's any merit to that?" She asked, her voice hollow.

"I should think so. Loc, good work."

"Thank you."


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