The Sorrowful Rebel The Forging Of A Rebel Part Two

 First Mission

Loc had been there for three days when she was called in for her first mission there. Knowing that she may not be able to get there without it, she took the map that led her to the debriefing room. It was the size of a small classroom with a grey carpet and a black and white ceiling made up of tiles standard like a chessboard. She, for a moment, could not take her eyes off it. She wondered what was behind it. There was a white board in front of her.

"Are you alright?" Asked Wolf Raven.

"Yeah. It's just, how did they do that?" She asked, pointing to the ceiling.

He chuckled.

"Easy, you should find a book on architecture in the library."

"Right. I might just find that book."

"Any other questions?"

"Urm…there's a thing in my room. It's a black blob made of leather. What is it?"

"Oh, that's a bean bag."

"You mean it stores beans?"

He laughed.

"No, it has polystyrene balls. It is where you can sit."


Well that answers one question.

"Then why is it called a bean bag?"

"I don't know."

She smiled as she sat on a chair at the back. Then To Break, To Open, Life,  and Silver Winter walked in. Then Wolf Raven and Light Bringer followed them. She looked at him as he pressed a few buttons and the white board turned blue with lines that Loc soon recognized as a map.

"Good morning everyone! The next mission is to blow up the factory. This is where the empire makes machines and moulds for their weapons." He said as he handed out a copy of each of them.

He then gave them all a bullet proof vest.

"What's this for?"


Then Wolf Raven gave her a tube with red, purple and white buttons.

"Well, when you get there, press those buttons. Distant Battle will tell you how it truly works."

He pointed to a man with golden horns and bronze skin and twin blue eyes.

"Are you the one known as Loc?"

"Yes. By the way, why is your voice strange?"

"It was damaged by a scientist who replaced my voice box with this robotic substitute. It is a reminder of why I do what I do."

"Why were you there?"

"I voted for someone that Evil Emperor did not approve of."

"I'm sorry."

"It is alright. Silver Winter over there had it worse. She lost all her children and husband." 

She nodded as she realised that she was not the one that had it worse here. She felt a strange sense of gratitude that she was able to get out when she did. After all, who knows what would have happened to her if she stayed where she was?

They soon came out of the 'shed' and on the bus. She looked up at the sky as she thought about all the things she had learnt about this world. Sure she had learnt all about the history of this world but she knew that was the tip of the iceberg of this world. She, however, was still yet to know completely what she was doing. Yet she knew that she was doing this to bring justice to this world. Also she knew that the Evil Emperor if this world wanted her dead or confined. She also wanted to be able to, if she was to remain in this world, live free and left alone. Then she would be able to grieve for her friends.

Then she knew that she would have to find a job. She would have to get a house and settle down and watch this world develop. She could tell that this world was far more developed then her world yet there were things that her world was more developed in. She wondered if they had star vessels. Maybe they could put her on over and explore the rest of the universe.

Yeah…sounds nice…. She thought as everything ran by and became nothing but a blur. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she did not notice the moment that they arrived. Distant Battle placed a hand on her shoulder.


Suddenly her heart ached as she wished Lenumé had said that. It came as another reminder that she was dead.

"Should be." She lied.

"Look if you ever want a talk-"

"I'll talk to Wolf Raven?"

"If he's not busy. If he is then I'll lend an ear."

She nodded.


He smiled.

"Right. Let's get this door on the road!"

I don't know if I'll ever be able to get used to his voice. She thought as they left the bus.

"Do you know how to use a gun?"

"Sure. You pull this back and then press this."

"You learn fast!"

"I read fast."

"Yeah, do you get out of those books?"

"I'm out of them now."

He bellowed as he slapped her back.

"We're going to get along really well!"

I don't think so. Thought he was the dark tortured type. Now he seems just annoying. Maybe he recovered or he's just putting on an act. Just like mum and dad.

She will never be able to visit their graves again. Not like she ever did see them. No, she went straight to the Forest Of Illusions. Just what kind of daughter would do that? What kind of daughter doesn't even visit the braves of their parents? Especially after they were brutally murdered like that? Why did she do that? Was it guilt? Was that the true reason why she was doing this? To pretend to be a good girl.

She pushed those thoughts aside. She had a job to do. She ran after them and stuck close to Distant Battle not wanting to lose him.

She raised her gun in preparation.

Just like firing a crossbow. She thought as she fired at a door.

She took this moment to try to summon her fire but still nothing happened. Then she sat a guard running to her and Life shot at him. They ran forward. She heard the loud noises and knew that they were safe. Then she was pulled back by Distant Battle.

"Loc, over there." He said pointing up.

She looked up and saw a box with an eye.

"Wait, you're afraid of something like that?" She scoffed.

"They're cameras."

She gave him a puzzled look.

"They record everything that we do and there'll be someone who will be able to see us and know that we're here."

She nodded as her eyes widened.

So I will have to look at all the technology here. After all, I can tell that screens don't run in magic. Also I do not want to slip up.

She then turned back to Distant Battle.

"Then how do we get in?"

He then pointed to a grid and turned back to her.

"Follow me." He said as they circled away. 

They kept close to the walls and boxes and made sure they were always in the blind spots. They soon arrived at the grid.

"To Open, would you like to live up to your name?"

She smiled confidently as she immediately started on her work.

"I think we need to turn our backs to get and raise our guns, just in case." Loc said.

"Good thinking Loc." Said Silver Winter.

They did this. Then after a few minutes passed they heard a voice call.

They know we're here.

"Can you speed it up?" To Break snapped.

"It's alright. I'm almost there!" She said and I'm the next moment the grid dropped and she climbed in. Distant Battle gave her the bomb.

"I will go last."


"I'm immortal so I am a lot more disposable than you."



He nodded as he climbed in. She kept her eyes out for anyone and everyone as they climbed in one after the other. Then she saw it. A man had found them. She raised her gun and fired at his shoulder. He twisted and his head hit a pole and was knocked out. She then spotted the other men walk right up to the man that was knocked out. They raised their guns at him. She did not realise what they were about to do until they had fired.

They killed him! They killed one of their own! Why? What purpose did they have in doing that? Why did they do that? Is what I'm fighting really bad enough for that?

She could not believe what she had just seen. Then she saw the guns pointing at her. She then felt the bullet before she heard the bang. She could not get past the pain. It felt like a tiny dagger coated in acid. She would have let out a cry out of pain if she was not in shock.

Then she felt herself being pulled back. She was soon in the square tunnel, where she followed them silently as they came to a corner. They turned to the left and she followed. She then heard a ting. She looked down to see the bullet run down as she crawled after them. She looked down to see that there was a little bit of bliss on her clothes. Then she saw that they were going down. She followed them down. When they climbed to the bottom Distant Battle flung out his map and they all huddled around it.

"This is the place that we need to go." He said pointing to an average cupboard.

"Why there?"

"Because it's under the stage of a flammable power. If we are able to detonate the bin there, then it would reach that power and set the whole thing alight which would make an even bigger explosion."

She nodded.


Then she heard voices coming from where they had just done from. This told them what she was about to say. They raced ahead, all trying to me as silent as they could, knowing that even one sound would give them away. Then they saw that there was a grid coming up. She then saw a bright light coming from the front. She then heard the metallic ting as each bar dropped. Then they soon rushed out. Loc let out a sigh of relief as she felt her claustrophobia subside.

"Loc! Over here!"

She nodded as she rushed to him.

"Right you set it while I talk you through it."

She then moved the wardrobe.

"What are you doing?"

"I think we should set it under the wardrobe rather than in the back."

He looked up and his eyes widened, impressed.

"Good thinking!"

She smiled and they took the bomb out.

"Right, press the red and white button. Red activates the bomb, the white represents hours and the other represents minutes."


She set the bomb for an hour and pushed the wardrobe back.  They then climbed back inside the air vents. She went in first this time and looked break at Distant Battle.

"This way. To Open, fox those bars."

She nodded.

"You go on ahead. I'll stay until she's done."

She pointed a gun in the direction of the bars as she worked. Yet as she did she could not help but think about how they killed that guard. This meant that if she did not kill them then they would kill the one that was wounded by her. So now the question was would it be more honourable to be killed by an enemy or someone you thought to be a friend?



They soon retraced their steps and soon To Open quickly went ahead of her. Then as she followed she heard the sounds of others in the air vents. She felt her body freeze up as she kept her ears open. She then heard them getting closer and closer and then she crawled on. Just to get away from where the sounds were coming from. She then turned a corner and her eye met the inside of a barrel of a gun. Then it fired. She flew back and hit the back of her head and was out like a light.

Then another looked down at her.

"Fire, you did hit her in the head?"

"Yeah you can see by the blood."

"Then why is she breathing?"


She looked at her and he could see it. The stream on the metal and the bullet in front of her.

"What do you think she is?"

"One of Father Of Knowledge's freaks?"



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