Bounty Hunter Bash Roqaur Lock Part Five

 Mission Failure

The moment that Bash woke up, she found that she was lying on her stomach and the next thing that she noticed that she could not move. She tried but she could not move a muscle. She tried and tried but regardless of what she did, she could not move a muscle! She could not move her head. Only her eyes and eyelids.

She could feel a hand on her back, stroking it gently. Almost like a parent, comforting a child. But this was different. There was nothing comforting about this. No, it felt almost like a cat stroking its prey before it was about to kill it. 

"So! You were the first to wake! How unfortunate." A voice came from behind.

Her eyes moved back as far as it could to see Gajellidor behind her, stroking her back. He then leaned in so close that she could feel his warm breath on her ear. She, momentarily, closed her eyes in dread. Yet upon realising that she could do nothing nor should she why away from it, she opened them again. She looked back at him, directly in his eyes.

"How unfortunate." He whispered as she pushed her over. "Now, as you can see, you can no longer move. It is a potion of my own making. It paralyses its victim but it intensifies the nerves. So that-"

He took out a thin pin.

"-even a small cut-"

He skimmed her cheek and suddenly flared up. It felt more like a deep nash than a shallow cut! She just could not believe the pain.

"-will feel like a deep cut off a knife. I am willing to wager you are wondering why I did ask this? See, originally, I wanted you and your dear uncle to just kill each other. But no, that did not work?" He said as he struck the other cheek.

Now pain flared up.

"Upon seeing you two coming together and aid and comfort one another instead, I know that I had to take a different approach to killing the two of you." He explained as he drove the needle into her shoulder.

She felt more pain engulf her. It was almost the worst pain she had ever felt to a point that she could barely register his words. It felt more like they're was a stake in her shoulder tattoo than a needle. She wanted to cry out in pain but her voice box had been silenced. This made her feel more frustrated.

"So I decided myself among your mother's knights, dawning the name Sir Folied and let me tell you pretending to be that dullard was extremely frustrating. Yet I was able to get in and then dawned the form of your dear uncle and killing your father and little brother was worth it, as I knew that it would lead to your own mother to kill you. Would have been so satisfying." He said, as he started stroking her neck before he gripped it and started to squeeze.

"Yet what do I find?" He shouted pulling her up and bashing the back of her head against the ground. Then pain flared up to the point that her mind could only focus upon the pain and nothing else.

Help! Someone, please, help!

"You two had escaped!" He shouted, slapping her again and again.

He pulled her up and her head rolled limp.

"So what fortune granted me that once I set off  to kill this land's King the two of you would show your ugly faces!"

He dropped her. Then he looked down at her and frowned. He then caressed the back of her head before pulling her up and looked at her in the eyes.

"No…sorry, you are not ugly. My mistake." He said combing her hair or of her face.

He smiled as his eyes widened.

"You know, you're actually quite beautiful! I guess that when you're of age your beauty would be quite enviable!"

She could feel her heart beating in her ears.

No, no, no! Stop it, get away from me! Hey away from me right now!

"Maybe when you're of age I would very much like to pluck it." He whispered in her ear.

He then looked to Chashathrophogh and chuckled.

"Ohh! I can see your uncle is now awake. I guess I should pay him a visit too. You know he is a handsome one, looks very much like me, you do too…I can see why some people like and obsess over him. Maybe I might make him spend a night with some of them, maybe many of them!"

Range flared up within her like a volcano. Her eyes dated to him, wishing that they could kill him. He chuckled at this as he licked his lips and took out a knife.

"I know you were listening, so I don't have to repeat myself." He said as he flicked the knife across his arm.

He squared on him.

"You know, I have been trying to kill you for longer. After all, who do you think told your parents what your curse was and I may have hinted that killing you would be best for them, their family and the kingdom."

He then slit across the arm again. Pain shot throughout it. It was one of the worst pains that he had experienced. Yet he knew that the worst was just too come. Then he felt him slit his cheek.

"No. This is not satisfying." He said as he put the knife away.

He then punched him again and again and again. He punched and his fists became bloody and he continued to punch. It was not until he heard a crack did he stop. He then placed a hand on his neck.

"Still alive?" He sang as he slipped his palm over his throat and started to squeeze.

"I'll soon put an end to that." He said as he continued to squeeze.

Chashathrophogh could feel his head start to pound and his windpipe struggled to bring air into his body. He drove all his will to him and tried to force him off his body. Yet he only forced his hand open and forced it back. He looked at his hand, smiling with surprise.

"Good, good boy!" He exclaimed.

He then let out a sigh.

"But even you have a lot to learn!"

He placed a hand on his head. Soon his head exploded with pain, almost like his head was on fire with over one thousand pounds and needles are buried deep in every part of his head. Sinking, painfully into every corner of his brain. This blinded him, making incapable of focusing on anything but the pain that caused his eyes to leak with tears and saliva trickled down the corners of his month. He couldn't not think, he could not even move. He felt his frustration at his helplessness build. His vision blurred.

Soon smoke rose from his body as nausea overcame him. He suddenly could not breathe.

Meanwhile Bash looked at this. And this told her that she could still use her magic. She drove all her will, desperately to get him off her uncle. He then flew off! As he looked around he frowned. He looked back down at Chashathrophogh who was as pale as a thin cloud, yet he was still alive. His eyes were shut closed and, by his breathing, it was all to clear he was out cold. His eyes then slid to Bash, who was glaring at him with a murderous glare.

He chuckled as he walked up to her. He crouched and slapped her. She looked back at him, still glaring at him with that murderous glare. He slapped her again. She kept the look on her face. He slapped her again. He had not stopped the look of her face. He slapped her again and again and again. Blood fell from the corner of her mouth. Still she continued to look at him with that look of defiance.

He rolled his eyes.

"You really must love your uncle, don't you?"

He then placed a hand on her head. She too felt the pain and she too found it difficult to think. She too was blinded by the pain that was surging throughout her body. She was soon out like a candle flame.

Then he looked back at Cerpheres.

"Now. Time to deal with you, my most troublesome son." He said as he walked up to him.

He reached out and was about to do to him as he did with the other two. He pulled away.

"Don't kill them." Cerpheres moaned.

He chuckled.

"And why not?"

"Because they're mine! I want them to reach their full greatness and then I will close the book on them. After all, I do have to ask, are you not at least a bit curious about what they will become?"

He turned break as the clock chimed. He narrowed his eyes as he let out a sigh. He looked at the clock in the far distance and then turned back.

"Don't make me regret this." He said before he left.


It was not until the sun had come down when they woke.

"About time you got up you sleeping beauties!"


"Oh him? He's gone."

"Uncle Chashathrophogh, is he-"

Cerpheres chuckled.

"He will be!"

They then heard the sound of bells. Bash's eyes widened.

"The King!"

They pulled at each other. They all got to their feet and ran to the castle only to have to push through a crowd. They then looked on as the corpse of King Vlacula was being carried out of the castle.

"Are you Bash?"

"No. That's the girl."

The guard looked down at her. He then gave her a scroll and a bag.

"His Majesty's will and the reason Dark Master Lord Gajellidor wanted him dead."

She nodded.

"I'm sorry you failed but he wanted to pay you nevertheless."

She nodded.

"Alright. Time to go."


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