Bounty Hunter Bash Roqaur Lock Part Four


They ran. They weaved in and out of the streets and allies like a pendulum. They jumped upon the trees as the streets became too crowded. They jumped from tree to tree until they came to the forest. There they continued jumping from tree to tree. Getting further and further though the first as fast as they could go. They knew that they had to get a move on. They had to go faster and faster. Once they jumped back onto the ground they knew that they had to run at their maximum speed, not sleeping or stopping for a second. They dared not stop once they left the forest and nor did they stop when they ran into the lower part of town. They were able to endure the speed for a long time as they made their way to the middle part of town. 

They were soon able to make it halfway past the mix point when their lungs started to hurt and cry out for more and more air. Yet regardless of how much they breathed in it was not enough to satisfy them. Yet soon they felt that legs start to ache and soon even they started to cry out for a break as they pushed themselves on. They could not give into their cries.

They saw a carriage of chickens in front of them. They jumped and used their magic to propel themselves over it. They soon landed on the other end. They looked up and came to the conclusion that they would make far more progress if they ran along the rooftops. So they quickly spotted a group of barrels and ran up to and jumped on them. They jumped off them and soon pulled themselves up and climbed upon the roof. They ran and ran and jumped off rooftop after rooftop. Getting further and further on.

They soon passed the middle town and streets of the kingdom. Then, seeing that Gajellidor was still walking and that they were near, they jumped down and landed upon the cobbles. 

It was only now that they let themselves a breather. There, they walked and drank a couple of gulps of water as they regained their energy. They soon saw him. The two could feel their hearts in their ears. They felt anger rise within them as they followed him. They had to steady their rage at him as they continued. They had to fight the urge to charge up to him and try to kill him. Even Cerpheres had to.

Bash drew her bow.

"I will draw his attention. You two come in from behind."

They nodded as they ran away from her.

Then Bash drew her arrow and pulled back and fired. He turned around and caught the arrow. He looked up mockingly. He then smirked as he set it on fire and fired it back to her. It was so fast that she only just managed to dodge out of the way. She ran on and then fired arrow after arrow after arrow. He caught every single one of them. He set them on fire as he died them back to her. He walked closer and closer to her, completely calm.

She then ran to him, firing more and more. He caught more and more of them and fired them back at her as he came closer and closer. She had to zigzag as she fired one after the other and he caught one after the other. Then fired it back at her on fire. Yet she ran on and on and they soon met. She went to fire the arrow at point blank range. 

Then he raised his hands and she flew back, almost as if there was a hand punching her in the chest. She hit the ground hard. Then she flipped up and ran back to him. She felt the punch and hit the ground again. She got back up and ran back to him only to hit the ground harder. She ran back and she soon hit some grass. She grabbed a handful of soil. She ran back to him and as he made her fly break, she threw into his eyes. He turned away for a moment and she landed.

This gave Chashathrophogh the opening that he needed and the several of his daggers at him. Done hit his arm. He let out a grunt as he looked down and saw them. They all were ripped out of him. He had a moment to look up when he saw a blast of fire rush to him. He outstretched his hands and the fire parted. Then a first broke through the flames and he was hit in the face.

He flew back only to find himself in a lock. He looked back to see Cerpheres. He smirked, licking his lips.

"Hello father!"

Gajellidor too, smirked.

"Hello my most troublesome-" 

Then Chashathrophogh punched him in the stomach again and again. He then punched him in the face again and again, not giving him time to breathe. He kicked him update and not him in between the legs even though he was aiming for the guts. He then went to kick him again in the stomach and this time it landed.

Then went to punch him again, but then Gajellidor thrust his knee up and he was hit between the legs. This caused him to stop. He then hit him in the stomach with the other foot. He clicked his feet out and then thrust them back and dug them into his shins. This caused Cerpheres to let go as he rolled down. He then pushed the heels of his feet and thrust him back. He hit the ground with a thud. He then spun around and punched him in the nose.

"Looks like you have been such a bad boy. I might have to discipline you for that!" He sang.

He then thrust his hand to his throat. He picked him off and threw him at Chashathrophogh as he had just got up. 

Bash then fired an arrow at him again and again. He then did the same as he did earlier. Yet as she fired arrow after arrow at him, and he set them on fire and threw them at her she came closer and closer until they may again. Just as he raised his hand and she summoned a fireball right into his stomach. This made him fly back.

He chuckled as she climbed to his feet.

"Good! You know a little magic." He climbed to his feet. "But you will see that you have a lot to learn!"

Then the ground shook and then Bash was hit by a rock. She fell and she got up and was hit by another rock. She tried to get up but was hit by another rock. She tried to do it again but was hit by another in the stomach. Then she felt a hand on her throat and it pulled her up. Soon she was on her feet yet she rose higher and higher. She was soon hanging in the air. She dropped her bow and gripped his wrist. She pulled and pulled, trying to pull him off her. Yet his grip was far too strong. So she started to kick and kick then he caught her ankle. This left an opening to the side so she thrust her foot right into his face and she dropped. 

Yet she was still helpless as she coughed. He throat his foot into her hip. He then pulled her by her hair and slammed it into the cobbles and all went black.

Then Chashathrophogh ran to him alongside Cerpheres. He then just reached him and he grabbed them both by their throats and yanked them in. Thru lost their balance as he thrust them both into the ground. Chashathrophogh and Cerpheres both pulled out a dagger and thrust it into his side. They then thrust their hands into his abdomen and pushed out a ball of fire. One was normal, the other was pink.

"Seriously? Pink fire?"

Cerpheres smirked.

"What can I say? I sure do like style! Hey, you should pick it up!"

"By the Demon Realm, no! Too girly for starters!"

He chuckled as they were suddenly hit by green fire. They soon landed on the ground again. They felt a fish in their throat. Then they coughed and all went black…


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