The Sorrowful Rebel The Forging Of A Rebel Part One

 The First Day

Loc looked out of the window. Even though she still felt lost in this strange new world, she felt a lot less lost. She had people around her but part of her still wanted to go back to her home world. The people here were reminding her that she neither belonged to this world or was from it. No she was just in this world. She missed the people of her world and the places that she visited. Yet there was another side to her that did not wish to go back but she knew that she had to. She had to stop her sisters, after all.

She looked up at the star and rose upon her forehead. This reminded her that she would have to stop Lamia too as well as Mortyamikira too. 

These thoughts were interrupted by someone telling her that they had arrived. She didn't catch the name of the one that said it though.

But for now, I have to focus on my duty that To Break Son Of Peter gave me and take down the evil in this world.

She got up and walked to the rest of the group. She waited for the door to open. She was then given a black rucksack.

"This is yours." Light Bringer said.

"Thank you!"

"Now, come! All of you. When we arrive you will be given a brief tour of the new base that was acquired by Wolf Raven." He said to the whole group.

They then left the ship and were all placed in a bus and were driven to a small shed. They were led by the leader to it. Then he opened the door and held it open as everyone walked in. Group by group they all went in and Light Bringer called for the next group. He did this again and again until it came time for Loc's group to walk in after. They were soon led down a flight of stairs and then they came to a set of metal doors. Light Bringer walked down after them and they all parted for him to get to the front. He walked to the pad with buttons on and trapped a few of them. They opened to reveal another set of stairs. They walked down them and Loc soon noticed that they were all made of stone. Once they had walked down that set of stairs the door behind closed. Nothing but their eyes lit up the dark place. Then as they walked on the stairs they were divided into two. They moved right.

That must lead to a dead end.

Then she spotted that the stairs curved and there were several does that she quickly deduced were traps too. She looked down at her hand and as she was growing board, she tried to summon her fire, however, she could not, yet she had the feeling that there was fire in her hand, just no flame or heat.

Must be because I'm in another world. Looks like I'm going to have to practise until I am able to summon it.

They then came to another metal door. He opened that door and in front of them were neutral stairs. They soon walked down them.

How long are these stairs?

She soon came to the last door. In front of them was a real man. He was at least two heads taller than anyone she had seen in this world. He had jet black horns and scarlet red finding eyes with silver skin. He had a similar facial structure to Light Bringer. 

He looked at Loc and smiled widely. His teeth are snow white. Loc looked at him, suddenly the world became cold and she felt a chill run down her spine. She also felt vulnerable as she looked up to him.

"So, I see what you said was true!" The man said with a surprised tone to his voice.


"Good. How's her fighting skills?"

"I don't know."

"Then I think that I should find out but not now. Now, all of you, I can tell you need a good sleep, so do you want me to show you to your rooms?" He asked.

"Yes. That would be best."

He then gestured to Loc to come to him. She walked up and she extended her hand.

"Care to tell me your name?"

"Lorra Cerberus, Loc for short." She said as she shook his hand.

He then pulled her in and he looked at her directly in her eyes. She felt herself freeze, yet she felt strangely cold and icy. She could feel like there was a needle in her mind. Then she felt relaxed and dropped. She panted as she looked up.

What was that all about?

"I can feel that you will be useful to our course. Now I think that you ought to see your room first. Maybe you could practise your pyrokinesis?" He said warmly as he smiled.

She smiled.

What does he mean by that?

"Glad to hear, sir."

He put his hands up and his shoulders forward.

"Please, don't be so formal. We're all equals here."


"Wolf Raven."

"'Wolf Raven'."

He chuckled.

"It's alright. Now let's show you to your room."

He walked her to a room. It had a silver floor and walls. The roof was pearl white with a black silk bed in the centre with a black blob in the corner near the door. She saw that there was a silvery grey wardrobe next to the bed.

She walked into it and put her bag on the bed and spotted that there was a mirror in front of the bed. She looked at herself. She noticed that she did look tired. She also had the chance to look at the white crop of the hair growing out well. This is what she was worried about the most. It seemed like she didn't need to.

She dropped into the bed and she opened her bag. There she saw a pair of purple pyjamas. She quickly put them on and snuggled in.

The following day she got a shower and after drying herself and hair. She brushed her teeth. She put on a pair of black combat trousers and a long sleeved shirt. She then tried to summon her fire but she still could not.

I think that I need to keep at it. However-

Her stomach rumbled.

I'm hungry.

She left the room and saw a woman with blue glowing eyes and purple skin and green horns. They smiled at each other.

"Do you know where you go to eat?"

"Oh, down that hallway and turn right it's the third door on the left."

"Thank you."

She shook her hand and broke into a light jog and soon arrived in the café. She saw that there were jelly of all different colours.

"Try the blue one and the gold one." Said Wolf Raven.

"A-alright. Thank you Wolf Raven." She said as she took one blue and one gold.

"Gold's savoury and the blue's a dessert."

She nodded.

"Thank you, sir."

"'Wolf Raven '."

"Sorry Wolf Raven."

She sat down and as she felt her heart beat in her ears as she suddenly felt uncertain and almost alone. Then Wolf Raven sat opposite her. She smiled warmly at her.

"By the way. Urm…could you tell me more about this world and its history?"

"Alright." He said with a chuckle. "Well, when the world started, many people believed different things about how things were formed but most believed that there was one main deity. Who this was none truly knows."

She nodded.

"In my world, there are many gods and goddesses. All of which came in to six to seven ages."

His eyebrows raised.

"Well, when all the nations compared their religions, some of them had more than one god and goddess. None of which were important to history. They were at the heart of some of those wars that usually lasted a year or two. The longest of the gods wars only lasted for five years, until they all decided to discard all of their gods and goddesses in the name of world peace. This led to people tearing down all the old shrines and temples. They built new towels and cities and the technology rose up quickly. They soon collaborated into one government that answered to only one man."

She nodded.

"This man that I've heard about. It's he the evil guy that I've been hearing about?"

"Yes. He not only took all the power and set it up so that none could take it away. He took out all that got in his way and destroyed all that he could of it related to him and taking away from his power."

"And how long ago was this?"

"About five hundred years ago. Somehow he is able to live longer than people."

She felt a shock ripple throughout her body.

"Then how can we hope to defeat him?" She asked, trying to not sound as freaked out as she was.

He leaned back and sighed.

"Who knows? However there's no harm in trying is there? You never know, might just get lucky."


He looked at her with a stern gaze.

"But there was one person who told me something that stuck. 'A woman that had a prophetic body said that a person from another world would bring his exaction'."

She felt chills run down her back.

"And you think that I'm that person?"

"Yeah. I hope so. If you're not then we're all in trouble!" He laughed.


He then got to his feet.

"Anyway, I have to dash. These missions aren't going to plan themselves and I could talk to you all day!"

He then gave her a map.

"Here. You'll need it to find your way around here."

"Thank you. Tell me, Wolf Raven, honestly do you think we can beat him?"

He smiled.

"Who knows. But as I said, there's no harm in trying."

She smiled. Suddenly she felt like she was starting to settle down in this world. Maybe she would stay here after all. After all, there seemed to be no way back. Well as sat as she knew. So she finished her meal and got to her feet and handed the plates in. She looked at her map and soon found the library. So that was where she decided to go for the rest of the day. 

There she read all that she could. She read more details about the gods wars such as there were several cults that abused the writings of the gods or goddesses that they served and this started to bring the way to an end. Yet it was not until one man convinced everyone to discard their gods and goddesses. She also read that he too was not from this world. Yet this was followed by another woman from another world that was the woman that spoke the prophecy.

If these people would do it then this must mean that I too will find a way too.

She then read on and she felt her hairs stand on and as she read the man that helped end a war one thousand years ago. Gajellidor Darcrogh.

Of all people why him? And how in the Demon Realm did he do it?

Loc, calm yourself. See this as hope. He was Grasharlo's biological father after all! So if he if all people could do it then went can't I?

This not only gave her hope but also a new purpose in this world. She would help the rebellion as much as she could. Then after all of this is over, she will find out how to go on.

She then took a break for lunch and was back until dinner. By which point she had read the entire history book. Now as she returned to her room she wondered what topic of this world she should study next. She looked at the black blob. She, seeing that there was a reason for it, sat on it. It moulded around her shape.


She then raised her hand to her face. She looked at her palm. She tried to summon her fire, but still nothing happened. She could feel the heat but there was no fire. Giving up she took a shower and put on her pyjamas and went to bed.


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