Scar The Detective Arc Part Five


Scar woke up. Her head was spinning and she had a bruised temple. She, for a moment, did not know where she was as her mind was coming. She soon realised that she was in danger. She felt her mind become alert as she soon felt her heart pounding in her ears. 

Yet the question that she had in the forefront of her mind was; why was she alive? 

She noticed that she was in a grey cell and as she looked up and spotted Charlotte was next to her. She was still sleeping. She was pinned to the wall and her limp body hung there from chains.

Am I in chains too?

She tried to pull her arms in front of her but she could not. She could feel the ice cold cuffs around her wrists. She heard the closing sound that answered her question. She tried to pull herself up but found that there was thick rope around her ankles. She could feel a row around her waist too. 

There must be a way to escape…. Just think, Scar! Think!

She felt the cuffs around her wrists. She soon found out that she was wrong. There was rope around her waist, not chains. She could feel her store wrists. She looked around, she saw the tools on a small metal table with wheels on the legs. She felt her body seized up as she realized what those tools were.

At least it doesn't look as bad as those witches!

She looked around and spotted that she was on a wooden chair. So she started to swing on the chair. She then propelled herself back with her body and feet. She soon whimpered as she felt her arms being crushed. She forced herself to focus on something else and indoor the pain. She then swung herself into her shoulders. She then curled up and then pulled her feet up and kicked the table over. The tools feel and she caught a small scalpel in her feet.

Now what?

Get free.

She then curled her legs underneath the chair. She flipped her feet down and she pushed her arms down and was able to grab home of it in my fingers. Once she was able to grip the scalpel she pulled the blade in. Then she started sawing the rope. She did this as fast as she could. She pushed through the pain as she did all that she could to get through one of the loops of the rope. 

Then she heard a snap. She then heard voices outside the door. This caused a rise of panic rising throughout her body as she continued with her work. She could feel the rope getting loose. She let the rope fall. She pulled her arms around her front. She then started to saw through rope ain't her waist. She could hear the voices getting closer and closer. She then felt it release. 

She then heard the voices getting closer and closer and closer. She drew her legs in and started to work on the rope around her ankles. She kept working and working as she could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. Yet she knew that she had to ignore it as she felt fear rising within her and she did all that she could to work faster and faster and faster. Then as they walked in she had just freed herself. 

She looked up and they dived to her and quickly gripped her by the arms. She looked in front of her and she dived both of her ankles into his groin. She then drove her body to the right and the left man's groin. This caused them to let go. 

She grabbed the key then went to punch Charlotte only for her to notice that she was only pretending to sleep.

Why is she doing that?

No time!

She then drove the key in and twisted as fast as she could. She felt hand drive her back. The next moment she felt their coats in her gut. She fell clutching her gut. She then spotted a knife in a hand then it was driven up to her and was soon spotted another around his wrist. She pressed a pressure point in his wrists and he stopped the knife. She caught it and drove it into his throat. She then pulled it out and threw it to the other two. This sliced their throats.

Scar was about to look up at them.

"Don't look."

She nodded as she looked back at the door.

"The other detectives need to be freed."

"Not the time."

"They're back there."

She looked back and spotted that they were there, chained to the walls too. She scrambled to them and quickly unchained them. They looked at her shocked despite carrying a weariness in their eyes.

"Come on. We need to get files on this place and draw this case to an end."


"The girl's right. We need to find out how deep this organization goes." Said Detective Scot.


"Then shut up and get moving!" Charlotte snapped.

They soon scrambled to their feet and took the guns from the guards.

"Aren't I going to get one?" Asked Scar, feeling left out.

"Aren't you too young to have one?"

She huffed.

Charlotte smirked.

"Look kid, I think that you ought to stay with me. Your mum would never forgive me if you got yourself killed."

She nodded.

"Then I think I should have a gun. After all, if you're focused on protecting me, then you would be too distracted to focus on whatever you need to do. Which could become fatal."

She raised her eyebrow.

"I'm sure that there's more guns on them."

She then checked the bodies and tried not to focus on the fact that they were dead. She soon found one. It was small but it would protect her nevertheless. She then joined the other. She then ran out of the room. She soon spotted a man coming and she ran back in. She then spotted that he had noticed her. He then raised the gun. She raised her gun to him. She went to aim at this hand.

"No aim for the shoulder." Charlotte said, noticing what she was about to do.

She nodded as she aimed at him and fired at the shoulder and he let go, the moment that he was hit.

"Good shot!" Exclaimed Charlotte.

"Didn't know I could do that!" Admitted Scar with a trembling hand.

They ran on and on until they came to a room? They soon walked in to see that all the walls were concealed by draws of folders. She could see a trailer in the center and all of it was coated with a thin layer of dust. With a single computer in the corner with a single chair.

"Alright. I'll hack into the computer. Scar, you look at the files and here, use this memory stick and download the files. We will guard you. Detective Jen, you collect the physical files."

She nodded.

"And we will guard you while you do that."

"Who put you in second in command, kid?"

"Logic, plus you think that you can think of a plan, go ahead!"

"Good plan."

She nodded as she looked outside, she could feel a strange adrenaline rush and excitement. She could not explain it, but for some reason she felt happy like, somehow things have gone back to a normal that she had never experienced.

"Scar!" Called Detective Scot.

She was soon at the computer. She flicked the mouse around and typed on the keyboard making the sound like bullets. She found file after file. She downloaded I've after the other. She did not dare leave any stone unturned. Within an hour she had all files downloaded. She pulled the stick out and gave it to Detective Scot.

"Wow, you're fast!"

"Are you really Charlotte Kill's daughter?"

She would have sent a comment to her when she spotted a man coming to them! She pulled out her gun and fired at him. The man went to dodge and he pulled out his own and fired. She did not even have time to think before she felt pain flare up in her right shoulder. 

She let out a scream. She had never felt this type of pain before. All her mind could focus on was the pain. She felt the tears sting her cheeks as she felt someone got her in the head.

This snapped her momentarily out of it.

"Scar! Push through the pain. If you don't you'll die!" Charlotte spotted.

She looked up and nodded. She picked up her gun that she did not realize she dropped. Then she fired at the other man. Firing again and again as she did, she raced on and on. She soon reached him and punched his wrist. She jumped and got him again and again. Using her anger to push on and on.

"Tell me, who killed my mum?" She demanded, her voice wild and almost like a roar.

"No. He didn't." Detective Jen said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I did." She said, commandingly.

She looked back to see a gun in her face. She looked at her shocked.


"Yes. It was me. I have had my eye out for that woman for years. See, she did not just take down Evil Organization, she looked the leader. And the fact that she did that put her at the very top of the list. Yet we had to spend seventeen years looking for her! We could not find her. We even looked at people that were under the witness protection program which gave us nothing! It was an utter dry well! So when it came to light that she had moved back to a house that was famous for its disappearances, I took it before she could disappear."

"And so,that is why you killed her?"

"Were you listening?"

"Yes. But why? Unless…Are you a fan of the original Evil Organization?"

She looked at her in anger.

"'Fan'? No. I was part of the original Evil Organization. It was all my life and to have it all taken from me by some idiotic teenager?! It's outrageous! However, when all the others went looking for her elsewhere, I stayed. I knew that she would want to come back here, where she grew up. So I became part of the police force, where I knew that would be the best place to not only obtain weapons but I would be in shape for it. Now, for you…" 

At that moment Detective Scot and Charlotte tied her up. Scar took her phone and gave it to him. They were all arrested within the hour.


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