Scar The Detective Arc Part One


It was the first day of school. Scar felt her heartbeat increase as she looked at the school's front door. Even though a new school was not the worst that she had been through, she was still nervous. In fact she knew, not even the bullying that happened in her last school back in Scarborough, was anything near the worst that she had been through. In fact she had been egged down the toilet at least three times! No, the worst thing that had happened to her happened years ago but she was getting past all that.

Now was not the time to think about the past, now was the time to focus on a head and her future.

Maybe he would prefer it that way. She thought as she took her first step, taking her hat off and putting it in her bag.

She would have to focus on a future away from things like that. She would have to find a way to make friends and talk to people. After all, she did not have Bill and Bliss to do that for her this time. It had been two months since she left them behind to let them go on their adventures beyond the door. So she must have adventures here in her world and she would have to try to have as normal a life as she could.

She wondered how many doors were there and why they were even there, as she put the bag and coat in the locker. She also knew that right now it hardly mattered. Those answers would come whenever they would come. She now had to focus on the here and now as she looked back. 

Suddenly she was hit by the feeling of being lost. Which was a feeling that she masked well. Yet as she raised her head, lower than she would have liked, she could not help but have this awful feeling of foreboding. As she went about her lessons, learning all about maths, science and literacy most of which she already knew,she could not help but have this feeling increase. It became bigger and bigger and more and more difficult to ignore. It was like a time bomb was in the room and she knew, somehow that by the end of the day it would explode.

Yet she found that there were two little girls that looked her age,which she could not help but be drawn to. She soon started talking to them. One had jet black hair and the other had brunette hair. Yet their features were identical! Then there were their eyes, they were crimson, just like Bill and Bliss. 

"Urm hi. I'm Scar." She said, extending her hand to them.



So she tailed them for the rest of the school day. She soon left the school and could feel the oppressive air weigh more and more down upon her. She soon felt an irrational desperation as her gut was crying to her that there was something off. Yet she did all that she could to ignore it and focused upon getting home. Once she was there then she would be safe from whatever this feeling was. Yet she wondered if there was anyone tailing her but she shook her head.

I can't get paranoid right now. Not when it's my first day of school. No. I will go home and then continue living a normal life just like Alex told me to.

She scalded herself for being silly when her eyes rested upon the car. It was a police car. She, at first, thought nothing more of it as she walked on. She saw more and more police cars racing down the street. Then she saw the ambulance racing,closely behind them. She wondered if it had anything to do with feelings of foreboding in her gut. Yet she, again, thought this had nothing to do with her and was nothing but a small pull of paranoia. 

Then she came to Johan Close and spotted that the police cars and the ambulance were all heading towards this road. She then spotted that there was a crowd gathering around the center of the street, where her house was! As she ran to the crowd the ambulance zoomed past her.

She soon pushed past the crowd and was greeted by a police officer, who blocked her.

"Let me pass!" She shouted.

"No, I'm sorry but no one is allowed to pass." He said, shrewdly.

"But I live here! I have to go home!" 

He looked down at her. He then looked back and shouted at the one in charge. He then looked at her with a frown. He had jet black hair and deep blue eyes and had a well toned body. He looked more like an Action Man dressed like a police officer. He then walked up to her. His face softened and became almost fatherly, yet there was a sterness to his tired eyes. However she could see the suspicion in them too.

"Are you Scarborough Cox?"

"Yes." She said, feeling slightly naked.

"Then you should come with me."

"Why? Who are you?" 

He opened his mouth to speak.

"Mum! Mum, where are you?" She shouted, feeling both desperate and frustrated. 

She could feel the tears already welling up in her eyes.


He let out a sigh, almost out of relief and yet at the same time trying to find the right words to use.

"Look. I don't think that this is the place to say."

"I-I don't care! W-where's mum? Where's mum?"

He knelt and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. She's dead."

She smiled as if he had told her a joke and laughed.

"No! Th-that's s-silly! Sh-she w-was fine this morning!" She laughed, bitterly.

"The ambulance just took her. She was dead before we got here."

"No!" She snapped as she slapped his arm away.

"Y-you're lying! M-mum c-can't be dead! Sh-she j-just can't!"

"She is."

"Why are you saying th-that! Sh-she's-" She broke down weeping.

Was it the witches? Have they come back to kill her to get me? How they're dead! What has that to do with this? Is this my fault? 

No, was I the real target? Just what is going on?


"That's what we want to know."

Her eyes darted from left to right like a pendulum. 

"W-what do you have so far?" She asked, her mind racing faster than she could cope.

"We will tell you once we have more information. For now,you will be taken by Detective Jen."

She nodded barely registering his words. She broke down and wept. She barely noticed the brunette woman with light blue eyes and face with light orange makeup and red lips. She felt time slow as she was led to her car. She could barely see anything past the blur of water. Her cheeks burnt with that very water.


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