Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part One

 Welcome To Jones Lock

They opened their eyes to see that they were no longer on the Island Of Coral. Bash and Chashathrophogh looked around to see where they were. The ground was dry and there were several arches upside-down like the bottom of a ship out the top of a church. With a flat aria in the center. They could see dry coral around them that had never been touched by water in decades. Then when they looked up at where the sky should be, they saw a body of water above them as far as the eye could see! They could see sharks and kraken swimming above them.

Upon seeing this Chashathrophogh looked at Cerpheres and ran up to him. Before he could even do anything he grabbed the man by his color and pulled him in. He drew a dagger and dug it under his chin. His face was completely taken over by both rage and anger. Meanwhile Cerpheres looked at him shocked but also amused at the same time.

"Where are we?"

"Jones Lock."

"Alright, now tell me, why don't I kill you right here and now?"

Cerpheres smiled and kicked his lips. His face became red as he looked aside.

"Well I assume you want that sorcerer that cast that spell on you?"

His eyes widened.

"What! Are you telling me-"

Cerpheres chuckled playfully, looking at the man as if he was a cute animal.

"Oh dear no! But I do know him. In fact I'm his most troublesome son!"

"What!" Chashathrophogh exclaimed, his grip loosening slightly.

"Yes. Although, I can't say I know where he is, however I do think that if you keep me around…" 

He licked his lips.

"Maybe you could find him easier. And one you do…"

He cupped his cheek.

"Could you kill him for me?"

At this Chashathrophogh punched him.

"Aw! That wasn't very nice."

"I don't care. Also I would like you to know, once we find him and make him break his spell. I will kill him and then you're next. Have you got that?"

He smiled drunkenly with a nonchalant look on his face. He shrugged.

"Of course."

"Then wipe that look off your face. It's getting me irritated."

His flirtatious look intensified.


"You look so cute when you're angry!"

At this he threw the blade at him. He dodged, just missing his cheek. His eyes widened as he looked at the blade and him. He smiled, impressed by this.

"Next one won't be a warning!"

He smiled to himself.

"Alright. I'll think about behaving!" He sang.

Yet his red cheeks told Bash that he read only saying it in jest. She knew that the longer that he stayed around the more of a liability he would become. She also knew that she would probably be the only one to keep her uncle calm and try to make Cerpheres behave. Yet she could not know if it was something that she could do, well alone at least.

"Tell me, is your physical appearance part of your curse?"

He looked at a stand of his hair. He pushed it back.


"Then why does it change along with your voice?"

"What? Can't I have a little fun?"

She rolled her eyes.

Don't entertain it. Just get him to keep talking about anything that won't anger Chashathrophogh.

"So what was your original hair and eye colour?"

"Well the hair that is…" his hair changed to the colour of royal purple garnet and emerald eyes. "...this colour I use this voice but.." his hair changed to emerald and amber eyes. "...when I use this voice this is my hair and eye colour. Although my original eye colour is amber and the purple hair is my original eye colour."

She nodded.

"Now where's civilization?"


They followed him to a small town with buildings made of old coral and shipwreck wood making up the doors and window doors. Underneath each of the windows were a row of plants. All of the coral buildings were off all colours. There were flat roads and none had any gardens. They could see that there were several towers that were so tall that it even touched the water. There were several men and women swimming at the bottom and some caught some fish in a net and then swam down and grabbed the top of a ladder and pulled themselves down and climbed down. Then they would walk down the there's and Greece them over to a group of children. They walked to a table, where they hired the fish. 

They noticed a child tug at the rim of his father's coat. He looked down and the child pointed at them. He looked up at them. Then others noticed the group. Some stayed where they were yet others started to walk up to them.

"Hello, I am Jonoh. I can tell you must be new."


"We just arrived."

"Then welcome to Jones Lock."

"Come! We have new residents!"

Jonoh's children and their friends took them and pulled them to a group of adults.

"Let go of me!" Chashathrophogh snapped.

"Oh come on! Just go along with it. You might find it fun!"

"Cerpheres, please don't push him like that!"

"Why not?"

"He would try to kill you."

He raised his eyebrows as he smiled. He would have looked present if it was not for his red cheeks. She noticed that his breathing had become heavy.

"You would like that, wouldn't you!"


"Come on! There are children around!" Snapped Chashathrophogh.

He sighed.

"I'll try to keep a kid on it. Although I'll make no promises!"

They were drafted to a restaurant.

"Come on! Get some fish! We've got new people!" A boy shouted.

"We have!"

Soon they were eating fish and seaweed and they drank into the night.

"Here's to the new ones!" 

"Here, here!"

Some danced. Cerpheres then took Bash and pulled her in and taught her more dance moves, while Chashathrophogh looked at them, carefully monitoring them. Yet a girl walked up to him.

"Urm…could you dance with one of us?"


"Why not?"

"Because I prefer to keep a close eye on him."


"I do not trust him with her."


Yet soon they soon walked back to him. Bash was looking sleepy.

"Is there a hotel here?"

"No hotel. Just choose an empty house and live there."

They then walked out and found one on the outskirts, they walked up and sprouted that it was a small house with a kitchen to the left and the living room to the right. In the center was a curved staircase that looked to two small bedrooms.

"Cerpheres, you're with me." Barked Chashathrophogh sleepily.

There they walked up the stairs and were all soon asleep.


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