Bounty Hunter Bash Jones Lock Arc Part Three

The Coral Tower

Chashathrophogh and Bash were exploring the town. Yet, even though they wanted a break from Cerpheres, they knew that he was tailing him. They tried to ignore the man as they wanted to lose themselves in their own thoughts. They looked around and saw the men and women swimming in the water above them. Something that they were determined not to get used to. They went to look for a market place only to find that there was none. They soon found people here did not even have a currency!

"Why?" Bash asked.

"Simple, most people here come here with nothing. So what would be the point?" A woman replied.

"Good point."

They looked up again at the seabed above them.

"How thick is that water?"

"I don't know. Yet none of us have been able to reach the top. All that have tried either drowned or been eaten." A man said, next to her.


"Is there a place here that is older then the rest?"

"Yes. The Coral Tower. It's the one building that none here has built and it's the tallest." He said, pointing to a high tower at the edge of town.

"Right. We will be going there next."


"It might have what we need."

They then walked away from the group before the townsfolk could put them off. Yet as they walked on. As they did, they could not help but feel creeped out as they could sense Cerpheres looking at them both. They walked on, trying to ignore this as they walked on and on. Yet as they did the feeling put them more and more on edge. Soon they could not handle it.

"Cerpheres, stop it!" They both shouted.

He let out a playful giggle.

"So you noticed?"

"How could we not!?"

"Now stop it!"

"Oh! Do I have to?"

"Yes? We can not think. So go away!"


Bash rolled her eyes, but she noticed the men and women swimming above them.

"Cerpheres, would you mind catching some fish? That way we will have a good spot when we get home."

He smiled.


He looked up as he did, he pulled out a locket. They looked up to see the fish swimming down. They swam and swam and soon broke out of the water surface and fell down in front of them. There were soon more and more falling down. They soon had enough for a good meal.

He then gave them a bow.

Looks like that did not work.

"Looks like we're stuck with him."

"I still could kill him."

"Oh? But what about-"

"Yes, I hope that you do not make us forget it. Now we need to get to the Coral Tower. I think that it will contain at least one thing that will get us out of here."


"I wouldn't get on it!"

"You shut up. And stop looking at us in that manor!"

"What? You're both cute when you're angry!"

Chashathrophogh pulled out a blade and painted it at his throat. He pulled him in and pushed him on. He put the tip of the dagger to the back of his head.

"Oh, do you have to be so rough?"

"Shut up and walk."


They walked on. Bash could not help but feel disgusted at the fact that she could not help but notice just how attractive the man was. She could not help but notice that he was enjoying himself far too much. She knew that she would have to keep a close eye upon him. 

She would dread to think what her mother would do if she was here. Knowing her, she would have her married off to the man as soon as she could. She looked aside, as her mind flicked over the events that led them to become an exile.

"Tell me, does your father have the ability to shape shift?"

He looked at her with a smile.

"Yes. Yes he does."

"What are you getting at girl?"

"I think that the sorcerer turned into you. Then he ensured that he was seen in the castle when he killed my father and brother. So that he would trick my mother into killing us."


"I don't know." She admitted as they arrived.

They soon walked in.

"So, my birth father wants you dead…then you must be destined for greatness, indeed!" He spoke with a low tone and smiled.

"You better calm down."

Inside there were several floors, all filled with many scrolls. With a coral staircase spiraling in the center of the inside leading to a floor in the top. With a single banister going around the staircase.

"Right. Let's see if there's anyone at home shall we?"

Bash looked back.

"Hay does anyone live here?" She asked.

"No ma'am. That building's for the records of all who have lived here."

"See? Is this open to all of the public?" Chashathrophogh asked.

"Yes sir!"

They then turned back to the tower.


Cerpheres moaned.

"Why take the fun out of it?"

They rolled their eyes as they walked to the stairs. They kept quiet as they reached the top. So, when they reached the room, they saw that there were tables and chairs in the center of the room, next to the staircase. With a stone floor.

They looked around the room. They spotted that the upper floors had the older records and Cerpheres took out a scroll and gave it to Bash.

"Here you go! You'll find this one quite interesting."

She then looked at the scroll and opened it suspiciously. The moment that her eyes rested upon the name at the top her attention was gripped.

Phorap Philosopher

So Phorap The Mad was once here! I wonder if that mad man found a way out. If so, then how did he do it? Did he do the same thing at Cerpheres? No, he had to have found another way out.

So she sat down. She took out a pair of arrows to weigh the curl down. She continued to read.

I had arrived in this strange place three days

ago. It was after I had made a strange prophecy.

I do not know what I had said, however, whatever

I had said angered the gods and goddesses. They

created this place for me.

I do know that there must be a way out. I just have

to find it

She then put that scroll away and soon found another.

A way has opened up to me. This place is ruled by

the death sea god Da Vé Joh. I hope to make an

agreement with him in the morrow.

Phorap Philosopher

Is that it? She thought, looking up.

She saw more writing on the back.

The negotiations did not work. It led to a fight. 

To my surprise I won. I killed a god! Now I still have 

to go. So do not expect anything from me. 

I will have to find out how I was able to find out

how I was able to kill a god. Which, if you are

reading this, then I warn you to that once every

fifty years the sky of water comes down and kills

everyone in the place.

At this her eyes widened, and she felt her blood run cold.

"Tell me, how old is the oldest person that lives here?"

"You know I don't know!"

"Well we have to find out as soon as possible."


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