Scar A Case With Companions Part Two

 The Investigation 

The first thing that Scar did that Sunday morning was go to the scene of the crime. It was in the centre of an old church. She saw the yellow tape over the front door. She then walked to the window which was all smashed. She took a few steps back and ran and jumped right over the yellow tape. She then looked around and noticed that it had been a week since it had been used last. She looked at the foord on the floor and the hinges were all broken. 

Looks like someone was trying to get in here in a hurry. Maybe Mr Cole was a man of faith? Possibly. So, if that is true then, he must have come here in hopes to seek protection from God?

She then walked to the place where he was murdered. She then spotted that the way he fell was at the foot of the railings in front of the cross. He lay like he was in bed on his side. His eyes were closed. Her eyes dropped to the dint on the red carpet with the brown stains like chocolate milkshake.

So that was where he died. Clearly he was praying. Wonder if his prayers were answered? Considering that he’s dead, unlikely.

Still it looks like he was shot in the back. Judging by the bloodstains the bullet must have come from behind. So the person who shot him must have come from the centre side.

Now. That just means that I need to know who entered here. So, time to ask around.

She then left the church.

“Scar?” Asked Beatrice behind her.

“Beatrice! What are you doing here?”

“I love just down the street. What are you doing here?”

“On a case.”

“What’s the case?”

“A murder that happened here. Know anything?”

“No. But Brit does. Britannia?”

“Yeah!” She called as she just arrived at them and turned to her sister. “I told you to wait!”

“You were too slow!”

She let out a huff. 

“Anyway. Scar!” She called as she hugged her tightly.

Beatrice pulled her off her.

“Brit! She wants to know what you saw the other day!”

She became as pale as Scar. In fact, it was bizarre to see just how much the girl looked like her at that moment. Almost like she was the third triplet rather than just friends. Well the only friends that she had.

“Well, as you know, I had a free period in the afternoon a couple of days ago. I spotted an old man. He looked scared. He barged into the church, it was quite scary. He was covered in sweat and stunk of cleaning stuff. I was worried about him so I was about to follow him, but I wanted to get to the library. Yet I saw a man in nothing but black walk after him. Then I spotted that the man was praying. Then the man shot him. I was so scared that the man would kill me so I ran away as fast as I could.”

“Is that why you haven’t been going anywhere without me for the past couple of days after you stunk of urine. Honestly, it took ages for mum to wash that out.”

“Well, yeah!”

“Did you hear what he was praying about? It might help with the cas.”

“Yes! I remember every word.”

“What were they?”

“‘Dear Lord, please don’t let that girl die!’ Then he was shot.”

She nodded.

“Is that all?”


“Thank you.”

“Hey, don’t forget to do Mrs Jose’s homework!”

“Yes mum! I’ll do it tonight. See you later!”

“See you. And please take care of yourself.”

“Yeah, mum says that you always need to. It can be very easy to forget that. Maybe we can introduce you two sometime.”

“Yeah! That’ll be fun!”

“And we can have a sleepover and everything!”

She smirked as she shook her head as she walked to the library. 

She took the first free computer. She switched it on and started to do her research on Mr Cole. Sbe soon found that his full name was John Cole, wife, Liela Cole. She then went onto his birthday January the third nineteen forty two. Bristol UK. She then clicked on the occupation. Janitor of Veil Zero. Then she remembered what Britannia said about the last words of John Cole.

‘Dear Lord, please don’t let that girl die!’

What girl? Why did he pray that? Well I think uncovering the identity of this girl might just be the key to this case. So I need to go to the location of Veil Zero. But first, I need to get my homework and get some sleep.

So she walked out and walked to Mc Donald’s and bought a Happy Meal. She looked up and saw that they were eating with a woman with her back facing her. She quickly deduced that it was their mother with jet black hair.

She looked down as she ate. She soon left before she could be enticed into something. She then soon returned home. There she did her homework and then enjoyed the rest of the day until she fell asleep to meet her nightmares of witches and Morana.


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