The Nine Dragons The Feathered Dragon Final Part


Loc woke up and as she did, she just wanted to get back to sleep again. As there was nothing stopper that is what she did. She had the dream of the dragons again and she saw that there were seven dragons this time. She could see that the one in the distance was getting closer and closer. To her, it seemed as big as a castle, but something told her that it was far far larger than she perceived it to be.

Then she woke up. Her body was aching and slightly stiff. She knew that it was not yet time to get out of the bed yet. She looked around her to see that she was in a large king sized bed with black l and purple sheets. It coated her in warmth. She liked the rare feeling. Then she found herself falling back to sleep.

The next time she woke she felt hungry. So she slipped out of the bed. She took a wash and once she was clean she put her clothes on. Only to see that there were rips all over. So she took them off and raided the castle and found some clothes that fit her. They were a pair of black leather trousers and a purple shirt. Then she raided the armoury and found a suit of armour that fit her perfectly. 

Then she raided the kitchen and had a roast and some cake. Yet she packed a few rolls of bread and cheese. At noon she cooked herself some beacon and eggs with tomatoes. Then kade herself some tea. Then started eating.

Wonder why all of this is here? After all, this couldn’t be for the armies…

Maybe there were once people who lived here? Maybe they all died trying to fight off the dragon when she arrived at this place…

Yet when she had eaten, she knew that it was time to be off. So she took what she needed and wrote down a note on two pieces of paper. Then gave it to Ken Ken.

“Could you deliver these two messages? One to Sky City to a man called Fufu. He owns a restaurant. Then give this one to Sei.”

He nodded.

“As a thank you I will.”

“Thank you.”

She soon found the portal and left.


Fufu had finished a full hard day’s work when a hooded figure came up to him.

“Here. It is from Loc. I am sorry. I can’t stay. I have to go elsewhere.”

Ventasmort and her armies are no more.

By the way, I thought that you would like this.


He opened the sack to see it was filled with a mixture of good quality herbs and double everything that he paid her.


Sei was on his way home when a hooded figure approached him. He gave him a note and a small bag of money. Then he flew off.

I told you that I could do it!

Here’s some money as a thank you.


Oh Pendragon the great! That is one mad woman!

He let out a sigh.

Still, I can’t be mad or complain. 


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