Scar Worlds Beyond The Doors Part Five

 The Town Venture

Scar woke and her mind went over the events of her previous adventure. She just could not get it out of her head! The message, the heart, the hooded figure and the very fact that someone expected her. She just could not stop thinking about it! Now what question was; who? Who could possibly have been behind it? Her mind went back to the hand. It was clearly a woman’s hand. Yet she could not help but feel like she had seen that hand somewhere else before. Now the question was; where? Was it Charlotte? No. She had scars on the back of her hands. Morana? Why would she do that? Would she really try to kill her that way? No. She would just put a bullet in her. The Scarborough Witches? No, they’re dead. 

She let out a sigh.

It hardly matters. The answers will reveal themselves in time.

Now, the next door.

She packed her things and took her key. She then finished and ate her breakfast. She was about to go upstairs when she saw an envelope at the door and several scarlet parcels with green dots on with green ribbon with gold lining binding them. She picked the envelope up and opened and felt her heart skip a beat.

To Scar

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

I didn’t know what to give you. So here’s

fifty quid.

Love From 

Alex Victor Hunt 

She smiled bitterly.


She then put it on the mantle and looked for signs of a break in as she thought that she saw that her biscuits had been moved. Then she put the presents in the front room. Seeing that there was none, she walked to the next door. She opened it and walked in.

She entered a strange place. It had an amber sky with scarlet and crimson clouds. She was in a field with grass the colour of sapphire. She had never thought such a beauty could exist!

Yet, as she looked around, she noticed that there were no buildings anywhere! Which means that she had to choose where to go and stick to her choice. She then turned right and walked on and in. Still she saw nothing, so she continued. She had been travelling for over half a day before saw the first sign of any kind of civilization. She first saw the high towns and the many buildings. She saw a road leading to the town which looked like rubies. She then walked into it and walked to the town. It was teaming with people walking to and fro.

Some looked at her and then looked on. She could see, by the look in their eyes, that they had a bigger chip on their shoulders than she did. That was when she saw someone collapse in the street. Immediately she raced to him.

“Are you alright?”

He nodded. Yet she knew that this was a lie. By his heavy breathing and the coat of sweat she could tell that he was completely exhausted. However, when she saw the bags under his greyish brown eyes that he had not slept in days. However, by the lack of blinking due to his tiredness she quickly deduced that this was no ordinary tiredness.

“Why can’t you sleep?”

He looked at her with a frown.

“How-how did you?”

She placed her finger and thumb on her hat.

“Well, my dear Watson-”

“How did you know my name?”

She looked at him shocked.

“It is?”


“I was only making a reference!”


“So what can’t you sleep?”

“Tower will not let us.”

“What tower?”

He pointed to the harbour.

“Right. So why?”

“Evil wizard.”

“Oh. Then I will be in that.”

She then gave a kiss on his forehead before she walked on. She soon had to take a moment to take a bite to eat. She then walked on once she was finished. She soon arrived at the tower. It was made of yellow bricks and a red wooden door. With a black roof.

She then opened the tower to see that the door was unlocked. She wondered why that was until she saw that there was nothing in the room! She was about to turn back until she saw the door close in front of her. She dived to it and pulled and pulled but it was completely sealed shut!

She then turned to the room. She, seeing that she had nothing to do there, looked around the room. She noticed that there was something out of place. The room was significantly smaller than it should have been. This led her to quickly deduce that there was a hidden room or passage or staircase.  So she pressed on the bricks. She soon found one that fell in and the bricks next to it fell back too, revealing a door. She crawled in and opened the door and walked in. She soon spotted a staircase and walked up it.

She soon looked at five doors ahead of her. Above it was a plaque.

I am always single.

My solitude is absolute!

She frowned as she knew that it was a riddle or a clue. Yet as she traced over the words. Even though there were only two lines, it was hardly unsolvable. She soon looked at the first door and walked in. 

She was soon greeted by an old man. He had grey eyes that were filled with cruelty. In his chin was a jet black goatee with several iron grey strands. He has a clean shaven bald head. At the corners or his eyes and mouth were shallow wrinkles.

“It is about time you arrived, Mythos Puros.”

“Scar. I don’t answer to that name. By the way, you knew that I was coming?”

“Yes. I had a vision of it a year ago.” He said as he drew his staff. “And I did not like what I saw.”

He sent a blast of light at her. She dodged and pulled out her gun. She looked beside her to see that there was a black spot. She looked back as she tried to aim but another flash of light forced her to dodge. She tried again but, again, she was forced to dodge. She tried again but she could not get her opening. She knew that she would have to think of something before she became ash. But she could do nothing but dodge again and again and again and again. Yet as she did she took the risk and fired.

The flashes of light stopped. She then fired again and again and again and she soon saw the wizard standing there. There were several bullets in him. He fell forward.

The moment that he collapsed the tower shook. She too shook as her mind started to process what she had just done. She let out a scream as the tower shook worse and worse. Her head shook as she looked at the gun. Then she started to breathe rapidly as she started to cry. She felt her body become cold as she felt like she was in a small box where the air was so thin that she could hardly breathe.

That was when she was hit in the head. She looked down to see a small chest identical to the ones that she had been given. Knowing that it was important she picked it up. Before she realised that the tower was about to completely collapse. Quickly she ran out as fast as she could. She practically slammed the door open. It soon collapsed and she ran back to the town to see that it was all asleep.

So she looked for the room and found it. She soon took a shower and put on her pyjamas. At the base of her door were two packages of chocolate. She then picked up the card on top.



Merry Christmas 

And A

Happy New Year!





She smiled.

“Merry Christmas.”

She looked at the first strange present.

To Scarborough Cox

A sweet girl.

Nicholas Frost

She opened it to reveal that it was a fluffy white bunny. She smiled. Then noticed that the rest of the presents were all science equipment and cook books.


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