Doormaze Drage The Yellow Dragon Part Two

 The Dragon’s Home

Drakinon flew over the fields and then above the hills and flew over hill after hill. Soon they saw a tall and wide mouth of a river. He flew along the river and traced the river until it became narrower and narrower. Then, when they looked up, then noticed that they were climbing and the land mass was getting higher and higher and higher until they saw the first waterfall. The dragon suddenly turned right then down and into the trees. His body glided vertically through the trunks which were thrice as thick as the ones back in her world. Those trees seemed to dwarf these ones. Yet they looked far more beautiful than those trees too with lime green leaves. Doormaze could not help but look at them with nothing but awe.

Then the body of the dragon vered upwards and back over the trees. Soon they were in a sea of mountains. As they flew on, the dragon wrapped in and out of the mountains until the mountains became larger and taller and taller. Soon the mountain tops raced far above the clouds. Yet even still, the mountains continued to become bigger  and bigger. Soon they could only see halfway up the mountain before the rest disappeared above the clouds. Then they cover to the left into a cave in the centre of three mountains.

There they saw a gold floor with gold pillars. To the right hand side was a gold craving of a dragon with its eyes upon a girl standing rampant.

They soon landed.

“Where are we?” Doormaze asked.

“My home. This house was built by me after-well, I think that I will get to that tomorrow. You children look like you could use a good rest. I can tell then, even though you have had a long journey, you still have a long way to go.”

“What!” Doormaze exclaimed.

“Doormaze, keep on task!”

“Alright! Do you know where there is a piece of this thing called a Reality Sphere?”

“Yes. How did you know? And what does it seem that you were expecting us?” 

“I shall answer that after giving you this.” He said as he disappeared behind a bookshelf. “Where did I put it? Ah! There it is!”

He soon picked up a book and gave to Doormaze. She noticed that, even though in the dragon’s hand it looked like an average size book, in her’s it looked the size of her whole body! She had to rely on both Coalmine and Burn to gently rest it down on the floor. She looked down at the front cover. And there she saw it, the piece of the Reality Sphere! She climbed onto it and plucked it. By the fact that nothing happened she knew that she should expect something more.

“What’s the evil stronghold.l?”

“We will talk about that tomorrow. For now, you need your rest. So get some sleep. Tomorrow, I will explain along with food to fill you all up. After all, you do look like you need it, my lady.”

Doormaze frowned.

“You don’t need to call me that.”

“Actually, my lady, I do. Both you and this one.” He said, gesturing to Coalmine.


“What? You both have not figured it out? Well, I hardly blame you! Dark Curse and his master would want to keep that from you!”

“Keep what?” Coalmine asked darkly.

“You are both Basilisk Dragon Lords. One of the last, but not the very.”


“I shall tell you tomorrow, my lady.” He said as he flew off.

They looked at each other in silence as they stood there, processing all that they had just learned. Coalmine assistant, not wanting to believe it, yet to Doormaze, it made sense. It explained why people died when her eyes met with someone else when she was in that state of mind.

However, they could see that it was getting dark and they were all overcome with tiredness so they all looked around and spotted three beds that were perfect for each of them and they all went to sleep.

In her dreams, Doormaze saw Natalie walk up to a black and gold goblet. Dark Curse and Dark Destiny slit their hands and let their blood pour into the goblet. Then, when it was full, both dragons shed one tear that dropped into the mix. Then they gave it to her. She curled her lip and she went pale. Yet, after taking a glance at the two dragons, she drank it. 

Nothing happened at first. All went still.

Then Natalie crashed to her knees and clutched her stomach. She started twitching. She let out a scream out of the crimson foaming mouth. She then fell to her side, her eyes completely shut as sweat covered her body, drenching her hair. Then she coughed and coughed as the skin around her nails bled. Then she started to shed tears of blood as blood poured from her nose and ears. Yet the twitching and convulsing became worse and worse. 

Then it was suddenly over. The dragons licked her body as she lay there as still as a stone. They then placed her on a stone table. They started to sniff her then tore the skin. Yet underneath the skin there seemed to be more skin as they are the old layer. Once all the old skin was eaten. The dragons looked at each other.

“Do you think that age will survive?” Dark Destiny asked.

“No. However, if she does, then she will make for an excellent tool.”

“What about the girl?”

“I would not be so hasty, it will take her more than a year to collect all the pieces.”

“Should we turn her into a dragon too?”

“Heavens no!”

Yet, he seemed to pause after a long laugh. He frowned as he looked at Natalie then at Dark Destiny. He smirked as he licked his lips while he was thinking.

“Actually…that might not be a bad idea. She would not only make for a good dragon, but if the rumours about her and Coalmine are true, then she will make for an excellent dragon. And you know what, would she not be more inclined to become one if her lover becomes one too?”

“Yes. Although he is my son and he was born a dragon, I think we ought to do that once she has returned.” He said, looking back at Natalie. “I think, should she survive, she will be a poison dragon.”

He looked back as his eyes narrowed.

“I think so too.”

That was when Doormaze woke up. She looked over to Coalmine. She pulled herself and curled up into a ball.

Coalmine is my twin. Is that all you got from all of that? They want to make you a dragon too! 

But I don’t want to become a dragon! I just want all of this to be over and return to my normal life.

But that is ivee and you know it! Also, since when did I even have a normal life?

She looked down as if she had finally admitted something that she should have admitted a long time ago. Yet it still stung her to admit. She also knew that, deep down, this would never be over. Not for a long time.

She looked at Coalmine again, she noticed that, despite her black hair and the dragon features, the girl looked almost completely identical to her! How could she possibly have missed it? Sure they noticed this at first and she had pointed it out so why had it not occurred to her until now?

She then thought about Natalie and then looked at her again and her wings.

Did they do that to you? If so then I hope that, after all of this, you will be happy.

“What?” Coalmine mumbled.

She looked down.

“I had a dream.”

“Then tell me.”

She did. Coalmine became pale when she finished. 

“You, you’re my twin, aren’t you?”

She looked down.

“I-I think so.”

“Do you think that you will be alright?”

“I don’t know.” She admitted as Doormaze smiled. “What?”

She let out a chuckle.





“Tell me!”

“It’s just before all of this, back when I had those dreams, I didn’t know any of this. Yet, I thought I was alone and an orphan. Now I find out my dad’s alive and my foster mum was none other than my-our older sister and I met our uncle and now I find that you’re my twin. I find it exciting!”


“Because I’m finding my family. I’m glad to have you for a twin. You’re awesome.” She chuckled.

She looked at her, stunned, then looked aside.

“I thought that you two would be up.” Drakinon commented. “Wake up the other girl too.”

Doormaze nudged Burn awake. She then looked down for a moment. She then looked up and her eyes widened. She then backed away. He then whimsically chuckled as he put a gold table in front of the three girls. He then put down three gold chairs and plates and cutlery. After piling up the plates he gave them golden goblets filled with grape juice. They then rushed over to them and started eating. The meat tasted spicy and thick. The vegetables tasted like crunchy peas and carrots even though all were different shades of purple, the one that tasted like peas were large lilac beans and the one that tasted like carrots looked like dark purple rhubarb.

They all ate in silence.

“That tasted delicious.”

“I am glad that you liked it.” He said as his eyes rested upon the book. “Tell me, can you read that?”

“No. Why?”

“Well, Coalmine, what do you know about the dragon King?”

“That he is Dark Genocide.”

He nodded.

“What if I was to tell you that is a lie and he is nothing but an imposter?”

“I would ask you for proof.”

“It is in that book.”

Her eyes widened as they walked up to it. They opened the first page.

During the war between the good dragons

and the evil, our great King Wisdaki died

in battle. We have to move quickly to ensure 

the Prince, Drakinon, is ready before Dark 

Curse and Dark Destiny strike.

We have a great task on our claws. After all,

we also have to not only prove that the one

called Dark Genocide is not King Wisdaki’s

heir (even an illegitimate one as he claims)

however get Drakinon on the throne before 

they have the time to strike.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the yellow dragon.

“What happened?” She asked, her eyes filled with hunger.

“Obviously, I was not ready. I was young yet I did do well. I knew that I was not ready to gain my victory, so I took all that I could. Mainly to ensure that Dark Genocide did not destroy all evidence of his illegitimacy to the crown and my legitimacy. After all -”

“Why does he think that he’s the rightful heir?” Coalmine asked.

“Because he was an orphan, adopted by Dark Curse, who fed him lies to create a puppet king. Once he usurped me he murdered all that denied that he was the rightful heir and tried to destroy all that he could to wipe out all evidence that proved that he was not all that he claimed to be. Including almost all evidence leading to his real mother and father.”

“And they are?”

“Supplant was his mother and Trearain was his father. They were close followers of Dark Curse and gave him over to them shortly before they died.”

“So he is this world’s evil stronghold.” Coalmine muttered.

“He is.”

“And do they care about him? I mean Dark Curse and Dark Destiny care in any shape way or form about Dark Genocide?”


“Then we will help you get your crown back!”


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