Scar Worlds Beyond The Doors Part Three


For a moment everyone just stood there, completely stunned. Yet she knew that she could not stay there. After all, it would only be a matter of time until the soldiers and guards came to their senses. She took her backpack and put it on . She went to walk out.

“Girl, what is your name?”


“Scar!” He barked as they knelt. “Thank you!”

“What for?”

“We can leave and evacuate faster.”

“Then do something”

She was about to leave and she soon spotted a carriage in front of her..

“Please take it. We will be able to move faster.”

She gave them a weak smile.

“Thank you!”

She soon climbed on and soon they were able to gallop on. Yet, as they did, they felt a tremor. They had to get a move on.  It was hardly a day before they arrived. By this time Scar was feeling very tired. Yet despite this, she knew that she had no time to lose. She had to get the word out as fast as she could. So the moment that she saw the village she shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Volcator is dead. You all can leave now!”

Yet the villagers looked at her as if she was mad. There were others that looked at her with nothing but pity. Some would have given into her ‘fantasies’ if they were not too afraid.

“The girl is right. You all can leave.”

Some looked at her and then him.

“Is this a trick?”

“We will not fall for it!”

“Yes! We are done having false hope!”

That was when they all felt another tremor. She knew that they had no time left. Svar had to change her approach. After all, they were not listening to her. Her eyes glanced at the volcano and then to the soldiers and guards.

“Alright.” She said, turning her attention to the soldiers and guards. “Men, start the evacuation, immediately! I will meet you where your ancestors would meet. However, and I don’t know where that is I am going to have to get some of you to come with me. You, get as many of them in this carriage as it can hold!”

Soon the guards took as many women and children as they could get their hands on. They almost shoved them on and she got the horses to gallop as fast as they could.

“Were are-”

“Where do I go?”

One pulled out a map hidden under his clothes. He pointed at a place that was on higher ground that was far away from the volcano. With the guide of all of the villagers on the carriage she knew that they would be able to get there in two days. Yet as they did she shared her sandwiches with them. Yet when they arrived all things changed. They noticed that the whole place was filled with water and fruit and it looked as if most of the plants were all vegetables with the pool so rich with fish that they all could hardly move. Yes there would be more than enough for the village including her.

Then they all looked at her.

“Did you really kill King Volcator?”

“Yes. In fact I still can’t believe it myself!”

They looked at her with nothing but shock and some with awe. They noticed that the others arrived. The moment that they saw each other they ran to each other and hugged, with some of them crying in their mother’s arms as they heard the volcano went off. They looked outside as the lava burst out and slid down the volcano like amber rivers. Then fire and thunder arose along with smoke.

Scar smiled. They made it in time. At this she felt exhaustion overcame her and she fell asleep.

She could not quite tell how long she was asleep, as she had never had such a long and refreshing sleep. She felt something on her ear. She looked down to see that someone had covered her with an animal hide. She sat up.

“Did you really kill King Volcator?”


“And we are free?”

“Should be. However, you were wrong. He did believe it and wanted to sacrifice you to some god.”

“Well there was a prophecy by Phorap The Maf that would come to free us from a tyrant that worshipped a dead god.” She said as she gave her a small chest. “And that my family was to give this to you.”

She took it.

“Thank you.”

“Also yo tell you that the place that you seek is here.” She said pointing to the top of the mountain.

Well that answers that question.

“How long have I been out?”

“A day. Sorry, we started the celebrations without you.”

She chuckled.

“It’s alright.”

For the rest of the day she spent celebrating with the others. The other children asked her again and again about what happened and, again and again and again, she had to tell the story. Yet she was able to get in as much food as she could before leaving.

She travelled for half a day before she arrived at the door. She took out her key and unlocked the door and opened it. The first thing that she did was collapse on the bed.


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