Scar Worlds Beyond The Doors Part Four

 The Witch’s Heart

Scar had woken at an early hour from her regular nightmares. So she took a shower and was soon dressed and put the clothes from her Volcano Venture in the laundry basket. She then started to pack for her next adventure. She soon had finished with all her things before she put her bag on and, instinctively, took her key and put it around her neck. She chose the next door, which was next to the one from the day before and walked through it.

She looked around and spotted that the sky here was lilac with lavender clouds. There were many cottages with black exposed beams with strange blue and red bricks filling them in. They all had royal purple doors. All of them were completely identical.

Right, all I need to do is ask around to find out what needs to be done here.

She then looked around and could find no one! She then looked in the windows to find that there was no one in. She wondered why that was. She then walked into one and she still could find no one.

What happened here?

She soon spotted that there was a note on the sign of the name of the town.


She then picked up the notes and opened it.

To The Mythos Puros,

Find the Witch’s Heart and release the trapped


Scar’s eyes widened. It seemed as if someone knew that she was coming. But how? She had chosen this door at random! Yet she knew that she had no choice but to find this Witch’s Heart. So she pulled out a map and spotted that there was an X where there was a cave. She could see a circle where the town was.  This told her where she was a d where she needed to go.

She set off and walked as far as her feet could take her. Even though she sqf that it was not that far, she knew that as a child, she would have to walk longer. After all, she knew that she was small but she knew that she could not stop for quite a while. She walked until long since her feet ached. So, when she knew that she needed a break she did. She took a quick break and ate her lunch. Yet, once she had had her quick break she was soon back on her feet and continuing her journey. She did not stop until the sun had come down and fitness well into the night. She ate her dinner and, after finding shelter, soon fell asleep. She woke up from her nightmares and ate her breakfast. She then moved on and soon came to the cave at sunrise.

It seemed hardly out of the ordinary. She then spotted the Celtic looking pattern at the entrance that was hidden among the overgrowth. She did not have time to appreciate it. She has a town to save. She walked in and the first thing her eyes rested upon was the note beside the door.

In my cave people grow,

Those who do, I know,

In pain do they leave my cave.

To their lives, I slave,

They have me blood and flesh,

Yet their lives are always fresh.

I am always one of two

All have me including you!

She frowned at that yet she knew that it was a riddle of some kind. Yet she knew that the question was; what was the answer. She started to stroke the rim of her hat as she thought. Yet it only just occurred to her that it was the hat that was unwittingly given to her by her father. She smiled sorrowfully as she took it off and looked at it. It was the only thing that she had of him. She felt her throat tighten as she thought of her biological parents.

No. Don’t think about them right now. This is to cheer me up and I am here to have fun. I don’t want that to spoil it. After all, of he lary thing that I want to do is think about my biological mum-

That was when she reread the riddle and her eyes widened.

Wait, no! That’s exactly what I need to think about!

“Mother.” She said quickly.

The door opened and she walked in. She swung her hat on and she passed. She entered the room with three stones in. She noticed that one had the face of a sun, one had a star and the last was the moon. She spotted a note.

This one has a puzzle…

She rolled her eyes as she looked at them as she knew that was obvious. She kept looking at them and noticed that they were all facing the centre. This told her that they should be facing other directions. She looked down at the floor and thought for a moment before she took out a compass and at the star. She pushed the stone to the star and the floor rose up. She then looked at the sun and moon. She pushed it to face East and the moon she pushed to the west. Then the room was raised to another door. She walked in.

She was whacked away from the door tj moment that she was in. She had no time to think as she pulled out a gun that she kept hidden in her backpack. She looked up through her blurring vision to see that it was a minotaur. She was, for a moment, confused until she saw the axe. She shou at the thick wrist. It dropped the axe and it looked at her. It then charged at her at the full speed of a bull. She fired at the head again and again and again. Yet she missed every time.

So she aimed at the body and almost downloaded all her bullets, save one and the thing collapsed. She used the final bullet to kill it. She then walked on 

She soon saw a purple stone in the shape of a heart. She soon took it and left the cave. She travelled back to the town where all the people were.

She was approached by a hooded figure and she held out her hand and gave her the Witch’s Heart. She tried to see who it was under the hood, but she wore a plain white mask before she walked away from her.

Soon a woman walked up to her and gave her a chest.

“The room is over there.”

She nodded and was soon home. She placed the chest beside the other. Yet she could not get what was going on and how that person knew that she was going to go there. The questions plagued her until she was fast and in her bed. 


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