Scar Worlds Beyond The Doors Part Six

 The Philosopher’s Stone 

She woke up a week later. The only thing that seemed to keep her going was a good case of a dog thief and the dopamine from all the chocolate. She was going to go back to school the next week and her chocolate was running out. This meant that she could risk opening one more door before she had to think about getting ready for school and do all the homework that she was given to do over the holidays. She would also have to get more cases too. She let out a sigh. She would focus upon that later. She packed her things and chose her next door.

She entered a word with a crimson sky with lilac clouds and scarlet grass and trees with crimson leaves and flowers the colour of lavender.

Right time to see where all this leads.

She chose her path and took it. She travelled to a group of homes, where she was met with strange looks. Yet she continued to get close to one of them. She had long lavender hair and deep green eyes.

“Urm…Is there anything here that would be an interesting adventure?”

“Finding the Philosopher’s Stone, why?” She asked.

“I want an adventure. And when you say ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ is it anything like Harry Potter?”

“Who’s that?”

“Nothing, it’s just a fantasy series. Do you know where I can find it?”

“Somewhere in the cave system in the mountain. Here, you are going to need it.” She said, giving her a map. 

She looked down with excitement on her face. 

“Right, I have to be my way. Good luck.”

“Thank you!”

She looked at the map and spotted that the place that she needed to go to was a place called Cave Mountain. She could tell that it was going to take a day’s journey, at least. So she soon set off and tried to walk as fast as she could. She noticed that she could walk longer than before she got tired and her feet hurt less too. She soon had to take a break for eating and she was soon ready to walk on. She hardly felt tired as she used to be. Once the night came, that was when she was tired. So she set up camp and slept.

When she woke the next day her muscles hurt hardly as much as before at all. Then as she travelled on, she came to a place where men and women were all in a death like sleep. She would have walked on, yet when still had to go back to see if they were still alive. To get relief, they were. She dragged some away. The moment that they were away from the place, they woke up.

“Wh-how long have I been asleep?” Ask one.

“Can’t say that I know. So why were you all asleep?”

“Well once I walked into that field then I was suddenly overwhelmed by a spell that made everyone in this place feel sleepy so that’s what we did.”

“Are all.of you looking for the Philosopher's Stone?”

“Yes, however there are three things guarding it. So I have given up. ‘Tis not worth it.”

They all agreed and then moved on. She was soon alone and then turned back to the field. She took out a knife and walked on and on and on. She soon felt it, the tiredness. But then she felt like she could resist it. She forced herself in with all the determination that she could muster. Yet she felt her body become sluggish and her eyelids became heavy. She walked in. She could hardly lift her feet and her eyelids started to drop. She held her breath and she continued on. This helped her focus her mind, yet she could feel that it was getting cloudy. She then held the blade of a dagger and used the pain to keep herself awake. This worked for a while before she came to a bridge. She cleaned the blade and put bandages on her hands. Once she was across the bridge, the tiredness left.

So she continued onwards until she felt her stomach kick in and she took a quick bite to eat. She walked in and on and on and soon she arrived at the mouth of the cave. Then she walked in and on. She then looked around the see if there was anything inside before she took a quick and light sleep. 

When she woke she found that her mind was sharp and clear. She then looked around. It looked like a plain room. With four stone tiles on the ground. One had a snowflake on, one had a sun on, one had a scythe and the last had an egg. She then looked up to see what they were all about. She soon spotted that there were four holes in the wall ahead. She looked down to see that the stones matched the tiles. She looked down to see that there was a false back. Now was the hard part. Figuring out the order. She looked at the symbols, knowing that they have something to do with it.

Right, so I wonder what the sun and the scythe mean? Along with the other symbols. What exactly do they represent? 

Hold on, why are there four? Do they represent the elements? No, if that was the case then it would be the symbols that represent the elements not this, depending on the time period. 

So what does it mean? Seasons? That’s it! The snowflake, winter, the egg, spring, the sun, summer, the scythe, autumn!

So she picked the stone slab up and pushed the snowflake in and slotted it in the left one. She put the egg in the next one and the sun next to that and then pushed the last one. Suddenly the whole room shook. She noticed that the ground started to sink. She looked up at the entrance which was now blocked. She then looked down to see a bigger chamber underneath her that she was sinking down to. She then spotted that there was glowing turquoise water which lit up the place. She also noticed that, as she landed, there were a group of stone statues going parallel to each other and there was a set of stepping stones leading to a small island in the centre.

She suddenly felt an echo of pain in her chest for some reason. Which she forced herself to not focus upon.

So she ran to one of the stones and landed upon one. Then the floor behind her shot up. She knew that she would never be going back in that direction. She then slowly walked to the edge of the stone and jumped to the next one and the next one and the next one. Then she felt herself wobble as she landed on the next one after that. She had to stop to steady herself. She then jumped to the next one and the next one, making sure that she took it steady. Then she jumped to the final one before she jumped onto the island. She had to take a moment to gather herself. So she took this moment to take a lunch break.

She looked up and saw the stones and the sound of the glowing turquoise lake. She noticed that there was blue and turquoise moss and grass growing from the edges and the lilac and coral pink flowers growing from them and she looked up at the bright white glowing crystals above and hanging down from the roof of the cave. 

She felt the cool environment of the place but not too cold. She noticed just how quiet the place was. She felt herself wake up slightly as she enjoyed the silence and peace of the place. She smiled as her mind suddenly became at peace.

Yet she knew that she could not enjoy it for long. She got to her feet and turned back to the island. She soon spotted a sign post. On it was a riddle.

My head has many colours,

They can be seen in the light,

Yet, despite my beauty,

I have many thorns guarding,

My heads from harm!

At this she was stunted. She could not think of a single thing that matched the riddle. Yet that did not stop her from going over the riddle in her head. Tracing every word. She stroked the rim of her hat as she did.

Head of many colours… seen only in the light… beautiful… thorns… thorns…


I said that out loud…

“That’s it! It’s a rose!” Sbe exclaimed.  

Suddenly she was greeted by a flash of light and she was in a white chamber with a black floor and pillars with nothing more than one small chest like the other two that she had been given, a scroll under a scarlet crystal that was brimming with beauty. One bed to the right that was covered in royal purple covers and pillows.

She walked up to the scroll.


he one that finds this first stone

All of this, is for you. 

I also charge you to find the others too.



Wait, there are more?

She then picked up the stone and chest and put them in her bag. She then rolled the scroll down further.

And  I have placed the room here 

and the map will be automatically 

returned to it’s owner.

She looked up and saw a black door and walked in and saw the room. She then looked back at the scroll to see that the writing had changed. 

You will know why everything will 

be happening to you when the right

time comes.

Your journey is going to be painful 

but stay in there and there will be

light at the end.

What is that all about? She thought as she walked into the room and left the world behind.


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