The Nine Dragons The Feathered Dragon Part Four

 The Murder Army

Loc did not stay there for a month; she stayed there far longer. After two months, she noticed Fufu had become suddenly scared.

“What is it?”

“The Murder Army is coming tonight.”

“The Murder Army?”

“The army of humanoid crows. They always come at the dawn of spring.”

“Do you have anything like bows and arrows?”

“No, they’re outlawed.”

“The dragon?”

“Yes. So get in before sundown.”

“And what if I stayed to fight and kill them?”

“Then I ‘ll have to fire you.”

“Then, I’m sorry. But I will be fighting the army.”

His eyes widened.

“Are you mad?”

“I took down Serpenti and her armies. And a flock the day before I arrived here.”

“Do you have a death wish?”

“No. But even if I did, it would be a wish that would never be granted.” She admitted as the sun started to come down.

“Anyway, I think that we need to close the coffee. You better get home.”

She nodded.

“I think you should. And by this time tomorrow that army will be taken down. You should be able to enjoy your food in free fresh air.”

She then helped close the cafe. Soon Fufu was walking home. She walked home too and took out her sword. She looked out of the window. She could see the Murder coming to the city. She left the house and waited for them to get closer and closer. She breathed in and out making her mind up for the fight ahead.

Her mind became as sharp as a sword as she felt her heartbeat become steadily as they arrived in the sky. Now what the time to fight.

She then spotted one dive at her. She jumped and sliced the head off. She spotted another one dive at her, as it went to strike her she reached out and jumped onto its back. She grabbed his head and pulled up. Then she flew up to the rest of the murder. She saw more coming at her. She pushed the crow forward. The moment that they came to her, she sliced the heads off each and every one of them. Then she spotted the beak of one of them and stabbed the head off one of them that the beak belonged to. She pulled Peble out of the head and drove it to the throats of two coming at her. She then spotted more coming at her and they went to strike her. She reached out her hand and stabbed him in the head.

She then felt a chunk of her stomach being ripped out. She looked down to see that the crow that she was riding on pecked her again and again. She then punched forward, spinning it back. She whipped to the back of the head. She then felt a peak to her left. She drove the sword to the right then to the left. Keeping a firm grip in the one that she was riding on. Then she felt a claw on her shoulder. She whipped her head and bit into the leg and stabbed the body up. Then she pulled the blade out and opened her mouth then sliced it. It fell. Then she felt several scratches in her back. She flew up and slit the stomachs of the two behind. Then she kicked them away from her. Then she felt her arm being struck and flesh fell down. Then she drove the blade into that one.

The looked around to see where the rest of them were. She then noticed a group of them diving at a small child. She pushed the crow man on and it zoomed to the child. She stabbed the skull of the one behind. She stabbed the next one qhd the next one and the one after that. That was when one of them pulled the head off the one that she was riding on.

“Get out of here kid!”

He nodded.

“Urm…right.” He said as he ran.

She then looked around to see where the rest of them were. Then she spotted an old lady fall as she tried to flee from them. She zoomed to the group. She slashed the ones to the left and then the ones to the right as she reached her. She saw another one coming to the old woman. She slashed him before he could even touch her.

She looked up to see that the crow that she was riding on was the last one so she stabbed him. She helped the old lady up. Then they walked to her house. She opened the door to reveal that Fufu was there.

“Did you kill them?”

“And saved my life.”

“I was right. You are mad!”

That night she took a bath and went back to the cafe.

“Is that her?”


“You killed the Murder Army.”

“Do you work here?”

“Yes. She does!”

From that day on, the cafe became quite popular. Mainly to see the one that took down the Murder Army. 


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