The Nine Dragons The Feathered Dragon Part Five

 The Conspiracy Army

Loc continued to work until the next week.

“Tonight is the attack of The Conspiracy Army.”

“And is that an army of raven men?”


“Alright. Then make sure that you are home at sundown. Leave me to fight them.”


“And get your mother at your home and make sure that she stays there.”

“Alright and I will make sure everyone else is too.”

“Thank you.”

That will help me greatly.

“After this, I think that I will give you the rest of the money that I want to give you. I don’t think that it would be a good idea for you to stay here. I don’t want this place to be turned into a target.”

“Yes. I agree! I’ll be finishing my rent tomorrow anyway.”


For the next hour she made sure that everyone made sure that everyone was in their homes. She then took all the homeless and put them up in her rented house. Then, when the sun was down, she knew that it was now or never. Now was the time to act.

She walked to the middle of an empty street. She looked around to see where the Conspiracy Army was coming from. She pulled out her sword. She kept looking for the first sighting of the army. She soon found it. They were flying towards Sky City at full speed. They flew closer and closer. She noticed that as they did they were bigger than the crow men.  She soon spotted that they were twice the size of her!

Can I really do this? She thought for a moment. Looks like I don’t have a choice nor do I want to have the chance to run.  Not now, of all times.

She then felt determination rise within her. The moment their eyes locked into her, they darted towards her. She ran on to them. They raised their talons and she jumped up. She grabbed one of them and pulled herself up and dug the blade into the stomach of the one that it belonged to. She jumped off that one and dived to the head of one that flew opposite. Only to be plucked before she could even touch him. 

She zoomed in the air. She looked down at the beak of the one that was crushing her ribs and stomach. She stabbed the head and pulled it out. They stabbed it in and out again. She fell in the air. Then she was plucked by the talon of another. She looked to the side. She soon noticed that she could not manoeuvre her blade to stab it. So she kicked down to the other leg. She then kicked and kicked and kicked. Once she hit the leg again and again and again it let go. 

She whipped her hand out and pulled her up. She grabbed hold of the tail feathers. She put her blade in her mouth as she climbed up the feather. She then climbed up further and further up until she was on the back. She looked up to see more of them diving at her. She then looked down and then up. She stabbed down and jumped to the one opposite. Yet the first raven to dive at the one that she was on. It opened its mouth and she dived out of the way at the last moment, causing the raven to dig its beak deep into the neck of the other raven giant. Then the raven looked at her then tore out of that one. She then dived away as she looked up to see that the ravens broke out into fighting. She then jumped to the nearest one. She drove her sword into the back causing it to open the beak as it cried. She drove the beak into the back of another and tore a chunk out of it. Then another turned back and tore a chunk out of the throat of the one that she was on.

She dived over to that one. She swung onto the back then she dug her blade into the head of that one. She ran on and dived into the one that was closest. She was about to slice the head off that one before she was grabbed from behind. She was pulled further and further away from the raven giant. She looked back and dug her blade into the leg next to her. It let her go. She then reached out and almost caught the talon of the raven only for her hand to slip. Knowing that she was going to fall, she looked around as she fell and fell. She looked down to see that there was nothing there!

This left her helpless but to fall and fall. She felt the wind pull her hair back as she fell faster and faster. She heard her heart in her ears as she felt nothing but fear as she knew that the landing would be the worst pain that she had ever felt.

Then she was plucked by the beak and she shot up. She looked up as she saw another came close to her. She stabbed up and drove it into the skull of the head of that raven giant. She then rose higher and higher and soon she saw Sky City below her. She then stabbed the eye of the one that held her again and again. It let her go and she shot to the head. She dived onto another one and stabbed that one. She dived onto another one and then was yanked. She stabbed her blade into the skull on the one behind her. She pulled herself off. She hit another and drove the blade in the back.

That was when she noticed that some of them were falling around her. She looked up to see that the ravens were still all fighting amongst themselves! She looked down as she fell and rolled onto the ground. She looked up as she saw the conspiracy dived and tore at each other. They continued to tear and bite at each other causing more and more to fall. She was soon in the middle of falling feathers, falling like rain.

This battle left only one alive, one that was covered in blood and had many wounds. It fell down to the ground with a bone chilling crack. Seeing that there was nothing left to do, she collapsed and all went black.


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