Scar The Mythos Puros Final Part

 Home, Painfully, Alone

They soon arrived in Blackpool. The first place that she went to was Victoria Hospital. There, as Alex went to the loo, she saw Britantia and Beatrice. Britantia had a sling on. As both her twin and father shouted at her.

“Seriously! Why did you climb that tree?”

“Because -”

Then her eyes slid to her.

“Scar, what happened?”

She looked down and she shrugged.

“Case went wrong.” She lied.


“Do you want to talk about it? Mum always says that the best thing that you can do with a problem is to talk to someone about it!”

She nodded.

Except I don’t have anyone to talk to about it.

“I’ll think about it.” She commented as she looked down. “So what happened?”

She laughed goofily.

“I climbed a tall tree for a bet.” She sang. “And it fell.”

“So that’s what it was! Come on! We’re going home, now!”


So the three left when Alex returned. Soon they had the bullets out and stitched up their wounds. Yet the doctor let out a sigh.

“It seems that you have a greater durability than most patients we have here.” The Doctor, Deadalus Chernobog, commented.

“Will she be alright?”

“Yes and, from what I have seen, her immune system seems to be off the charts! And, from what I have seen from her brain, it’s just fascinating.” He explained.

“In what way?”

“It shows great cognitive ability. Yet, having said that, it shows signs of maturity that surpass her age. Intriguing judging by the patterns of her brain, she must have dealt with a great deal of trauma.”

Alex nodded, looking at her concerned.

“Could I-”

“No. Will she be alright to leave?”

“Yes and I would give it three weeks judging by this.”

She nodded.

“So will I have to come back?”

“Only a few times for check ups.”

She nodded. They soon were back in the car.

“Do you have a home?”

She nodded. She looked at him, carefully studying his features. Yet despite wanting to ask more about her biological family, she restrained. Then she looked ahead. 

“I know that -”

“You have a busy life.”

“That, and I have to…make sure that…your mother doesn’t come after you.”

She nodded as her lip curled as she could feel her tears starting to fall again.

“I don’t know if I’m comfortable calling her mother yet. I don’t think I’m ready to call you father either.”

“Me too. It’ll get some getting used to.”

They drove to her house. She climbed out of the car.

“Thank you… Mr Hunt?”

“Just call me Alex. Call me…‘dad’ when you’re ready.”

She smiled and nodded. She then looked surprised.

“Oh give me a piece of paper, please.”

“Alright.” He said as he looked for one.

Then he looked down to see a piece of paper and he frowned.

Dear Scar

Look in the boot XD


She walked to the back of the car. She pulled the lid up and looked down to see her bag! 

“My bag!” She exclaimed. “That man must have put it in!”

She picked it up.

“Which one?”

“The creepy one!” She exclaimed as she let out a sigh of relief. She then unzipped a small pocket at the side. She took a card out and gave it to him.

“Call me when you need to.”

He looked down.

“Alright, Detective Scar? Look after yourself.”

“Yeah. You too.”

Yet as she turned and went to zip the pocket back up she spotted a piece of paper in. She pulled out and unfolded it.

Dearest Scar

I took one of your cards🖤

 So I will be watching🖤

I must admit that I will

expect great things from 


I will tell you my name

at the proper time🖤


She frowned as she walked up to the door and opened the door. She shoved it into her pocket as she closed the door behind her. She felt tears forming, knowing that there was none expecting her. She turned the key and wiped the tear away. She walked to the kitchen even though she had long since lost her appetite. However, she knew that she had to get something in her stomach. She took out an apple and bit into it. She felt her disgust kick in, yet she knew that she had to push through her nausea and took another bite knowing that she would feel better as she ate in. Yet as she did, she soon had to force herself to swallow just to get it down. Yet she soon had to give up on that when she could take it no longer.

She ran to her bedroom, yet as she looked at her adopted mother’s room, she started to walk to that. Her mother’s empty bedroom. It would always be empty like her chances of a normal life. Her adopted mother was dead and her biological mother wanted her dead. Who knows when she would try again! Her father was on his way to stop her, yet who knows how long that would be for! 

When she sat on her mother’s bed and smelt her lingering scent she could not hold them back any longer. Her tears flowed like water. She slipped off the bed and was on her knees. She was shaking as the tears overwhelmed her. She found it difficult to breathe as the tears around her.

Her adopted brother and sister were in another world so she had none in her life. She had no birth certificate. She did not even know the time or day that she was born. She was alone with only the house to her name.

She cried and cried and cried until her head felt light. Then everything went black. She woke up three hours later from her nightmares of the Scarbrough Witches. She screamed and screamed but none heard her screaming and none was coming to wrap their arms around her. Telling her that it was alright. The worst part was how she just could not ask why for she already knew the reason.


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